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Papendink [233] The end of the american dream...


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperland 106: Shane Shu - I see Sheeps fall from the Sky! ||| <5000 views: Robots Don't Cry (Number five is alive!)

The Sheeps were semingly mäh for too much of NSC people :( But yeah, some liked it at least ^^

If i will stay with what i've planned for next edition, Paperland will see the final again xyaay...

...but if i change to the other option, i cant guess what will happen. :mrgreen:

edit: lol... i denied both options ^^


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperland 106: Shane Shu - I see Sheeps fall from the Sky! ||| <5000 views: Robots Don't Cry (Number five is alive!)

Paperian Votings from NSC90 to NSC 105:

There are sometimes additional positions (11th and so on).

If you use a search function for your nation: im not congruent with writing of some nation names like Reym-L-Dneurb (sometimes just RLD) or Llama Republic (sometimes Llama Rep. or Llama R.):

i should update my stat :?


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperland

::pap ::pap ::pap Paperian Entry for NSC 107 ::pap ::pap ::pap

BDC - Guter Mensch

BDC = Beat Dictator Crew

This song is on my list since i have joined NSC and i dont know how many times (5 times at least) i considered it as my entry... but i ever refused it because i thougt it will end just at the bottom because most people doesnt understand the lyrics, which is honestly my main reason why i love it alltough the rest is also great! :) I am still afraid that it will end at the bottom, but this time im brave enough to send it (and annoyed enough from all the times i changed my mind in the last moment). I did my best to make a translation of the lyrics... after i wrote them down in german (they cant be found with google). I hope that my work wasn't for nothing and some people will read it :)

Translated by myself, so its surely not 100% correct ^^

:uk: :uk: :uk:
Translation to english:
I want to be a good person
to be a good person
Yeh-hey Yeh-Hey

I want to be righteous
A good person
fair to everyone
not just only write it in this lyrics
simply stay correct
i want to be nice
try to help everyone
and to be with that a little hero

The good intention counts, i am like i am pretend to be
the more you smile to more comes back to you "not!"
Go with respect trough life, want to *encourage everyone
equal who i met, like it was the last in my life
*i had problems to understand the german lyrics here, maybe this is wrong

I strongly hope now you get it
a step ahead, whats all out there
the vibes you sent comes - believe me - in the same way back to you

Dont give up, Forrest, run run!
let the positive energy from your inside out

I believe in it, so deep i can
that the good defeat the evil in the end
thats why i beginn
did it without regard
alltough alone, i cant
make it right

Papperlapapp*, i stay with it
love my vision like my own home
write line for line, write rhyme for rhyme
to easy being a good person
*german for: What others say is irrelevant/dumb

Oooh-oooh, i want to be a good person
respect everyone and still be myself in the end
Oooh-oooh, i want to be a good person
Being true and fair, not only write it in this text
Oooh-oooh, i want to be a good person
respect everyone and still be myself in the end
Oooh-oooh, i want to be a good person
A good person, a good person


A good person, yeah, that sounds great, but
the most good person you can find on the looserstreet
i mean, if you take a hard look, if you watch more closely
was Bush the President and Jesus was nailed on the cross
i dont want to say something about the paradise
like over what comes after death
but as half of an atheist
i have to put some things in question,
whats the sense if everyone would go back in line for everyone?

No, in the real world
there rules the bad guys
over the working class
the goods are just hungry
O-ooh O-ooh
Only if you sign that your luck will be denied
and in return you become the half of what i earn
but i will own your soul
but i will own your soul


Oooh-oooh, i want to be a good person
respect everyone and still be myself in the end
Oooh-oooh, i want to be a good person
Being true and fair, not only write it in this text
Oooh-oooh, i want to be a good person
respect everyone and still be myself in the end
Oooh-oooh, i want to be a good person
A good person, a good person


German lyrics:
Ich will ein Guter Mensch sein
Ein Guter Mensch sein
Yeh-hey Yeh-Hey

Ich will gerecht sein
Ein guter Mensch sein
Mit jedem fair umgehen
Und es nicht nur in diesem Text schreib'n
Einfach korrekt bleiben
Ich will doch nett sein
der jedem versucht zu helfen
und damit ein kleiner Held sein

Der gute Wille zählt, wie ich mich geb, Mann, so ist es
Je mehr du lächelst, desto mehr kommt zurück "nicht!"
Geh mit Respekt durchs Leben, will (Mut ererben?*) jedem
egal wer mir begegnet, alls wärs der letzte im Leben
*ich bin mir an dieser Stelle alles andere as sicher...

Ich hoffe schwer jetzt macht es klick
ein Schritt nach vorn, was es doch gibt
was du ausstrahlst kommt - wie es ist - auf gleiche Art auf dich zurück

Gib nicht auf, Forrest, Lauf Lauf!
lass die positive Energie von innen raus

Ich glaube daran, so tief ich auch kann
dass Gutes Böses am Ende verbannt
drum fang ich mal an
tus trotzdem dann
auch wenn ich allein
nix richten kann

Papperlapapp, ich bleib dabei
lieb meine Vision wie mein eigenes Heim
Schreib Zeile für Zeile, schreib Reim für Reim
um lässig ein guter Mensch zu sein

Oooh-oooh, ich will ein guter Mensch sein
Jeden respektieren und am Ende doch ich selbst sein
Oooh-oooh, ich will ein guter Mensch sein
Echt und gerecht sein so wenig nur den Text schreib'n
Oooh-oooh, ich will ein guter Mensch sein
Jeden respektieren und am Ende doch ich selbst sein
Oooh-oooh, ich will ein guter Mensch sein
Ein guter Mensch, ein guter Mensch


Ein guter Mensch, dass klingt ja super, aber
die meisten guten Menschen triffst du auf der Looserstrasse
ich meine, kuck genauer, wenn man sich das ansieht
war Bush doch Präsident und Jesus ist am Kreuz gelandet
ich mein ich sag ja nix, über das Paradies
wie über was nachher kommt
doch als halber Atheist
muss mann doch gewisse Dinge mal in Frage stellen
was bringt es denn, wenn alle drängeln sich dir hinten anzustellen?

Nein, in der realen Welt
regier'n die Halsabschneider
Über die Underbeiter (Wortspiel: Under = Unter = Untere Arbeiter)
die Guten bleiben Hungerleider
Oooh Oooh
Ausser du unterschreibst dein Glück musst du denie (Zusammensetzung aus deny + nie)
du kriegst die Hälfte bloss Tantiem (Tantiemen)
aber ich krieg deine Seele
aber ich krieg deine Seele


Oooh-oooh, ich will ein guter Mensch sein
Jeden respektieren und am Ende doch ich selbst sein
Oooh-oooh, ich will ein guter Mensch sein
Echt und gerecht sein so wenig nur den Text schreib'n
Oooh-oooh, ich will ein guter Mensch sein
Jeden respektieren und am Ende doch ich selbst sein
Oooh-oooh, ich will ein guter Mensch sein
Ein guter Mensch, ein guter Mensch


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperland 107: Guter Mensch (translated lyrics inside)

Hmmm... i haven't send this to the host so far, maybe i will change it :?


Well-known member
March 6, 2011
Re: Paperland 107: Guter Mensch (translated lyrics inside) it because no one made a comment? :(


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperland 107: Guter Mensch (translated lyrics inside) it because no one made a comment? :(

Maybe that influenced my feeling a bit, but its mainly just because im in love with this song in first because i love the lyrics and many NSCers won't understand them. I think i will decide on monday what to do.

Edit: Okay, i decided to not decide so i let some random person decides and the person said randomly: stay with "Guter Mensch" :)*

*aka "1"


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperland 107: Guter Mensch (translated lyrics inside)

I tried tonight to do a origami cactus while i was listening to the possible ::pap entries for NSC 108 ^^

I never done origami before :lol:


Well-known member
March 6, 2011
Re: Paperland 107: Guter Mensch (translated lyrics inside)

Is it Anselm - My origami cactus friend?


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperland 107: Guter Mensch (translated lyrics inside)

due a lack of time i changed my plans for NSC 108....

and i have no idea what to send... maybe i should just send Elijah Wood singing some random tune and looking into the camera with his blue hobbit-eyes.


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperland...

Okay... because i cant decide between the songs i had in mind for NSC 108 i simply decided to send none of them.

Instead i will go with something you haven't heard so far from Paperland.

Imagine you in a frosty landscape on your way home... without knowing if you will ever reach it.
It will be a picvideo, concentrate on the sound and let the music build the images in your head...

This time, i won't reveal the entry before...


Well-known member
March 6, 2011
Re: About Paperland 108...

I had 30+ notifications and I thought I won something. :'(


Well-known member
June 8, 2011
Re: About Paperland 108...

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