Re: MALTA 2018
So I want them to send eight of their songs to Lisbon... In order!
Supernovas - Just an amazing song. I adored it and cannot fault it. Explosive and epic
Song for Dad - Such a heartfelt song. Lovely staging and great interactions. Would also be cool to have a father-son combo at ESC.
Back to Life - My pre-show favourite. Not sure if it would be too much of a risk to send her if she's inconsistent live, but what a song
Turn It Up - Groovy! Gets me dancing and whatnot. A real bop.
Evolution - Has power and anger in that voice - not hugely Maltese but has done well for other countries!
First Time - The song does not quite do her voice justice, but she can certainly do an amazing job.
Breaking Point - Another excellent duet. They work really well on stage together and could delight us all soon!
Beyond Blue Horizons - Just sneaking onto my list for the ending. Quite different from what we normally see at ESC, but a dark horse for me.
Heck knows what'll happen! Am excited to find out our winner