Art: it's a decent art, although personally i prefer much cleaner graphics over those too busy ones. I rank it somewhere between Norway and Finland (that's interesting... my least favorite arts in recent years are all Nordic ones)
Slogan: Well, it's a weaker version of 2004 slogan. They both speak about unity, but Under the Same Sky is much more imaginative. It also has an advantage of being truthful, while We Are One is a pretty lie at its best.
At its worst, We Are One is something i could picture
this girl coming up with xD
After Azerbaijan's shameless self promotion, I wouldn't mind Sweden going easy on the "This is why our country is so great" stuff. Sweden has nothing to prove.
Nothing? I think Sweden could try to prove they have richer heritage than ABBA and IKEA
If self-promotion was wrong, we should have ESC hosted in the same place every year rather than do such a big fuss about hosting. Taking Eurovision as an opportunity to present the country and its culture grants some diversity from year to year. Otherwise, it all melts down in one uniform pop-culture mash.