It's easy to think the ratings will improve this year thanks to Il Volo nonetheless, I guess people will be curious to see how they'll fare.
I'm not so hopeful 'cause we had high expectations for 2013 with Marco Mengoni (everytime he is special guest in a tv programme there is an increase in the ratings) and Emma Marrone too (but we knew that she share the same audience with Amici so we expected a bad result 'cause many fans of her preferred to watch Amici and not Eurovision -.-) but we didn't reach at least 2 millions viewers (an episode of a TV series like "Castle" reachs easily that result on Saturday night on Rai 2)
Don't know what to think this year 'cause the italian fanbase of Il Volo is not so big and I actually think that on Saturday 23rd May Rai 1 will broadcast a reply of one of the most succesfull italian fictions like "Don Matteo" or "Che Dio ci aiuti" who reach millions and millions of viewers although are only replies!!! For example, last friday a reply of "Il Commissario Montalbano" has been the most watched programme with 4.615.000 viewers.