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Iceland // WV 190: aYia - New Moon


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany



No. of Participations – 134
First Participation – WV 01
No. of Wins – 6 (WV 10, 45, 104, 120, 144, 172)
No. of Qualifications – 87 (65%)

Whiteshoes Statistics

No. of Participations – 131
First Participation – WV 39
No. of wins – 6 (WV 45, 103, 120, 139, 154, 172)
Worst Result - 21st out of 22 in SF (WV 156)
No. of Qualifications – 91 (69%)

WV 176 Entry:

Toneron - Life

WV 39 || Semifinal: 16th - 047 points | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || Árstiðir - Á meðan jörðin sefur
WV 40 || Semifinal: 15th - 053 points | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || Sin fang - Look at the light
WV 41 || Semifinal: 15th - 052 points | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || I svörtum fötum - Paradís
WV 42 || Semifinal: 03rd - 093 points | Final: 08th - 141 pts || Of Monsters and Men - Dirty Paws
WV 43 || Semifinal: 20th - 042 points | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || Skálmöld - Kvaðning
WV 44 || Semifinal: 04th - 092 points | Final: 12th - 126 pts || Ólafur Arnalds ft. Haukur Heiðar Hauksson - A hundred reasons
WV 45 || Semifinal: 07th - 073 points | Final: 01st - 191 pts || Kaleo - Vor í Vaglaskógi
WV 46 || Semifinal: PREQUALIFIER| Final: 21st - 095 pts || Agent Fresco - Dark Water
WV 47 || Semifinal: 11th - 064 points | Final: 26th - 082 pts || Dikta - Thank You
WV 48 || Semifinal: 15th - 051 points | Final: 21st - 093 pts || Jónsi - Tornado
WV 49 || Semifinal: 04th - 100 points | Final: 19th - 095 pts || Ásgeir - Dýrð i dauðaþögn
WV 50 || Semifinal: 03th - 109 points | Final: 08th - 144 pts || Thorsteinn Einarsson - Leya
WV 51 || Semifinal: 17th - 047 points | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || Tilbury - Tenderloin
WV 52 || Semifinal: 11th - 065 points | Final: 06th - 155 pts || Sigur Rós - Hoppipolla
WV 53 || Semifinal: 02nd - 109 points | Final: 08th - 141 pts || Low Roar - Friends Make Garbage
WV 54 || Semifinal: 06th - 068 points | Final: 26th - 076 pts || Rökkurró - Sjónarspil
WV 55 || Semifinal: 15th - 051 points | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || Ásgeir - Hærra
WV 56 || Semifinal: 15th - 051 points | Final: 05th - 164 pts || Ólafur Arnalds - Fyrsta
WV 57 || Semifinal: 01st - 091 points | Final: 09th - 141 pts || Árstiðir - Himinhvel

WV 58 || Semifinal: TBA | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || Svala - The Real Me
WV 59 || Semifinal: TBA | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || Jón ft. Haffi Haff - Hljómsveitin Jón
WV 60 || Semifinal: TBA | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || Sniglabandið - Britney
WV 61 || Semifinal: TBA | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || Thorunn Antonia - Too Late
WV 62 || Semifinal: TBA | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || Unnur Eggerts - Stólin Augnablik
WV 63 || Semifinal: TBA | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || GusGus- Over
WV 64 || Semifinal: TBA | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || JFM ft. Steed Lord - Viva la Brea
WV 65 || Semifinal: TBA | Final: 22nd - ??? pts || Rok & Yohanna - Find a Better Man

WV 66 || Semifinal: 08th - 061 pts | Final: 15th - 133 pts || Sólstafir - Miðaftann
WV 67 || Semifinal: 05th - 075 pts | Final: 18th - 119 pts || Rökkurró - Svanur
WV 68 || Semifinal: 10th - 062 pts | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || John Grant - Global Warming
WV 69 || Semifinal: 14th - 052 pts | Final: 18th - 125 pts || Brunaliðið - Ástarsorg
WV 70 || Semifinal: no idea - no idea | Final: 13th - many pts || Sigur Rós - Starálfur
WV 71 || Semifinal: 07th - 076 pts | Final: 18th - 127 pts || Júníus Meyvant - Color Decay
WV 72 || Semifinal: 02nd - 081 pts | Final: 18th - 117 pts || Mono Town - In The Eye of the Storm
WV 73 || Semifinal: 04th - 082 pts | Final: 2nd - 174 pts || Árstíðir - Ró
WV 74 || Semifinal: 10th - 061 pts | Final: 6th - 162 pts || Sigur Rós - Dauðalogn
WV 75 || Semifinal: 17th - 043 pts | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || Mammút - Ströndin
WV 76 || Semifinal: 1st - 093 pts | Final: 2nd - 224 pts || Kaleo - Way Down We Go
WV 77 || Semifinal: ??? - ??? | Final: 8th - ??? pts || CeaseTone - Humble History Song
WV 78 || Semifinal: ??? - ??? pts | Final: 3rd - ??? pts || Sin Fang, Sóley & Örver Smárason -
Random Haiku Generator
WV 79 || Semifinal: ??? - ??? pts | Final: ??? - ??? pts || Kontinuum - Í Gljúfradal
Last edited:


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 75: National Final GIRLS EDITION

Thanks for your votings [MENTION=12033]Nicholas123[/MENTION] and [MENTION=12992]Fierro[/MENTION] xheat
and look, the "comfortable lead" I mentioned before has almost melted away... it's very tight now. I like it tight.


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 75: National Final GIRLS EDITION

Allo allo! I've had a listen through all the songs in the NF but unfortunately I think I'll pass on voting this time around. As you've mentioned yourself, the songs here all sound 'very very cold', which is... just about the exact opposite of what I like in my music :rolleyes:

I considered sending votes regardless, but under the voting system you've got it'd just end with everything ending on a 3, 4 or 5, which wouldn't really help. I do tend to adore your more orchestral/ethereal music, but I apologise; I'm really struggling with your colder electronic stuff.

Nonetheless, best of luck for WV75! xheya


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 75: National Final GIRLS EDITION

Allo allo! I've had a listen through all the songs in the NF but unfortunately I think I'll pass on voting this time around. As you've mentioned yourself, the songs here all sound 'very very cold', which is... just about the exact opposite of what I like in my music :rolleyes:

I considered sending votes regardless, but under the voting system you've got it'd just end with everything ending on a 3, 4 or 5, which wouldn't really help. I do tend to adore your more orchestral/ethereal music, but I apologise; I'm really struggling with your colder electronic stuff.

Nonetheless, best of luck for WV75! xheya

Thanks for listening to all the songs and torturing yourself xheat I hope you didn't freeze

I wish you best of luck, too! I liked two of the songs in your selection so I am cautiously optimistic that I will like your winner song xD

Thanks for voting dear [MENTION=13024]revallsay[/MENTION] ... thanks to your voting there is a new leader now!

for all other users who are still interested in voting: I give you 16 hours from now on... the deadline is tomorrow 12 CET .. hurry up!!


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 75: National Final GIRLS EDITION

National Final is closed

Thanks again to 11 voters (+1 person who planned to vote but couldn't get into the songs) xcheer


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 75: National Final GIRLS EDITION

WV 75: Mammút - Ströndin



Heiðina heyri kólna, finn hún leitar á mig.
Yfir slétturnar á mig kallar kuldinn, komdu heim.
Í hringi snýrð mér áfram til þín steina ég ber,
með tár í blindum augum kyssi ég þig.

Ég kem aldrei aftur, en höldum áfram saman nú.
höldum áfram saman nú. (ooh)
Voðaskot mun sækja mig, það dreymir til mín,
með slætti það mig heggur í helgu vatni nú ég frýs.
bergmálaðu sláttinn aftur, berðu hann á mig og faðmaðu mig fastar, oftar
því mig verkjar enn, verkjar enn

Ég kem aldrei aftur, en höldum áfram saman nú.
Höldum áfram saman nú.
Höldum áfram saman, höldum áframan saman nú. Ó, ég kem aldrei aftur mm ég kem aldrei aftur (Ooh)

(take this with a grain of salt. I didnt find a translation and tried it by myself. Some sentences doesn't seem to make sense. Blame the language, not me)

I hear the heath cooling down, I feel it's looking for me
Across the steppes the coldness is calling me to come home
In the circle I bend forward to your stones I'm bearing
With tears in blind eyes I'm kissing you

I'll never come back, but for now we go on together
now we go on together
A dangerous shot will hit me, it dreams of me
With palpitation that cuts me in the holy water ( xshrug ) , now I freeze
? echoed again, flailed at me and hugged me tightly and often
therefore it still hurts me, still hurts me

I'll never come back, but for now we go on together
we go on together, now we go on together, oh, I will never come back hmm, I will never come back


Mammút deservedly won this National Final. All voters apart of Kris, chon and Alex gave it 7 or more points. Calvin and Daniel gave it even 9. I'm happy to see the only Icelandic song of the selection winning. Moreover I think it's the best possible winner cause out of these 6 songs I've known this song the longest time and it was about time to send this. Finally some rock music from Iceland again

Sóley became second. She had the lead nearly the whole time but then suddenly Rev voted and caused a change of leadership. Soley received more 9 points than Mammut (even one 9,5) but it didn't get love from Kris, Rev, fierro and Alex and that tipped the scales after all.

With a deficit of 10 points to the second place, Emiliana Torrini became third. Her song was appreciated a lot by Chon, Calvin and Kai but sadly Kris, Ben, fierro, Rev and Alex didn't have strong feelings for this song. I think WV isn't ready for this kind of songs anyway.

múm became only fourth. Rev adored their song and so did Daniel. However, many other voters were sceptical towards this one. Even Robert and Nicholas who liked most other songs couldn't get into this one. The experimental vibes and the very high pitched voice might have put off some people.

I am disappointed about Myrra Rós ending up on 5th place. It was Daniels favorite and Calvin loved this too (under certain circumstances). Other people however gave it only 7 or lower. Maybe this is not catchy enough for the taste of the masses.

Vök and their Electro-pop song did hardly get love. Only one 8 by Nicholas, three 7s by Ben, Kris and fierro and average/low points by all of the other people. What a shame. Maybe if some people with different tastes dared to vote in my NF this would have done much better. Unfortunately some people probably doesnt even pay attention to my NFs cause they don't think there is a chance they could like any song.


Well-known member
December 7, 2013
San Fierro
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 75: Mammút - Ströndin

It's definetly a good entry from you because I immediately remembered how this song sounds just after looking at title.


Active member
May 26, 2015
the Netherlands
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 75: Mammút - Ströndin

Welp time to leave a little message here.

Flashback to last edition. I really liked your Sigur Ros song, way more than the one you entered in WV 74 but I didn't manage to fit it in my top 10. It was a strong final and I had to blank quite some songs I liked. Most of them got points in the semi, but you (and EmRo) didn't and it sucks xcry1

This edition you had a slaying song - way better even than the Sigur Ros one - but you were in what was for me the strongest semi, by far, and I had to put you low again. You got 3 points off of me which would've probably been 5/6 in semi 2 and 8 (!) in semi 3.

Anyway, have my appreciation and good luck next time. :D :D

Edit: Post #1000! :eek:


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 75: Mammút - Ströndin

Thanks for your support [MENTION=14938]Dutchball[/MENTION] and all the other persons who gave points to "Ströndin" xheart
I saw the Iceland flag in many NQ-posts after the show so I see it attracted a big group of people. I am happy with the general feedback I received for this song. My REJU result was quite decent at the end (9th place), my regular result was a little below my expectations (17th place...)

I will post my next National Final either tomorrow or on Wednesday. It will consist of four songs of one band. It's an returning band I am very eager to send to WV again. I consider this band incredibly talented and their songs are very well written and produced. I am optimistic I will have a satisfying number of voters xcheer But as always... no pressure!

Best regards,

your favorite shoes (no offense, Kris)


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 75: Mammút - Ströndin



Welcome to Söngvakeppnin 76: Kaleo Edition. It's a big satisfcation to finally send my favorite indie-folk-rock band to WV again after a break of of 31 long editions.. I don't even know how I could refrain from sending them so long :eek:
Kaleo became famous in Iceland in 2012 after they covered a well-known Icelandic ballad called Vor i Vaglaskogi
(the one I sent to WV before, I hope somebody remembers). This however is their only Icelandic song. They use to sing in English and many of their songs are very American sounding, cause many of them are heavily influenced by delta blues and Southern States folk. Therefore It's no surprise they moved to Austin, Texas a couple of years ago. Of course, Kaleo has also a softer, beautiful indie-folkish side and in general they have some pretty amazing and professional song-writing skills. They are certainly very eclectic and that's also why I love them. You never know what you get.
In the last year they had some big tours through the USA, including performances in late-night shows, and they gained much popularity. Their most famous song Way down we go (that also takes part here) peaked #1 in the US-American alternative rock charts and was featured in multiple series and movie trailers. At the moment they are also quite successful in Germany. Their album "A/B" peaked #9 in the album charts and Way down We go #6 in the single charts. I fear they are almost too mainstream-ish for me but then again I got to know them when they were completely unknown so I guess this is a good excuse.
Kaleo is notorious for performing on extraordinary places such as the inside of a volcano or on shaky icebergs.

The Songs

1. No Good

2. Way Down We Go

3. All The Pretty Girls

4. Save Yourself

The Voting

You've got 15 points you can allocate to these four songs. Only restriction: Every song need to get at least 1 point!
Possible votings:

Have fun! xcheer

Voted: ::seen :am: Whatever Flo is in charge of :hr: ::hove :west: :sc: :lond: :ua: ::blgr :paci: :de: Shmelsasha :pt: Connorland :ph: ::atti ::nb



Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 76 - National Final: KALEO

Thanks for your voting, Robert and Charly xheart Your voting changed the ranking a lot. But that's because there wasn't a ranking before

I plan to make a little LL on Sunday, 17 CET. Since there are only four songs it will only take until 17:17. I hope this is not too long for you xpray

It will take place here:
[MENTION=11774]Guilep[/MENTION] [MENTION=12033]Nicholas123[/MENTION] [MENTION=14451]ferret[/MENTION] [MENTION=10575]Den[/MENTION]isa [MENTION=6490]randajad[/MENTION] [MENTION=12986]Romeo[/MENTION] [MENTION=4911]kopachka[/MENTION] [MENTION=8036]Salmon[/MENTION] [MENTION=15047]Alevender[/MENTION] [MENTION=8788]chontono[/MENTION] [MENTION=14424]Genesis[/MENTION] [MENTION=13598]Veronika[/MENTION] [MENTION=13185]Edward[/MENTION] [MENTION=12894]ClassifiedCat[/MENTION] [MENTION=12837]JamieBrown[/MENTION] [MENTION=10726]FilipFromSweden[/MENTION] [MENTION=9149]Shmelsasha[/MENTION] [MENTION=8763]Gera11[/MENTION] [MENTION=12072]Amir[/MENTION] [MENTION=12848]MARCOMEN[/MENTION] [MENTION=12553]Krishoes[/MENTION] [MENTION=11243]ZoboCamel[/MENTION] [MENTION=9461]nekoisneko[/MENTION] [MENTION=10639]as78[/MENTION] [MENTION=14007]lavieenrose[/MENTION] [MENTION=13024]revallsay[/MENTION] [MENTION=11745]DannyDS[/MENTION] [MENTION=8534]theCONWEL[/MENTION] [MENTION=13314]DaFlo[/MENTION] [MENTION=14938]Dutchball[/MENTION] [MENTION=14612]Aditya[/MENTION] [MENTION=9441]RainyWoods[/MENTION] [MENTION=10140]cegs5[/MENTION] [MENTION=15323]Eulaliya[/MENTION] [MENTION=11728]Alex1211ander[/MENTION] [MENTION=4724]EurovisionSmile[/MENTION] [MENTION=14174]Koori[/MENTION] [MENTION=10742]daniels1000[/MENTION] [MENTION=13948]fer20[/MENTION] [MENTION=14372]Uvaro[/MENTION] [MENTION=15013]Ringdalen[/MENTION] [MENTION=4597]Stargazer[/MENTION] [MENTION=7176]RomanFromRussia[/MENTION] [MENTION=6519]Tinchey[/MENTION] [MENTION=10162]Rose82[/MENTION] [MENTION=6221]Mozz[/MENTION] [MENTION=12992]Fierro[/MENTION] [MENTION=13476]Gabe[/MENTION] [MENTION=10674]Staewi[/MENTION] [MENTION=6598]TheLuflee[/MENTION] [MENTION=12078]AshleyWright[/MENTION] [MENTION=12153]King Valentino[/MENTION]

Vote or die I'd appreciate to receive your votings if you have time and motivation xcheer some of you, I know, won't vote anyway but I still like to invite as many people as possible. If you don't feel like listening to the songs by yourself you can join the LL I announced above. Then you can lean back and enjoy (or hate)

See you on Sunday or not! xheat


Super Moderator
Staff member
March 1, 2013
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 76 - National Final: KALEO

I will try and vote tomorrow. I have work when the LL so sadly wont be able to attend it, but I will vote. :D


Well-known member
March 27, 2012
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 76 - National Final: KALEO

I can't vote on Sunday but otherwise I'd like to help out!


Active member
May 26, 2015
the Netherlands
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 76 - National Final: KALEO

So many things to do and so little time xshifty

I should really vote in this one as I missed out on the previous 2 (same goes for :sc:). Won't be here for the LL but I can probably find 17 minutes of free time somewhere xcheer


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 76 - National Final: KALEO

Thanks for voting, Elgars & an den hippen Flo für sein sehr deutsches Voting.. emm, Stimmabgabe. xcheer


Well-known member
January 7, 2014
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 76 - National Final: KALEO

I may come :) the time is ok. I don't promise, but I will vote for sure!


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 76 - National Final: KALEO

Thank you for your precious voting [MENTION=8763]Gera11[/MENTION] and [MENTION=12078]AshleyWright[/MENTION] , I am very grateful.
Bless the people who vote in my NF.. finally I am part of the mainstream xqueenbitch

Keep it up guys! Gimme more more more votings! xheat

and if you have time, remember.. 17 CET in this room:


Albania Superstar
August 21, 2014
Phoenix, AZ / Oovoo Javer
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 76 - National Final: KALEO

:lond: voted xheya
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