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Iceland // WV 190: aYia - New Moon


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany



No. of Participations – 134
First Participation – WV 01
No. of Wins – 6 (WV 10, 45, 104, 120, 144, 172)
No. of Qualifications – 87 (65%)

Whiteshoes Statistics

No. of Participations – 131
First Participation – WV 39
No. of wins – 6 (WV 45, 103, 120, 139, 154, 172)
Worst Result - 21st out of 22 in SF (WV 156)
No. of Qualifications – 91 (69%)

WV 176 Entry:

Toneron - Life

WV 39 || Semifinal: 16th - 047 points | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || Árstiðir - Á meðan jörðin sefur
WV 40 || Semifinal: 15th - 053 points | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || Sin fang - Look at the light
WV 41 || Semifinal: 15th - 052 points | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || I svörtum fötum - Paradís
WV 42 || Semifinal: 03rd - 093 points | Final: 08th - 141 pts || Of Monsters and Men - Dirty Paws
WV 43 || Semifinal: 20th - 042 points | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || Skálmöld - Kvaðning
WV 44 || Semifinal: 04th - 092 points | Final: 12th - 126 pts || Ólafur Arnalds ft. Haukur Heiðar Hauksson - A hundred reasons
WV 45 || Semifinal: 07th - 073 points | Final: 01st - 191 pts || Kaleo - Vor í Vaglaskógi
WV 46 || Semifinal: PREQUALIFIER| Final: 21st - 095 pts || Agent Fresco - Dark Water
WV 47 || Semifinal: 11th - 064 points | Final: 26th - 082 pts || Dikta - Thank You
WV 48 || Semifinal: 15th - 051 points | Final: 21st - 093 pts || Jónsi - Tornado
WV 49 || Semifinal: 04th - 100 points | Final: 19th - 095 pts || Ásgeir - Dýrð i dauðaþögn
WV 50 || Semifinal: 03th - 109 points | Final: 08th - 144 pts || Thorsteinn Einarsson - Leya
WV 51 || Semifinal: 17th - 047 points | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || Tilbury - Tenderloin
WV 52 || Semifinal: 11th - 065 points | Final: 06th - 155 pts || Sigur Rós - Hoppipolla
WV 53 || Semifinal: 02nd - 109 points | Final: 08th - 141 pts || Low Roar - Friends Make Garbage
WV 54 || Semifinal: 06th - 068 points | Final: 26th - 076 pts || Rökkurró - Sjónarspil
WV 55 || Semifinal: 15th - 051 points | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || Ásgeir - Hærra
WV 56 || Semifinal: 15th - 051 points | Final: 05th - 164 pts || Ólafur Arnalds - Fyrsta
WV 57 || Semifinal: 01st - 091 points | Final: 09th - 141 pts || Árstiðir - Himinhvel

WV 58 || Semifinal: TBA | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || Svala - The Real Me
WV 59 || Semifinal: TBA | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || Jón ft. Haffi Haff - Hljómsveitin Jón
WV 60 || Semifinal: TBA | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || Sniglabandið - Britney
WV 61 || Semifinal: TBA | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || Thorunn Antonia - Too Late
WV 62 || Semifinal: TBA | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || Unnur Eggerts - Stólin Augnablik
WV 63 || Semifinal: TBA | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || GusGus- Over
WV 64 || Semifinal: TBA | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || JFM ft. Steed Lord - Viva la Brea
WV 65 || Semifinal: TBA | Final: 22nd - ??? pts || Rok & Yohanna - Find a Better Man

WV 66 || Semifinal: 08th - 061 pts | Final: 15th - 133 pts || Sólstafir - Miðaftann
WV 67 || Semifinal: 05th - 075 pts | Final: 18th - 119 pts || Rökkurró - Svanur
WV 68 || Semifinal: 10th - 062 pts | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || John Grant - Global Warming
WV 69 || Semifinal: 14th - 052 pts | Final: 18th - 125 pts || Brunaliðið - Ástarsorg
WV 70 || Semifinal: no idea - no idea | Final: 13th - many pts || Sigur Rós - Starálfur
WV 71 || Semifinal: 07th - 076 pts | Final: 18th - 127 pts || Júníus Meyvant - Color Decay
WV 72 || Semifinal: 02nd - 081 pts | Final: 18th - 117 pts || Mono Town - In The Eye of the Storm
WV 73 || Semifinal: 04th - 082 pts | Final: 2nd - 174 pts || Árstíðir - Ró
WV 74 || Semifinal: 10th - 061 pts | Final: 6th - 162 pts || Sigur Rós - Dauðalogn
WV 75 || Semifinal: 17th - 043 pts | Final: DNQ - DNQ pts || Mammút - Ströndin
WV 76 || Semifinal: 1st - 093 pts | Final: 2nd - 224 pts || Kaleo - Way Down We Go
WV 77 || Semifinal: ??? - ??? | Final: 8th - ??? pts || CeaseTone - Humble History Song
WV 78 || Semifinal: ??? - ??? pts | Final: 3rd - ??? pts || Sin Fang, Sóley & Örver Smárason -
Random Haiku Generator
WV 79 || Semifinal: ??? - ??? pts | Final: ??? - ??? pts || Kontinuum - Í Gljúfradal
Last edited:


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 70: SIGUR ROS NATIONAL FINAL (Ágætis Byrjun) Post #520

The National Final is officially closed!

The last day made up for the slightly disappointing days before cause today I received five votings and the ranking changed a lot.

I say thanks to 9 1/2 voters: ::wscs ::blgr :mt: :de: ::mida :jp: ::atti :lv: :sc: ( :lond: )

At the end the it was neither a close race nor a landslide win. Something in between I guess.

1. 49,999
2. 44
3. 28,501
4. 20

no questions please xshifty


Well-known member
March 29, 2012
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 70: SIGUR ROS NATIONAL FINAL (Ágætis Byrjun) Post #520

Well, thanks for revealing... something... :mrgreen: Good luck! xcrossed

Such slaygurróssing NF. xheart

slaygurrós verb (to be slaygurróssed) — to be slayed by the quality of a particular Sigurkeppnin.


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 70: SIGUR ROS NATIONAL FINAL (Ágætis Byrjun) Post #520

WV 70: Sigur Rós - Starálfur



Blá nótt yfir himininn
Blá nótt yfir mér
Horf-inn út um gluggann
Minn með hendur
Faldar undir kinn
Hugsum daginn minn
Í dag og í gær

Blá náttfötin klæða mig í
Beint upp í rúm
Breiði mjúku sængina
Loka augunum
Ég fel hausinn minn undir sæng

Starir á mig lítill álfur
Breytir mér í, en hreyfist ekki
Úr stað – sjálfur

Opna augun
Stírurnar úr
Teygi mig og tel (Hvort ég sé ekki)
Kominn aftur og allt allt í lagi
Samt vantar eitthvað
Eins og alla veggina

(Starir á mig lítill álfur)
(Breytir mér í)
Úr stað – sjálfur
Ég er...


Blue night across the sky
Blue night over me
Disappeared out my window
With hands
Folded under cheek
Thinking about my day
Today and yesterday

I dress in the blue pajamas
Straight into bed
Spread the soft covers
Close my eyes
I hide my head under covers

A little elf stares at me
Runs towards me, but doesn't move
From its place - itself
Staring elf

I open my eyes
Wipe the crusts out
Stretch and check (whether I haven't)
Come back and everything is alright
Still something is missing
Like all the walls

(A little elf stares at me)
(Runs towards me)

From its place - itself
I am...

The winner of my Ágætis Byrjun NF (possibly the best NF I've ever come up with) is: *pointless drum roll since you already spotted it written above in big letters* STÁRALFUR!
What should I say... I expected it to win anyway as it's the most beautiful song in this selection. I thought only Olsen Olsen can be a serious rival and this prediction turned out right. Actually "Olsen Olsen" lead most parts of the voting period until on the last day Zobo's and especially Nicholas' voting made Staralfur taking the lead. Finally, Aigars voting was decisive for the fight for 1st place. Daniels last-minute voting was totally pointless cause it was almost clear that he couldnt change the winner anymore. He boosted Olsen Olsen but it wasn't simply enough.

What should I tell about my feelings towards the song... There are two songs that are shaping my identity, which are basically the soundtracks of my life. The first I listen to whenever I need positive energy and this song is called Hoppipolla. The second song I listen in my sensitive, emotional and melancholic moments or if I just need something very beautiful and this song is called Starálfur. I love this pure, celestial piece of music. The strings that made me cry often enough, Jonsi's angelic voice, the fireworks used as drums in the middle part... It is complete slayage for me.
The song is not only representing me but it also representing Iceland beautifully. It not only sounds like Iceland, also the lyrics is about an mysterious elf who just appears out of the nothing. Is there anything more Icelandic than an elf? That's also the reason why I choose the video with pictures of Icelands unique landscapes because it suits the atmosphere really well.

I hope I won't regret sending a song to the WV that means so much for me. When I send Hoppipolla back then I wasn't aware yet how much I adore that song but in this case I intentionally send one of my all-time favorite songs to WV and I am quite nervous. I know there can't happen anything worse than me failing in the Semi Final but I fear this could steal my motivation for this contest and it could destroy the whole joy that I've experienced since November 2014, when I decided to enter the world of Worldvision. I will try everything to take the whole thing not to seriously and to stay optimistic, regardless of what might happen. There are people in this community who appreciate this song a lot and I am happy that I sucessfully spread this song to other people, it feels like a personal compliment and honour to me. It's always great to share the love for something with other people and no result should be able to destroy this.

This is the final result of the Sigurkeppnin. I didn't prepare a table with all votings since I was rather sloppy this time and only cared for which song is just leading. If you are very interested to know the votings of all jurors because it's transparent and so on I can of course prepare and post it on a later occasion.

1. Starálfur 50 p.
2. Olsen Olsen 44 p.
3. Ágætis Byrjun 28,5 p.
4. Vidrar vel til loftarása 20 p.

As far as I recall, Olsen Olsen was the favorite of Robert, Ben (who boosted it the most) and Daniel. Calvin was the only person whose favorite was neither Starálfur nor Olsen Olsen but the lovely title song "Ágætis Byrjun". Still an amazing choice cause at the moment I am really addicted to the song. I was a late grower for me and these days I listen to it nearly every day. It is simple but yet so soothing and beautiful. And it reflects the motto of the album: starting from new and doing everything better - cause the debut album Von was considered a disappointment among the band members. I really wouldnt have complained about Ágætis Byrjun winning.

"Vidrar vel til loftarása" on last place is sad but I expected it anyway. It's too difficult for WV cause it requires a lot of patience from the listener. I was like music to my ears when I still read positive words about this song from some users. I feared nobody will notice the beauty of this song. It's a little masterpiece but so are the other songs in this selection. One song had to end up on last place but I guess it's no shame to lose to other SR songs.

I hope you will enjoy Iceland's WV 70 entry! xcheer


February 9, 2012
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 70: SIGUR ROS - STARÁLFUR

I forgot sir to leave you a message congratulating you and the forum members on such a glorious choice. All four of the songs were lovely, maybe only "Olsen Olsen" probably requiring a bit more time with me to work, but people have certainly picked you the most achingly beautiful Sigur Ros song. I'm so happy it's this. Perhaps your most beautiful song to date (though so much strong competition from your other stuff equally as special). The part at around 2:30 absolutely destroys me. One of the most heart rending sections of a song. Ultimately it's an incredibly uplifting piece though, and so dreamy. I know how much this band and song mean to you, and how nervous you are. I just have everything crossed for this singular and hauntingly handsome piece. It's nothing short of sublime.

I know the feeling of sending such a song or artist that means this huge amount to you, and with a super deep connection. I did it with Judee Sill, The Velvet Underground & Nico, Mikal Cronin x3, Elliott Smith, Antony etc and now my body is just tired from it, even though I still have plenty more left to send. I don't have the energy anymore. It's weird how a little online music game can be taken so seriously, and how much we genuinely care about the number that's going to be stuck next to our songs. It doesn't change anything, but in the past i've allowed it to. I spammed Kurt's "Pretty Pimpin" for months and then came that mega flop and all of a sudden I stopped listening to it. Each time I listened to it I felt down and thought of it's failure. Man, it's so dumb, but actually I know i'm not the only one who had been affected by the game in this way. It's silly though and i'm attempting to force myself out of it.

Whatever happens to "Starálfur" tonight, it's the same song it always was and you've done WorldVision a great service by sharing a piece of music that's so special to you, and Sigur Ros have some new admirers now thanks to you *waves*. I thought Icelandic music was overrated before I joined WorldVision but you showed me I was wrong.


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 70: SIGUR ROS - STARÁLFUR

Sigur Rós qualified with their slaygurrossing masterpiece "Staralfur" and will be part of the Grand Final.
The band leaves a big Takk (thanks) to all those people who supported them! xcheer

Btw: one thing that bothered me a little. Some people seem to think Sigur Rós is the name of a person but this is the name of the band. Actually, Sigurrós is a common female name in Iceland. The younger sister of Jonsi (the lead singer) was named Sigurrós when she was born in 1994. At the same time the three boys Jón Þór aka "Jonsi" , Georg and Ágúst (later replaced by the Orri Páll. Moreover, the wonderful keyboardist Kjartan would join the band in 1998) were thinking of a name for their new band and apparently Jonsi were allowed to decide and named the band after his sister :D What a great honour for her isn't it?

I said thank you for this post before but I wanna add some things. I really appreciate that you sensitive enough to know exactly how I feel about this song. It's great to have people here who can understand my feelings cause they also felt them regarding their own favorite songs. I like your sentence "Whatever happens to "Starálfur" tonight, it's the same song it always was" because this is what I said to myself a couple of times whenever I thought about the scenario of failing in the Semi Final. But how often you say it to yourself it doesn't prevent the disappointment you would feel after a failure. Luckily, everything turned out postive for me!


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 70: SIGUR ROS - STARÁLFUR

I already voted and I am bored so let me tell you a fun fact about Starálfur

The achingly beautiful string section in Starálfur is palindromic. That means, it sounds the same forward and backwards.

Here in this video demonstrates it very well. The Backwards version is played from 2:40:

I've always found this very fascinating. I didn't expect that palindromic music section could sound amazing because from a compositional perspective palindromic melodies seems very "plain". Sigur Ros are wizards.

I am very interested in musical gimmicks like this one. Do you know examples of songs in which parts are palindromic similar to this? Or any other musical gimmick that blows you away when you take notice of it? Recommandations are very welcome! xheat


Albania Superstar
August 21, 2014
Phoenix, AZ / Oovoo Javer
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 70: SIGUR ROS - STARÁLFUR

One of my favorite pieces ever is Machaut's palindromic "Ma fin est mon commencement," the first song ever to use the device. 12000/10 would recommend.


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 71: Still a bearded guy who does Indie-Folk-Chamber-Pop or something. It's still not John Grant

WV 71: Júníus Meyvant - Color Decay



Little like the colors fade away.
Right under
Blind beginning of decay
broad under
Blind beginning of decay

Little like the flowers of debate
stood by me in trials
Of moving into place
stood by me in trials
From gloom to grace.

Straight up right now
Is so wonderful
Way beyond believe and dreams.
Your voice is so beautiful.
like the voice of quiet spring.

Little like the hours castaway.
Why wonder
Time ain't either here to stay
why wonder
Time will always pass away

Little like the sewers that you made
Run blindly through piles
Off something disobeyed
Run blindly through piles
Off disgrace

Straight up right now
Is so wonderful
Way beyond believe and dreams
your voice is so beautiful
Like the voice of summer breeze.

xcheer xcheer xcheer



Well-known member
May 4, 2013
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 71: Júníus Meyvant - Color Decay

I think this is familiar to me, isn't it? xheat


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 71: Júníus Meyvant - Color Decay

Thanks everybody for making me qualify with this super-interesting and addicting piece of music xcheer

Tomorrow I will bring on another Söngvakeppnin including three songs of one band, brace yourselves!


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 71: Júníus Meyvant - Color Decay


Söngvakeppnin 72: Mono Town Edition

Welcome to another Söngvakeppnin, the traditional and beloved National Final from Iceland.
This Söngvakeppnin will be the smallest one since the one for WV 49. It only consists of three songs, all from the band Mono Town who will make their debut in WV 72. The last song took part in the first Söngvakeppnin for edition 46 and become second last. Here are some introducing words about the band:

Mono Town is an Icelandic musical band from Reykjavík with alternative pop and ambient influences formed in 2012 by brothers Börkur and Daði Birgisson (earlier from the Icelandic funk band Jagúar) and singer/guitarist Bjarki Sigurdsson on lead vocals.
Their debut album of 11 tracks in English language was In The Eye Of The Storm. It was recorded in Iceland, mixed by the Grammy Award winning mixer, Michael Brauer and has been a big success in Iceland upon release on 27 January 2014 by Key Music Management. A limited vinyl edition was also released. In 2013, Deezer had announced that it was sponsoring the Icelandic band for an international launch Mono Town gained further international attention through being featured on the influential avant-garde American radio station KEXP.


Now I'll show you the songs accompanied by comments which I stole from an album review that I found somewhere in the World Wide Web.

1. In The Eye of the Storm

In The Eye Of The Story defines Mono Town clearly as a musical force to be revered. Submerging the listener fully in into their world, the opening 30 seconds of the track feels like something you’d hear from another Icelandic band, Sigur Rós, soothing and calming with it’s subtle instrumentation and heavenly harmonies. The track then takes an unexpected turn and moves deeper into their world unleashing a plethora of sounds that surge and pulse with soaring guitar riffs and effervescent strings. A real treat for the ears. You can tell from this track that there is a real emphasis on musicianship and creating music that is powerful and that speaks to the listener.

2. Jackie-O

Sounds like Oasis mingled with Elbow

3. Peacemaker

Peacemaker feels like what it must have felt like to hear The Beatles in their early days, and it doesn’t hurt that it sounds like its come straight off a soundtrack from a Hollywood western.


Voting procedure

You've got 10 points that you can allocate to the three songs in every way you like with the limitation that every song needs to receive at least 1 point.



Have fun! xcheer

Voted: :lond: :it: :md: :hr: ::blgr :paci: :jp: ::atti :pl:



Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 71: Júníus Meyvant - Color Decay | WV 72 SÖNGVAKEPPNIN!

:lond: has voted with a clear favourite, although all of the songs have their charms :) Best of luck ShoeFlo! :D


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 71: Júníus Meyvant - Color Decay | WV 72 SÖNGVAKEPPNIN!

Thanks also to Kris, Gera, Alevender & kopachka! xcheer

Great, already 5 voters! I am happy about receiving votings from users who usually don't vote in my NFs. Finally some variety :D


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 71: Júníus Meyvant - Color Decay | WV 72 SÖNGVAKEPPNIN!

Biatch, I am so goddamn famous that I even get votings from ESC United bloggers and journalists
Thanks for your very detailed voting novel [MENTION=9441]RainyWoods[/MENTION]. Don't know how much of an impact your voting has cause funnily I didn't start counting the votes so far :D :oops: Since I've received 6 votings until now I should slowly but surely start to get an overview of the total ranking :lol:


February 9, 2012
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 71: Júníus Meyvant - Color Decay | WV 72 SÖNGVAKEPPNIN!

Biatch, I am so goddamn famous that I even get votings from ESC United bloggers and journalists
Thanks for your very detailed voting novel [MENTION=9441]RainyWoods[/MENTION]. Don't know how much of an impact your voting has cause funnily I didn't start counting the votes so far :D :oops: Since I've received 6 votings until now I should slowly but surely start to get an overview of the total ranking :lol:

That ESCUNITED blogger and journalist that hasn't even written his first article yet, despite being in the power to do so now for about a monthxheart And excuse me one iconic moment, but I see you have the wrong flag there for who has voted so far. I have now returned to the land of Mikal Godnin.




Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 71: Júníus Meyvant - Color Decay | WV 72 SÖNGVAKEPPNIN!

:is: Június Meyvant - Color Decay - 18th, 127 points :is:

Well, it seems like 18 is the new 21. I noticed a while ago that I often end up on 21st place but meanwhile 18 seems to be my lucky number. It's the 4th time in the last 8 editions I get this place :mrgreen: Ecco (when I was stll USA juror), Rökkurró and Brunalidid are the other artists who had this glorious results but by getting 127 points Junius is my best 18th place xqueenbitch

I am very happy with this result. I feared to get overshadowed and suffocated on the one hand by this vast number of Pot F songs and on the other hand by the superstars like Gags, Emile Sandé, Ricky Martin and a couple of pop songs which were considered good. Who will still vote for me? I asked myself. But there were still quite a lot of voters and some nice surprises!

Thanks to:

:12: xcookie
:10: :sc: :ph:
:8: ::nb :nl: :cn:st
:7: :it: :uk:
:6: :ca: :ie: :pa:
:5: :de: :by: :au: ::rw
:4: ::uusi ::emro Banja Luka
:3: :no: ::mida
:2: :svea: :pt: :ru: :lt:
:1: :lv: :cz: :md: :us: ::atti

Sad news.. apart of the cookie monster nobody gave me 12 ... the total number of 28 voters is pretty amazing though. Usually my songs are more polarizing and I rarely get points from so many different people. It's a good feeling that I was able to enrich the life's of so many people with my nice little song. :D

Somehow I feel like thanking [MENTION=12553]Krishoes[/MENTION]
People don't realize but I am the opposition of a brave WV player. I mostly send songs only when I know at least one or two people who will certainly support my song. I like to have a feeling of affirmation so that I won't make a fool of myself with the song I select :mrgreen: I wish I just wouldn't care about what other people think but yeah I'm still looking for my guts.
Anyway, In this case Kris was the person who encouraged me. Color Decay was just one of.. lets say 40 songs in a list that was called "songs I will maybe send one day" (most of them will never go to WV). Then one day I checked the suggestion thread and saw that Kris posted the song and I was like "okay there are other people in the universe who also like it. I should give it a chance". I listened to the song more often to convince myself of the appeal this song might have to others. In fact, the song grew on me even more and I got truly fascinated by it. So I decided to integrate it into my concrete WV plans. Then still many months passed by before I actually sent it. That's because I use to plan a long time in beforehand and others songs had to be send first.
Anyway, Thanks Kris :D xrose


Don't forget to vote in my 3-songs-NF guys.... I will just mention a couple of names
[MENTION=10742]daniels1000[/MENTION] [MENTION=12837]JamieBrown[/MENTION] [MENTION=15323]Eulaliya[/MENTION] [MENTION=11243]ZoboCamel[/MENTION] [MENTION=14007]lavieenrose[/MENTION] [MENTION=12033]Nicholas123[/MENTION]

Everybody else is welcome to vote too. It's not a weird unaccessible Pot F artist this time but a band that can obviously attract many different people. For example I already received a voting from Alevender.. So I am open to receive votings from all kind of people. Don't worry I won't suddenly cancel my NF if I receive votings I don't like. :lol:


Well-known member
May 4, 2013
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 71: Júníus Meyvant - Color Decay | WV 72 SÖNGVAKEPPNIN!

You're welcome dear ShoeFlo :D xlove

Glad that sometimes my suggestions reach the final xD

New hashtag approved by steph: #KrisSuggestedSongsCanIntoTheFinal


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Áfram Ísland! | WV 72 SÖNGVAKEPPNIN

Thanks James (if this was Zobo's real life name), Nίκος and Alex for your votings.

Voting counter: 9

not bad...

At the moment there is a clear number one. The leader has 36 points, the second place 28 points, the third place 26. I admit.. it doesnt really... look... exciting.. BUUUT as Katja Ebstein sang in Eurovision 1970: Wunder gibt es immer wieder which means "Miracles keep happening again and again" so it's in the hand of those people who has been to lazy too vote in this NF so far... you can make my NF exciting and you can still change the winner and cause a huge upheaval by casting scandalous votings. Come on, don't let me down xheart

Anyway, you've got time until Sunday, 23:59 CET ! So, there is no reason to rush!
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