This is the end folks
21st draw, 21st place. Hilarious if not coincidental. Well at least it serves the significance of performing before the factual winner, just like we in the semi
I just want to thank the boys for making me excited and passionate for rooting for someone in Eurovision again and hate them at the same time for stealing my heart and never intending to bring it back
Yeah I saw their momentum completely fading out but at least they were fun fellas to follow the interviews of. I really hope I can meet them sometime in a future concert of theirs, that'd be so AWSome I could cry.
But hopefully they made their country proud no matter the result! That would defo mean way less rock acts in A Dal next year but whatever, at least we had one through and saw a legendary man happening. Sorry to say this but thanks for Bergendahlizing Romania just for these lovelies, Europe & Australia!