So as expected it was the juries that killed Greece's qualification
When will their hatred towards different sounding, local sounding and native language entries ever stop!?
Nohate of course as always, but I think you could stop Spinning the Reality in your Point of View and stay at least a bit objective. Greece was 10th in the Televoting with measly 53 Points. 48 of them Came of Countries with a big Greek Population (CY/AM/BG/AL/BE/UK/MK) and only 5 of them came from "Neutral" Countries without Greek Diaspora (HR/CH). I know geographical Voting exists everywhere in Europe, but the extent in which Greece benefitted from geographical Voting compared to other Countries in this Semi is extrem unfair. And a Country that Relies 91% from Points from Votingallies/Diasporacountries and couldnt convince most of the "neutral" countries, shouldnt qualify only thanks to extreme Draw-Luck. If Greece switched the Semifinal with another Country from the Same Draw-Pot (f.e. Romania of Hungary), so that Greece competed in the 2nd Semi without all these Allies, Greece wouldnt have nearly qualified in the TV.
Also you forgot intentionally to mention that the Juries killed a motherlanguaged Local Song in Order to save an other Motherlanguaged Local Song (Albania). So your Argument that Juries principally hate motherlanguaged local Songs. And as I said a few days ago, only because a Song is local and motherlanguaged, it doesnt mean that its automatically good. Greece send such local Songs in 2010 and 2013 f.e. and came Top3 in the Juryvoting in the Semi, so this Proves that Juries are able to support such Songs if they are really good. Also you apparently forgot That the Top6 from 2012 except Sweden were all Motherlanguaged Song, so......
Also it is to mention that we Judge Liveversions and not Studioversions so it makes Sense to rank Greece outside the Top10, cause she didnt deliver.