Re: GERMANY 2013
We also have 367478 other casting shows.
Stefan Raab introduced The Bundesvision Songcontest in 2005 after Max Mutzke 8th place. His idea was a show AGAINST Eurovision, because he was angry about that result, so he thought he's (or Germany) gonna do his own thing.
Maybe this is the reason, why it isn't the National Final and at least 50% of vocals have to be in German and a German song for Germany is some years ago... and in the previous years only 'Molitva' did well
Stefan Raab is a fool (no surprise here really). 8th place for that generic song was EXTREMELY good imo (also considering it was 100% televoting back then). How is it "anti-Eurovision" when it's a national COPY of Eurovision?
So what if most songs are in German? The ESC entry should represent Germany shouldn't it? I mean Germany is always sending American or British products (in terms of songwriters, composers and yeah language aswell), it's getting kind of boring to be honest.
In 2012 3/5 songs in the final top. 5 were 100% in native language, the runner-up was 50/50. People tend to forget that in a contest with 40+ entrants, a top. 10 is GOOD, so one should not just blindly focus on the winning songs only as an argument for or against any type of entry.
Anyways, I'm certain we'll get another talent show and another American import product, but I would hope for something more interesting and representative of the German music scene in 2012. We'll see...