People make me feel guilty for loving this.
After all, who can resist that oh oh ding dong at the end? ^^
Stop, don't say that it's not popular,
cuz I know, it's popular.
Speaking of sending juvenile nonsense...
And to add I was never a big fan of Eric Saade's entry either
Although it comes across slightly as a masterpiece next to this
Sorry neighbors, love ya but not your entry this year... better luck next year... afterall since 2010 you've ended up in my top. 10 every second year (and bottom every second year), so next year you should be back there in my top. 10!
I have exactly the contrary opinion to yours
I hated "Popular" with a passion, I simply can't to stand to listen to the full song. This however, is definetely my guilty pleasure of this year It's in my top 5 of SF 2
This is wy better than Popular. Popular had a terrible tune..
Actually, Krista has not been out of tune a single time in her live performances. She has been flawless every single time. It's enough to say one doesn't understand or appreciate bubbelgum pop, there's no need to make up some cover story.
little changes in this one
Don't like the changes at's not bad but I prefer how it was in UMK