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Eurovision 2013 in Sweden - Your wishes, suggestions and ideas for the show


December 28, 2009
Well, Eurovision is going back to Sweden in 2013. What do you want from the show? Hosts? City? Stage? Arena? Interval acts? Opening acts? Theme?

- City: Stockholm all the way! It's the biggest city, it's the capital, it's beautiful and it's the city most worthy showcasing to Europe and the world.. it's the most logical choice imho.

- Arena: The new Friends Arena in Solna, Stockholm would be ideal: It's going to be really big, it's totally fresh modern and new.

- I hope that we'll have a great and forward-thinking stage, with a fresh design. I would keep the LCD screens and I hope it'll be big enough for big shows, but not too big (Russia 2009), but not too small either (Helsinki, Oslo) and not boring (Copenhagen, most MF stages).

- I hope SVT thinks a little outside the box when it comes to hosts. I want fun, hot and exciting hosts... but knowing SVT we will have political correct boring hosts and they'll probably give the job to their overhyped sweethearts Ana Gina and Måns Zelmerlöw... EEW! In 2000 they gave the job to two of our most boring-zero personality hosts, so they'll probably continue on that path. In general SVT have quite lame TV-personalities.

I want Dolph Lundgren and Victoria Silvstedt.. BRING it SVT! Surprise us FOR ONCE!! Show that Swedes CAN be fun, sexy and entertaining and not just fugly and boring (because we are NOT)!

- I want the interval act to well... include typical Swedish themes. Folk dances, folk music, national costumes... U NAME IT! Cliché?? Well it would be for many countries, but in Sweden celebrating SWEDEN is totally taboo. But I hope they drop their PC thinking and understand that this is an opportunity to showcase Sweden to Europe. People want to see what they associate with Sweden, people want to see what's Swedish traditions. They don't want to see some HipHop dancers from Swedish suburbs or Iraqi Belly dancers, I am very certain Europe wants to see SWEDEN so PLZ SVT... SPARE US those ideas (because I KNOW you have them!). Since we barely showcase our traditions, language and music culture in ESC, I hope we atleast can do it this way. But of course it's SVT... so it'll most probably be disastrous interval acts like we had in the German edition (sorry Germany !), which would have no connection to Sweden what-so-ever and would just look odd to the general European viewer.

- Opening act in the final : Loreen singing a Swedish language folk-electro version of Euphoria :)

- As for the host song... well again I want us to FINALLY send something more Swedish! I don't want us to be like the previous years. I want to hear Swedish on that stage again! Sofia Karlsson would be my first pick to represent us with something beautiful Swedish traditional folk ballad!!! If the Balkan countries can do it, so can we! Why couldn't we??

- Postcards : Preferably something fresh like Russia 2009 or Oslo 2010.

So SVT... will you surprise us or will it be some Political Correct hot mess with boring hosts and boring stage?? I HOPE to be happily surprised, but knowing SVT... my hopes starts on almost zero.


Admin Schmadmin
Staff member
June 1, 2009
Los Angeles, USA
Whoever has the biggest venue. Look at Germany selling their tickets within just a few hours and they had over 30000 seats.


December 28, 2009
Whoever has the biggest venue. Look at Germany selling their tickets within just a few hours and they had over 30000 seats.

That won't be a problem in Sweden. Even lame MF semi-finals sells out in just some hour time... and that's long before the artists are known almost :lol: This thing is huge here.

Friends Arena will probably be the largest arena, I think around 60.000 spectators or something. We also have stadiums, but those tend to have worse environment for good sound.


Well-known member
January 18, 2011
Bruxelles, Belgique
I want a super venue with a lot of space and the most number of seats ever !

I want only quality songs !

Victoria Silvstedt woul be GREAT ! And she's very popular in France as a TV game host ! Plus she speaks French so good with her sexy accent :p


February 5, 2012
Bodrum, Turkey
I said it before; I was very hopefully about Norway in 2010. I waited better stage than Russia. But it was the most awful one. Norway did not have a background even.
I hope it does not happen again. I am hopefully again in Sweden.

Go Sweden!!!


Well-known member
March 8, 2011
I just want a big screen behind the singers. huge. Russia-size.
maybe few decorations on both sides, some fine lighting and that's it xshrug

oh, one more thing. Azerbaijan went with fire, you should go with ice. it is so "swedish" anyways xshrug
this year we had red and orange, you make it blue and white.


Well-known member
May 14, 2011
Now, I think that Sarah Dawn Finer must host. I don't care who they put next to her, but after what she's done this year, she truly deserves that gig.


December 28, 2009
oh, one more thing. Azerbaijan went with fire, you should go with ice. it is so "swedish" anyways xshrug
this year we had red and orange, you make it blue and white.

You mean blue and yellow?


December 28, 2009
I want a super venue with a lot of space and the most number of seats ever !

I want only quality songs !

Victoria Silvstedt woul be GREAT ! And she's very popular in France as a TV game host ! Plus she speaks French so good with her sexy accent :p

She's really funny, outgoing and almost like a caricature of the cliché Swedish female.. she'd be an AWESOME choice! :)

And yes, she can speak French aswell (unlike most hosts).

But I bet you a million SVT doesn't have the balls to get someone like her to host... they'd rather have some ugly woman who is boring as hell... trust me I can just feel how they think. They think that ugly should be promoted... and I'm ok with that IF the hosts/tv personalities were actually GOOD... but problem is they are NOT...


December 28, 2009
Yes please!!!!

This woman is hilarious! She could be the best ESC host ever!!

Totally disagree! She'd be only good if she would stay in that character.

As herself, she was kinda pale as a host. Quite frank I can't remember the last time we had a good MF host. Lena and Petra were kinda funny, but I doubt any of them would work internationally and also Lena totally lost her "mojo" lately.

So YES to Sarah as this character, no to Sarah as "herself". Victoria is WAY more funny as her "normal" self than Sarah is... and we should not even start about the looks lol


March 3, 2011
Cyprus / Oussou Empire
Totally disagree! She'd be only good if she would stay in that character.

As herself, she was kinda pale as a host. Quite frank I can't remember the last time we had a good MF host. Lena and Petra were kinda funny, but I doubt any of them would work internationally and also Lena totally lost her "mojo" lately.

So YES to Sarah as this character, no to Sarah as "herself". Victoria is WAY more funny as her "normal" self than Sarah is... and we should not even start about the looks lol

I meant as this character of course, as Lynda Woodruff!


Active member
October 16, 2010
Show that Swedes CAN be fun, sexy and entertaining and not just fugly and boring (because we are NOT)!

Swedes fugly and boring???? First time I read this... Swedes are freaking awesome (imo)!


December 28, 2009
Swedes fugly and boring???? First time I read this... Swedes are freaking awesome (imo)!

Well not all of us are awesome for sure, but SVT has this "ugly, boring and political correct" policy... they simply detest good-lucking people :lol:

They will NEVER hire a host like Victoria Silvstedt, even if she'd be awesome. Some angry radical feminists will scream about "wrong women ideal" and some others will scream "too cliché Swedish ... bring on the burqa lady instead" :lol: :lol: ... and SVT will listen to these groups instead of choosing what would make a great show and what Europe would rather watch


Well-known member
May 14, 2011
I think Sarah could just as well host as herself. She's kind, funny and speaks fluent English. As far as I'm concerned, those are the most important ESC host qualities.


December 28, 2009
I think Sarah could just as well host as herself. She's kind, funny and speaks fluent English. As far as I'm concerned, those are the most important ESC host qualities.

She's kind and speaks English... but she's not THAT funny as herself. She's like "oh I'd like to hang out with you" type of person... but to be an entertaining host (without being a character)... not so much.


Active member
March 10, 2011
Past Eurovisions (1992, 2000) were rather slick and a bit stiff.

I'd love to have Eurovision in a laid-back atmosphere, not too bloated and not too much playing the technical card. But it can be still in the biggest venue, since Sweden is the homeland of Eurovision.

And please no hellish red colour scheme anymore, this gives me the creeps!!

2009 was too much of everything
2010 was too "dark", but I liked the stage though
2011 was very good, but not so "cosy"
2012 was too red, too bloated, and not very authentic

2007 in Finland was perfect. It was original and fun, the hosts extremely charming and cute and atmosphere amazing. Sweden should try to bring the same effort as Finland did, just with even more fans..... but still not too bloated.


December 28, 2009
Past Eurovisions (1992, 2000) were rather slick and a bit stiff.

I'd love to have Eurovision in a laid-back atmosphere, not too bloated and not too much playing the technical card. But it can be still in the biggest venue, since Sweden is the homeland of Eurovision.

And please no hellish red colour scheme anymore, this gives me the creeps!!

2009 was too much of everything
2010 was too "dark", but I liked the stage though
2011 was very good, but not so "cosy"
2012 was too red, too bloated, and not very authentic

2007 in Finland was perfect. It was original and fun, the hosts extremely charming and cute and atmosphere amazing. Sweden should try to bring the same effort as Finland did, just with even more fans..... but still not too bloated.

As stages go, I prefer 2008 and 2012...

I think Finland and Norway were a little too small... and I truly missed the LCD screens in Norway, it was a little too simple for my taste.

Agree though that 2009 stage was too big for its own good.


Active member
March 10, 2011
Oh, Norway was not bad at all, and I appreciate the effort of not bringing LCD screens. Mika Newton would have had problems in presenting her sandpainting gimmick without screens back then :D

And I think every country spends to much time and money in a catchy backdrop, although it is possible to create an atmosphere without them as well - look at yourself Sweden, or Germany, Albania....
other countries always fail at the backdrop, us for example.... seems we underestimate the effort.....

Anyway, Norway's stage was like a dark room with a few lights. It could have been brighter, I guess.... the ideal setup for the amazing Danny and the glowing popos :D
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