Sad to see the semi(s) go for now, since it's fun to have more shows to follow and be excited about! Going to be strange to only have one single evening of EL!

But understandable, considering all the budget cuts. I'm glad they at least kept 16 songs and didn't cut it down to 10, more chance of variety and a hidden gem or two.

It also introduces a fair bit of unpredictability, since we get our first glimpse of live performances & vocals & staging the same night the winner gets picked!

We'll get some idea about which songs stand a chance from feedback after they're released, but no more reactions to semis and watching the odds change etc. The chance of a 'surprise winner' or 'surprise flop' has certainly increased tenfold, which could be good or bad I guess.

Going to be an exciting single evening, that's for sure!
Also very curious about the 16th 'public pick' song. Are we actually going to get to hear all the submitted songs?

Or will they have some "top 20" or "top 50" non qualifiers that people get to pick from? Wonder how the voting will be! Probably an online poll? Guess the safest way would be to have the voters use their ID-cards to vote.

But not sure they're going to make it that complicated. If it's just a random poll tho', I hope they've got decent security measures and it's not the most basic possible thing, otherwise all the desperate SIM-card queens (and kings) will fire up their voting bots and we'll get some complete random nonsense taking the last spot.

Hope, if some amateur hour crap or troll song manages to sneak in, the juries will shoot it down in the final. With 16 songs, the juries actually have some more power in the final now!

Getting into the superfinal will be much harder if the jury doesn't like you.
Even if the security is good and cheating isn't possible, it might come down to who can mobilize their fans/family the best. If we get all the songs, I imagine the amount of people who will have the patience to go through 200+ entries might be pretty small.

But I'm all for it if they want to give it a try! I've been very much interested in hearing all those submissions for years, would be most interesting to actually get to do so! Even if it's just a selection of them.

Wonder if the songs will be anonymous for the public as well, like they are for the pre-selection jury! Will it be a "pick one song" type of vote, or you get to rate every song from 1-5? Or maybe make your top 10? So many questions!

But very exciting! Even if my eyes will probably glaze over after the first 20 songs, let alone 200.

Hope they give people at least a week or two to vote, if we really have all the songs to pick from. I will do my due fan diligence and give every song a proper listen, even if it takes me a week!

But we'll have to wait and see what the process actually is if we get to it. First things first, getting those first 15 names in two months!

Bring on November!