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Estonia ESTONIA 2025 - Tommy Cash - Espresso macchiato

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Well-known member
April 6, 2010
  • Karmel Eikner needs to go. Get her away from Eesti Laul, as far as possible.
  • Bring in someone Purga-esque who could attract new and interesting artists to the mix.
  • Minimize the Eurovision messaging. It should be the reward for the winner, not the sole reason for Eesti Laul to exist.
  • No more automatic qualifiers to the final. What a stupid system, whoever though it was a good idea should be ashamed.
  • Don't do semi-finals if you don't have money to do them properly. Either just a final with 10-15 songs, or semis with pre-recorded TV studio performances would do.
  • Minimize the number of voting rounds. Have some respect for the viewers/voters.
  • Jury should be at least 80% local. One or two international jurors would be "okay", but that's it. We do not need a bunch of random foreigners telling us what to like.

Basically, I just want the Purga-era Eesti Laul back.


Staff member
September 28, 2009
Hopefully someone enters with something like this but isn't paid dust;



June 16, 2018
Its a pretty open secret :ee: Ant Nurhan will apply next year and probably win. Hopefully his material is better than Uku's songs.


Well-known member
March 21, 2021
First of all - HI EVERYONE! xwave

Glad to be among the FIRST to open ESTONIA 2025 thread!
Since I'm still quite DEEP in the bubble after the 2024 seaon, I thought I'll add a thought or few in here...

FIRST of all - I'm REALLY waiting for BEDWETTERS to come back! I'm waiting them MORE than ANYONE else!
The SECOND has to be Olly. 2023 EESTI LAUL wasn't his shiniest performance (and song), but he's got some CANNONS in his sleeve, I TRULY believe! xmetal As an afterthought - 2024 would have been NOT his year, so I'm almost glad he didn't qualify.

One more thing - replying to @eerik at this point - Can't get the point what's your issue against Karmel Eikner?
Ok, she's a relic ambassador regarding to Estonia at Eurovision, but... Although, she MIGHT be from the PAST, I STILL respect her! At least, the ONE thing I've SEEN with my own eyes - she CONNECTS to almost all the artist pretty well!
The SECOND and QUITE important factor - how many of ERR correspondents can YOU name, who speaks fluently at least 5 languages??? If you COULD find a decent replacement for her for the coming season, I'd SALUTE your point!

Btw, in another points you brought out - I mostly agree.
The semis situation and "automatic" qualifiers? WTF is this? Where the HELL did THAT come from??? NO GOOD! And I hope Eesti Laul management will change that crap ASAP!

In my vision - the backbone would be quite straight. ONE week - 1st Semi Tuesday, 2nd Semi Wednesday and Final on Saturday. Seems hard? Some 15-16 songs in the first Semi, the same amount in the other. The best 10 will qualify from each Semi. I DON'T see a problem. And it would be quite understandable scheme for the Estonian audience as well.

Yup, NO NEED for a second, third or fourth voting round. Collect your funds in a different way. That's only MY opinion, of course...

Ok, the FINAL might be few weeks later and you'll gather your funds (from the voters) during the few weeks. Also OK.

But PLEASE don't give us that AUTOMATIC QUALIFIER bulls'it EVER again! :poop:
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Well-known member
January 4, 2011
Well, he still needs to win Eesti Laul, unless they're scrapping the whole contest to pick him internally, but that seems a little unlikely. :LOL: I guess that would be one way to save money, scrap the entire competition! But that doesn't seem like something they'd really do, the EL brand is pretty strong. :unsure: Having an internal selection would be pretty weird, we've never really had one! I guess 1993 would maybe count.. But other than that, a proper national final has been a very long tradition. EL - the internal selection edition! Definitely wouldn't mind seeing Tommy Cash take part in EL tho', could be a very interesting entry! But not 100% convinced it wouldn't be too weird for our televoters, at least the older and more conservative ones. :LOL: Guess it would depend on the song. Maybe seeing the last few ESC televote winners & our entry this year doing OK would give our voters confidence to pick something more left field again! But 5Miinust & Puuluup had a 'fun party song' vibe, whereas Tommy Cash is much more strange. :LOL: I could see someone like Ant with a nice safe melodic power ballad get all the mom votes and win in the end. But who knows! Perhaps we'll find out! :giggle:

Maybe they're planning to use the "automatic qualifiers" as direct invites this time & Tommy already got one? Could increase the Leto Svet potential.. :LOL: but would be cool if it meant some 'bigger names' would take part! The potential for disappointing entries making the final directly would definitely be there, but it's not like that didn't happen last time too. :LOL: At least this time there'd be buzz, and they'd have the excuse of "hey, we picked some heavy hitters, not our fault they didn't deliver!". Who else could they invite? :unsure: Kerli, if she felt like giving it another try? Trad Attack? Metsatöll? I could even see Ant getting a direct invite, since he's the latest superstar and all. Many names, big and small, have already entered on their own anyway. :LOL: And some probably wouldn't be interested, even with a final ticket. But this is all speculation anyway. :giggle: Wonder when we'll get some EL news! Probably much too early to hope for any. :LOL:


Well-known member
January 4, 2011
Sad to see the semi(s) go for now, since it's fun to have more shows to follow and be excited about! Going to be strange to only have one single evening of EL! :LOL: But understandable, considering all the budget cuts. I'm glad they at least kept 16 songs and didn't cut it down to 10, more chance of variety and a hidden gem or two. :giggle: It also introduces a fair bit of unpredictability, since we get our first glimpse of live performances & vocals & staging the same night the winner gets picked! :unsure: We'll get some idea about which songs stand a chance from feedback after they're released, but no more reactions to semis and watching the odds change etc. The chance of a 'surprise winner' or 'surprise flop' has certainly increased tenfold, which could be good or bad I guess. :LOL: Going to be an exciting single evening, that's for sure!

Also very curious about the 16th 'public pick' song. Are we actually going to get to hear all the submitted songs? :eek: Or will they have some "top 20" or "top 50" non qualifiers that people get to pick from? Wonder how the voting will be! Probably an online poll? Guess the safest way would be to have the voters use their ID-cards to vote. :unsure: But not sure they're going to make it that complicated. If it's just a random poll tho', I hope they've got decent security measures and it's not the most basic possible thing, otherwise all the desperate SIM-card queens (and kings) will fire up their voting bots and we'll get some complete random nonsense taking the last spot. :LOL: Hope, if some amateur hour crap or troll song manages to sneak in, the juries will shoot it down in the final. With 16 songs, the juries actually have some more power in the final now! :unsure: Getting into the superfinal will be much harder if the jury doesn't like you.

Even if the security is good and cheating isn't possible, it might come down to who can mobilize their fans/family the best. If we get all the songs, I imagine the amount of people who will have the patience to go through 200+ entries might be pretty small. :LOL: But I'm all for it if they want to give it a try! I've been very much interested in hearing all those submissions for years, would be most interesting to actually get to do so! Even if it's just a selection of them. :giggle: Wonder if the songs will be anonymous for the public as well, like they are for the pre-selection jury! Will it be a "pick one song" type of vote, or you get to rate every song from 1-5? Or maybe make your top 10? So many questions! :LOL: But very exciting! Even if my eyes will probably glaze over after the first 20 songs, let alone 200. :LOL: Hope they give people at least a week or two to vote, if we really have all the songs to pick from. I will do my due fan diligence and give every song a proper listen, even if it takes me a week! :geek: But we'll have to wait and see what the process actually is if we get to it. First things first, getting those first 15 names in two months! :giggle: Bring on November!


October 1, 2009
IInteresting to see the final song in the lineup will be chosen solely by the public.

We selected Anka like this last year.

I lulz at participation fee thing:


EL would be rich here xbeach More than half submits their songs in the last 3 days.
Even those who don't get selected for the longlist must pay? Wow, not only you're a loser, you also lost €50 - €200 :cool: But it will encourage people to write songs in Estonian, kudos to that.
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