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Estonia ESTONIA 2024 - 5miinust & Puuluup - (nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi

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  • 12

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    10 6.5%
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    17 11.0%

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Well-known member
February 5, 2011
It took about a minute in before i realized what it was, and i'm gobsmacked. Does anyone else understand that this is the most authentic Nordic traditional music we've ever had in the contest?!?

And i'm afraid the other Nordic countries won't understand it either, because of the language and simply because they're not used to hearing it. This is pretty sensational.

Delivery is a bit amateurish, but i think they can improve it a lot with some work. The "jokiness" isn't going to come across to any other countries, and i think they're aware of that, not so sure they'll care though, but if they do, some kind of revamp is definitely relevant. I hope this won't be seen as just another "Leto Svet" / "We Are the Winners" type Baltic joke entry - and i love both of those, by the way.

Definitely in my favorites for now, but we'll see how it will stand as all the other entries are revealed...


Active member
May 18, 2019
It has the same energy as We Are The Winners. It could do well I think.

Messy chaotic is good for it. Hopefully they don't try to sanitise it too much once they get to the hyper-rehearsed show in Malmo. It needs a bit of an unpolished feel.


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
Absolutely despise this with a passion. 3 minutes of this is a struggle to get through. It takes on all the tropes I can't stand in music like this, I can see why people are wetting themselves over it but this is just the lowest tier of Eurovision entry for me. Don't get me wrong, I love fun entries but this just does absolutely nothing for me, and if anything I find it irritating. Absolute garbage. :1:


Well-known member
March 11, 2020
Not my type of music for sure, but I can see definitely why it won, and the public in the performance seemed to like the song a lot. I give it :7: points.


June 5, 2019
It's amusing that Moldova and Estonia swapped spirits this year


Well-known member
April 6, 2010
Well, Uku Suviste is a well-known name in Estonia. He's amongst many vocally talented and liked, but dull and boring singers, who have been around for a decade or two and who can always get sympathy votes from people. Like Ott Lepland (2012), Birgit Õigemeel (2013), Tanja (2014), Koit Toome (2015). Nele-Liis Vaiksoo from this year fits that archetype perfectly, I wouldn't be surprised if she does rather well with the televote.
Told you!

Seeing 10-second clip from the rehearsal was enough to convince me that 5MIINUST x Puuluup are going to win 100%.

Estonian language is back on the Eurovision Song contest stage after a decade of absence, and not with a random generic ballad, but with an exciting upbeat crossover by one of the most popular Estonian bands of the past decade, and a neo-folk duo using traditional instruments.

We did it!
Told you!


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Good choice! This has been my equal favourite in Estonia (alongside Ollie) since the songs released, and this one was clearly the more standout option. Very fun, very memorable, very original (at least by ESC standards). It's what you'd get if you crossed Stefania, Shum, and En Godt Stekt Pizza, and in my eyes, those are some really solid songs to be compared to. It's even got the "bearded older man playing a traditional folk instrument nobody has heard of before" downpat. Petra and Mans would be proud.

The staging/live performance... has a lot of potential, but also a lot of work that needs doing. It's very messy. It's already improved from the semi-final, at least, but there are still a million little things to be improved or tightened up by May. With that in mind, I think it's hard to predict how this could go... it could utterly flop, or it could win the televote, lol.

Personally: an optimistic :10:, based on hopes that they'll improve the live vocals and staging considerably by May. In its current form, I'd struggle to give the live performance much more than an 8. On the other hand, if they really nail it, maybe it'll deserve a 12. But for now, yeah, optimistic 10.
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Well-known member
March 18, 2016
Absolutely deranged and feels all over the place but ngl it's such a vibe and i'm obsessed with it...public will definitely eat this up. Fuck it, it's a :7: for now.


Well-known member
January 4, 2011
Expected result, once it was clear the juries didn't sink 5Miinust. :giggle: Happy with the winner, tho' kind of sad for Ollie at the same time. :LOL: That's the trouble with having several favorites! Our first proper rock entry will have to wait I guess. Not sure he's going to be up for entering three years in a row. :LOL: But I do hope to see him back again sometime, if he's got another good song. :giggle:

Thought the show was pretty decent tonight! Liked the clips with the artists & things felt reasonably paced. The stage could have been a bit bigger, but they did try to vary up the stagings at least. Couple of technical issues & sound mixing could have been better perhaps, but overall a pretty fun evening. :giggle:

First entry in Estonian in 10 years! And something a little different from our usual array of ballads and pop songs. :giggle: Hard to say for sure what our odds of qualifying are. :LOL: I'd like to hope there's a decent chance, as long as the staging isn't a downgrade at the very least! But we're still missing half the songs in our semi so who knows. At least it doesn't seem like there will be many more similar kooky entries in our semi, tho' can't rule it out completely yet. It certainly won't be everyone's cup of tea, but perhaps there will be enough who like the strange flavor. :LOL: Better than being completely bland and forgettable at least.

Now they need to figure out the best way to stage this for May! The final performance was definitely an improvement, but it feels like there's still plenty of unrealized potential there. :unsure: With bigger stage and more LEDs and whatnot, hope they can find a way to make this the best it could be! :giggle: Keep the energy and fun, but refine it somehow. Also make sure the vocals don't get lost in the process. They've got some time to work on this so hopefully they come up with some good ideas! Just don't make it worse please. :D Getting to the final would be awesome! Not expecting the juries to love us if we get there (even if they did OK with EL juries), but that's OK I guess. Considering the boost we got from them last year, can't complain too much. :LOL:


Active member
May 9, 2021
I don't consider it a very catchy song by itself, it's not bad but just decent imo. However, the live performance certainly helps bring it to life and make it more entertaining. A :6: is fair enough, I think.


Active member
May 18, 2019
Expected result, once it was clear the juries didn't sink 5Miinust. :giggle: Happy with the winner, tho' kind of sad for Ollie at the same time. :LOL: That's the trouble with having several favorites! Our first proper rock entry will have to wait I guess. Not sure he's going to be up for entering three years in a row. :LOL: But I do hope to see him back again sometime, if he's got another good song. :giggle:

Thought the show was pretty decent tonight! Liked the clips with the artists & things felt reasonably paced. The stage could have been a bit bigger, but they did try to vary up the stagings at least. Couple of technical issues & sound mixing could have been better perhaps, but overall a pretty fun evening. :giggle:

First entry in Estonian in 10 years! And something a little different from our usual array of ballads and pop songs. :giggle: Hard to say for sure what our odds of qualifying are. :LOL: I'd like to hope there's a decent chance, as long as the staging isn't a downgrade at the very least! But we're still missing half the songs in our semi so who knows. At least it doesn't seem like there will be many more similar kooky entries in our semi, tho' can't rule it out completely yet. It certainly won't be everyone's cup of tea, but perhaps there will be enough who like the strange flavor. :LOL: Better than being completely bland and forgettable at least.

Now they need to figure out the best way to stage this for May! The final performance was definitely an improvement, but it feels like there's still plenty of unrealized potential there. :unsure: With bigger stage and more LEDs and whatnot, hope they can find a way to make this the best it could be! :giggle: Keep the energy and fun, but refine it somehow. Also make sure the vocals don't get lost in the process. They've got some time to work on this so hopefully they come up with some good ideas! Just don't make it worse please. :D Getting to the final would be awesome! Not expecting the juries to love us if we get there (even if they did OK with EL juries), but that's OK I guess. Considering the boost we got from them last year, can't complain too much. :LOL:
I think one of the key things with the staging will be to try and make it feel connected and close to the audience in the arena so that it keeps the energy. I liked the crowd walkthrough at the beginning, it gave it a bit of a mob song feel. Hopefully they are able to do something similar at the real contest. The 360 stage could work out well for them.

I quite like how the main vocal gets passed round most of the singers who have quite different voices. Kind of a bit like the boy/girl bands of the 90s where they would just shove 5 random singers together with completely different voices but then would write the songs in a way so that they all got a turn to sing.
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