01. Spain
02. Albania
03. Lithuania
04. Ireland
05. Slovenia (These kids have so much heart and I will root for their success with every fibre of my being)
06. Ukraine (the song slaps but the fellow in the pink hat is kind of a dickbag so NO top five for you, sorry chums)
07. Estonia
08. San Marino (There a non-zero chance Achille wrote this five minutes
before he had to perform, but it's a fun punk rock song. Can't wait to see glammed up for the actual contest)
09. Croatia (adorable pop filler that will inevitable get drawfucked by the EBU :-/)
10. Norway (wayyy to calculated to be
truly charming but as an act it's entertaining enough I guess)
11. Latvia
12. Czech Republic
13. Moldova
14. Bulgaria
15. North-Macedonia
16 Malta (Just Malta doing their thing, which is sending ballads so insipid nobody can even be
bothered to pretend they like them)
17. Israel
18. Italy
19. Poland (has the charm of a teddybear rotting next to a gravesite)
20. Australia (i hate artifice and self-centeredness so an act that combines both into a garvanliev-like theater monster is never going escape the basement of a borisbubbles ranking. and that