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ESC Ranking 2020


Well-known member
February 10, 2010
  1. Denmark :dk: :12:
  2. Ireland :ie: :12:
  3. Norway :no: :12:
  4. Lithuania :lt: :12:
  5. Iceland :is: :12:
  6. Serbia :rs: :10:
  7. Azerbaijan :az: :10:
  8. Romania :ro: :10:
  9. Bulgaria :bg: :8:
  10. Italy :it: :8:
  11. Armenia :am: :8:
  12. Latvia :lv: :8:
  13. Austria :at: :7:
  14. Finland :fi: :7:
  15. Poland :pl: :7:
  16. Australia :au: :7:
  17. Israel :il: :7:
  18. United Kingdom :uk: :7:
  19. Malta :mt: :6:
  20. Georgia :ge: :6:
  21. San Marino :sm: :6:
  22. Greece :gr: :6:
  23. Germany :de: :6:
  24. Sweden :se: :5:
  25. Slovenia :sl: :5:
  26. Albania :al: :5:
  27. Belgium :be: :5:
  28. Cyprus :cy: :4:
  29. Spain :es: :4:
  30. Switzerland :ch: :4:
  31. Portugal :pt: :4:
  32. The Netherlands :nl: :4:
  33. Belarus :by: :4:
  34. France :fr: :3:
  35. North Macedonia :mk: :2:
  36. Czech Republic :cz: :2:
  37. Estonia :ee: :2:
  38. Croatia :hr: :1:
  39. Moldova :md: :0:
  40. Ukraine :ua: :0:
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Well-known member
March 13, 2017
01 :it: :12:
02 :cz: :12:
03 :no: :10:
04 :ro: :10:
05 :lt: :10:
06 :am: :10:
07 :gr: :10:
08 :es: :8:
09 :nl: :8:
10 :cy: :8:
11 :ch: :8:
12 :lv: :7:
13 :au: :7:
14 :de: :7:
15 :uk: :7:
16 :at: :6:
17 :ge: :6:
18 :hr: :6:
19 :dk: :6:
20 :fr: :6:
21 :se: :6:
22 :pl: :5:
23 :md: :5:
24 :is: :4:
25 :al: :4:
26 :ee: :4:
27 :mk: :3:
28 :mt: :3:
29 :sl: :3:
30 :be: :2:
31 :il: :2:
32 :az: :2:
33 :rs: :2:
34 :fi: :2:
35 :sm: :1:
36 :bg: :1:
37 :by: :0:
38 :ie: :0:
39 :pt: :0:
40 :ua: :0:


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
01 🇦🇿 Azerbaijan 12
02 🇷🇸 Serbia 12
03 🇮🇱 Israel 12
04 🇬🇷 Greece 10
05 🇩🇰 Denmark 10
06 🇲🇰 North Macedonia 10
07 🇮🇪 Ireland 8
08 🇷🇴 Romania 8
09 🇱🇻 Latvia 8
10 🇭🇷 Croatia 7
11 🇦🇲 Armenia 7
12 🇵🇹 Portugal
13 🇲🇹 Malta 7
14 🇱🇹 Lithuania
15 🇳🇴 Norway 6
16 🇬🇧 United Kingdom 6
17 🇨🇾 Cyprus 6
18 🇦🇺 Australia 6
19 🇨🇿 Czech Republic 6
20 🇸🇮 Slovenia 6
21 🇩🇪 Germany 6
22 🇵🇱 Poland 6
23 🇧🇾 Belarus 6
24 🇪🇸 Spain 5
25 🇮🇹 Italy 5
26 🇸🇪 Sweden 5
27 🇦🇱 Albania 5
28 🇫🇮 Finland 5
29 🇲🇩 Moldova 5
30 🇬🇪 Georgia 4
31 🇺🇦 Ukraine 4
32 🇧🇬 Bulgaria 4
33 🇨🇭 Switzerland
34 🇧🇪 Belgium
35 🇸🇲 San Marino 3
36 🇳🇱 The Netherlands 3
37 🇫🇷 France 3
38 🇪🇪 Estonia 2
39 🇮🇸 Iceland 1
40 🇦🇹 Austria 1
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February 28, 2018
For the sake of clearness, I took the 12 pts. arrangement as some do here. Otherwise the list was too long. I need to listen to some songs again to see if I can up- or downgrade some songs. So there will be definitely changes again.

:12: :ge: :it: :be: :de:
:10: :al: :ro: :az:
:8: :ch: :pl:
:7: :ie: :sl: :md:
:6: :uk: :ua:
:5: :nl: :mt: :au: :sm: :mk:
:4: :am: :bg: :no: :fi: :dk:
:3: :gr: :es: :is: :fr: :pt: :at: :hr: :lt: :ee:
:2: :lv: :se: :rs:
:1: :cz: :by: :il: :cy:
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June 22, 2016
Psichopatų slėnis
I've thought that before and I'm still watching! YOU WILL NEVER LEAVE!
Some years ago I lost my interest in watching Eurovision final, because my favourites usually died in semifinals and I mostly disliked/hated songs, which were/are successful. After it I went deep into ESC national pre-selections and my Ideal Eurovision was started. Now in 2020 even NF pre-selections mostly moved into a zone of potential streaming hits.

Some stats :
10 years ago (2010) :
Good marks (6-8) : 7 songs
Bad marks (0-2) : 9 songs

5 years ago (2015) :
Good marks (6-8) : 7 songs
Bad marks (0-2) : 8 songs

Previous year (2019) :
Good marks (6-8) : 6 songs (Australian 8 saved this year for me)
Bad marks (0-2) : 8 songs

This year (2020) :
Good mark (6-8) : 1 song
Bad marks (0-2) : 20 songs + possibly Russian entry too.


June 22, 2016
Psichopatų slėnis
Ideal ESC stats :
Start : 2016 year - 23 participants, I like 50+ songs from Euroseason (include 10 songs from Lithuania).
Now : 2020 year - 10-12 participants, I like 10-15 songs from Euroseason (include 1 song from Lithuania).



WorldVision Mod 🌻
Staff member
October 16, 2011
01 🇦🇿 Azerbaijan Samira Efendi - Cleopatra (12)
02 🇮🇱 Israel Eden Alene - Feker Libi (12)
03 🇷🇴 Romania Roxen - Alcohol You (12)
04 🇧🇬 Bulgaria Victoria - Tears Getting Sober (12)
05 🇷🇸 Serbia Hurricane - Hasta la Vista (12)
06 🇩🇪 Germany Ben Dolic - Violent Thing (12)
07 🇲🇹 Malta Destiny - All Of My Love (12)
08 🇨🇭 Switzerland Gjon's Tears - Répondez-moi (10)
09 🇳🇱 The Netherlands Jeangu Macrooy - Grow (10)
10 🇱🇻 Latvia Samanta Tina - Still Breathing (10)
11 🇬🇷 Greece Stefania – SUPERG!RL (10)
12 🇮🇹 Italy Diodato - Fai rumore (10)
13 🇸🇲 San Marino Senhit - Freaky! (10)
14 🇱🇹 Lithuania The Roop – On fire (8)
15 🇳🇴 Norway Ulrikke - Attention (7)
16 🇬🇪 Georgia Tornike Kipiani - Take Me As I Am (7)
17 🇧🇪 Belgium Hooverphonic - Release Me (7)
18 🇺🇦 Ukraine Go_A – Solovey (7)
19 🇬🇧 United Kingdom James Newman - My Last Breath (7)
20 🇮🇪 Ireland Lesley Roy - Story Of My Life (7)
21 🇲🇰 North Macedonia Vasil - YOU (7)
22 🇸🇪 Sweden The Mamas – Move (7)
23 🇦🇹 Austria Vincent - Alive (7)
24 🇮🇸 Iceland Daði & Gagnamagnið - Think About Things (6)
25 🇨🇾 Cyprus Sandro - Running (6)
26 🇦🇺 Australia Montaigne - Don't Break Me (6)
27 🇦🇱 Albania Arilena Ara - Fall From the Sky (6)
28 🇵🇱 Poland Alicja Szemplinska - Empires (6)
29 🇦🇲 Armenia Athena Manoukian - Chains on You (6)
30 🇵🇹 Portugal Elisa - Medo De Sentir (5)
31 🇭🇷 Croatia Damir Kedžo - Divlji vjetre (5)
32 🇪🇸 Spain Blas Cantó - Universo (5)
33 🇫🇮 Finland Aksel Kankaanranta - Looking Back (5)
34 🇩🇰 Denmark Ben & Tan - Yes (4)
35 🇸🇮 Slovenia Ana Soklič – Voda (4)
36 🇧🇾 Belarus VAL - Da Vidna (4)
37 🇨🇿 Czech Republic Benny Cristo - Kemama (3)
38 🇪🇪 Estonia Uku Suviste - What Love Is (1)
39 🇲🇩 Moldova Natalia Gordienko - Prison (1)
40 🇫🇷 France Tom Leeb - The Best in Me (1)
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February 28, 2018
I was relistening to the songs and up- and downgraded a few:

upgraders: Finland, UK, Denmark
downgraders: San Marino, Moldava, Ukraine, North Macedonia

The top 9 remained, welcome UK into my top 10!

:12: :ge: :it: :be: :de:
:10: :al: :ro: :az:
:8: :ch: :pl:
:7: :uk: :ie: :sl:
:6: :fi: :md:
:5: :nl: :dk: :mt: :au: :ua:
:4: :bg: :no: :am: :sm:
:3: :es: :ee: :gr: :fr: :pt: :lt: :hr: :is: :at: :mk:
:2: :lv: :se: :rs:
:1: :cz: :by: :il: :cy:
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Well-known member
October 1, 2009
My first top 41 for ESC 2020 (Sorted in groups where change in places most likely will happen):

1. :is:
2. :ch:
3. :lt:

4. :bg:
5. :de:
6. :it:
7. :ro:
8. :au:
9. :il:
10. :ie:
11. :ru:

12. :lv:
13. :cy:
14. :nl:
15. :mt:
16. :az:
17. :sl:
18. :ua:
19. :rs:
20. :cz:
21. :se:

22. :dk:
23. :fi:
24. :be:
25. :gr:
26. :hr:
27. :no:
28. :mk:
29. :uk:
30. :by:
31. :al:
32. :md:
33. :es:

34. :sm:
35. :at:
36. :ge:
37. :pt:
38. :pl:
39. :am:

40. :ee:
41. :fr:


WorldVision Mod 🌻
Staff member
October 16, 2011
01 🇦🇿 Azerbaijan Samira Efendi - Cleopatra (12)
02 🇮🇱 Israel Eden Alene - Feker Libi (12)
03 🇷🇴 Romania Roxen - Alcohol You (12)
04 🇧🇬 Bulgaria Victoria - Tears Getting Sober (12)
05 🇷🇸 Serbia Hurricane - Hasta la Vista (12)
06 🇩🇪 Germany Ben Dolic - Violent Thing (12)
07 🇲🇹 Malta Destiny - All Of My Love (12)
08 🇨🇭 Switzerland Gjon's Tears - Répondez-moi (10)
09 🇳🇱 The Netherlands Jeangu Macrooy - Grow (10)
10 🇱🇻 Latvia Samanta Tina - Still Breathing (10)
11 🇬🇷 Greece Stefania – SUPERG!RL (10)
12 🇮🇹 Italy Diodato - Fai rumore (10)
13 🇸🇲 San Marino Senhit - Freaky! (10)
14 🇱🇹 Lithuania The Roop – On fire (8)
15 🇳🇴 Norway Ulrikke - Attention (7)
16 🇬🇪 Georgia Tornike Kipiani - Take Me As I Am (7)
17 🇧🇪 Belgium Hooverphonic - Release Me (7)
18 🇺🇦 Ukraine Go_A – Solovey (7)
19 🇬🇧 United Kingdom James Newman - My Last Breath (7)
20 🇮🇪 Ireland Lesley Roy - Story Of My Life (7)
21 🇲🇰 North Macedonia Vasil - YOU (7)
22 🇸🇪 Sweden The Mamas – Move (7)
23 🇦🇹 Austria Vincent - Alive (7)
24 🇮🇸 Iceland Daði & Gagnamagnið - Think About Things (6)
25 🇨🇾 Cyprus Sandro - Running (6)
26 🇦🇺 Australia Montaigne - Don't Break Me (6)
27 🇦🇱 Albania Arilena Ara - Fall From the Sky (6)
28 🇵🇱 Poland Alicja Szemplinska - Empires (6)
29 🇦🇲 Armenia Athena Manoukian - Chains on You (6)
30 🇷🇺 Russia Little Big - Uno (6)
31 🇵🇹 Portugal Elisa - Medo De Sentir (5)
32 🇭🇷 Croatia Damir Kedžo - Divlji vjetre (5)
33 🇪🇸 Spain Blas Cantó - Universo (5)
34 🇫🇮 Finland Aksel Kankaanranta - Looking Back (5)
35 🇩🇰 Denmark Ben & Tan - Yes (4)
36 🇸🇮 Slovenia Ana Soklič – Voda (4)
37 🇧🇾 Belarus VAL - Da Vidna (4)
38 🇨🇿 Czech Republic Benny Cristo - Kemama (3)
39 🇪🇪 Estonia Uku Suviste - What Love Is (1)
40 🇲🇩 Moldova Natalia Gordienko - Prison (1)
41 🇫🇷 France Tom Leeb - The Best in Me (1)

And that's it for this year! I will probably have a lot of growers and faders as the months go by. Overall the year is pretty average, but still found some songs to stan. Don't think anything can beat Cleopatra though. #Baku2021 xdance


Well-known member
March 18, 2016
1. :pt: Elisa - Medo de sentir :12:
2. :dk: Ben & Tan - Yes :12:
3. :bg: Victoria - Tears getting sober :12:
4. :il: Eden Alne - Feker Libi :12:
5. :az: Efendi - Cleopatra :10:
6. :ro: Roxen - Alcohol You :10:
7. :ie: Lesley Roy - Story Of My Life :10:
8. :pl: Alicja Szemplińska - Empires :10:
9. :no: Ulrikke - Attention :10:
10. :ch: Gjon's Tears - Répondez-moi :8:
11. :fi: Aksel Kankaanranta - Looking Back :8:
12. :se: The Mamas - Move :8:
13. :rs: Hurricane - Hasta La Vista :8:
14. :al: Arilena Ara - Shaj :8:
15. :lv: Samanta Tina - Still breathing :8:
16. :fr: Tom Leeb - The best in me :8:
17. :nl: Jeangu Macrooy - Grow :8:
18. :uk: James Newman - My last breat :7:
19. :gr: Stefania - SUPERG!RL :7:
20. :ge: Tornike Kipiani - Take me as i am :7:
21. :be: Hooverphonic - Release me :7:
22. :cz: Benny Cristo - Kenama :6:
23. :md: Natalia Gordienko - Prison :6:
24. :de: Ben Dolic - Violent Thing :6:
25. :am: Athena Manoukian - Chains on you :6:
26. :mt: Destiny - All Of My Love :5:
27. :by: VAL - Da Vidna :5:
28. :ua: Gо_A - Solovey :4:
29. :sm: Senhit - Freaky :4:
30. :es: Blas Canto - Universo :3:
31. :ee: Uku Suviste - What Love Is :3:
32. :au: Montaigne - Don't break me :2:
33. :sl: Ana Soklič - Voda :2:
34. :it: Diodato - Fai rumore :2:
35. :lt: The Roop - On Fire :2:
36. :at: Vincent Bueno - Alive :2:
37. :cy: Sandro - Running :1:
38. :hr: Damir Kedžo - Divlji vjetre :1:
39. :mk: Vasil - YOU :1:
40. :is: Daði & Gagnamagnið – Think about things :0:
41. :ru: Little Big - Uno :0:


December 12, 2011
Milky Way
01-:ie: Lesley Roy "Story of My Life"
02-:ge: Tornike Kipiani "Take Me as I Am"
03-:rs: Hurricane "Hasta la vista"
04-:ru: Little Big "Uno"
05-:sm: Senhit "Freaky!"
06-:am: Athena Manoukian "Chains on You"
07-:lv: Samanta Tīna "Still Breathing"
08-:md: Natalia Gordienko "Prison"
09-:de: Ben Dolic "Violent Thing"
10-:az: Efendi "Cleopatra"
11-:gr: Stefania "Supergirl"
12-:il: Eden Alene "Feker Libi"
13-:mk: Vasil "You"
14-:be: Hooverphonic "Release Me"
15-:dk: Ben & Tan "Yes"
16-:uk: James Newman "My Last Breath"
17-:no: Ulrikke "Attention"
18-:lt: The Roop "On Fire"
19-:is: Daði og Gagnamagnið "Think About Things"
20-:cz: Benny Cristo "Kemama"
21-:by: VAL "Da vidna"
22-:ee: Uku Suviste "What Love Is"
23-:it: Diodato "Fai rumore"
24-:al: Arilena Ara "Fall from the Sky"
25-:bg: Victoria "Tears Getting Sober"
26-:pt: Elisa "Medo de sentir"
27-:sl: Ana Soklič "Voda"
28-:nl: Jeangu Macrooy "Grow"
29-:cy: Sandro "Running"
30-:at: Vincent Bueno "Alive"
31-:mt: Destiny "All of My Love"
32-:ro: Roxen "Alcohol You"
33-:pl: Alicja "Empires"
34-:fr: Tom Leeb "The Best In Me"
35-:hr: Damir Kedžo "Divlji vjetre"
36-:fi: Aksel "Looking Back"
37-:ua: Go_A "Solovey"
38-:au: Montaigne "Don't Break Me"
39-:se: The Mamas "Move"
40-:es: Blas Cantó "Universo"
41-:ch: Gjon's Tears "Répondez-moi"

Czechia sneaked into my top 20 thanks to that awesome revamp, Bulgaria grew on me, France used to be last at one point, but it's still bad and hopefully the new version will be better. Ukraine and Austria are huge faders. Everyone else are pretty much constant. xcookie


Active member
February 13, 2020
1) :it::12:
2) :ge::12:
3) :de::12:
4) :be::12:
5 ) :al::10:
6) :sm::8:
7) :pt::8:
8) :az::8:
9) :ro::8:
10) :ch::8:

11) :pl::7:
12) :ie::7:
13) :mk::7:
14) :at::7:
15) :mt::7:
16) :dk::7:
17) :es::6:
18) :cz::6:
19) :uk::6:
20) :md::6:

21) :ua::6:
22) :am::6:
23) :nl::6:
24) :hr::5:
25) :sl::5:
26) :au::5:
27) :fi::5:
28) :se::5:
29) :bg::5:
30) :il::5:

31) :gr::5:
32) :cy::5:
33) :rs::5:
34) :is::4:
35) :lt::4:
36) :lv::4:
37) :ee::3:
38) :no::3:
39) :by::3:
40) :fr::3:

41) :ru::3:
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