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Canada šŸWV 191: Cleopatrick - Hometown


Well-known member
April 21, 2013

Team Canada Info
Current Juror: esc87fan (WV46-WV85, WV93-)
Best Finish: 1st place, WV 146, WV 167
Hostings: WV 61 Toronto, WV 137 Vancouver, WV 147 St. John's, WV 168 Winnipeg

Last edited:


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Re: Canada | WV90: "Zobo vs. The Suggestions" NF, and some catchup

Thanks to :west::cali:::sask for voting since my last set of thanks xrunhug

With one and a half hours to go until the deadline, we have a leader, but things are still neck-and-neck: three runners-up are all poised to take the lead in a single set of votes. And the votes so far have certainly been developing in an interesting way! Scores as-is:



February 9, 2012
Re: Canada | WV90: "Zobo vs. The Suggestions" NF, and some catchup

Why do I never have close nail-biting NFs like this? I always try hard to make things even but something always runs away with it:lol: It must be exciting not knowing until the very last moment what you're sending.


Well-known member
December 7, 2013
San Fierro
Re: Canada | WV90: "Zobo vs. The Suggestions" NF, and some catchup

Why do I never have close nail-biting NFs like this? I always try hard to make things even but something always runs away with it:lol: It must be exciting not knowing until the very last moment what you're sending.

It's exciting but I feel nervous honestly. Coz sometimes I clearly see which song is doing stronger on public opinion and which is among contenders just because it's got few points here and there to climb up highly. Honestly I think James NF is the best this season - I would enjoy any of my Top-4 favorites to win. Very interested Kai if you gave 12 to song that I awarded with last place in my ranking :lol: Cause I smell it will be this way


February 9, 2012
Re: Canada | WV90: "Zobo vs. The Suggestions" NF, and some catchup

It's exciting but I feel nervous honestly. Coz sometimes I clearly see which song is doing stronger on public opinion and which is among contenders just because it's got few points here and there to climb up highly. Honestly I think James NF is the best this season - I would enjoy any of my Top-4 favorites to win. Very interested Kai if you gave 12 to song that I awarded with last place in my ranking :lol: Cause I smell it will be this way

That's true actually. I even worried about that slightly with my NF this time, as the song in second only had one top mark as opposed to eight tops the winner had, but the lead got stronger and stronger, so I could end that worry.

Hmmmmm i'm sure Zobo doesn't want spoilers posted here but my votes.............. were interestingxpokerface I've caught on to what you think my favourite is, but what it is? that's for Zobo to reveal. The NF was great though. I agree.


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Re: Canada | WV90: "Zobo vs. The Suggestions" NF, and some catchup

Alright - deadline's over, plus an extra half an hour just in case, and my entry has been sent! No extra votes since my last update, so the winner is the lucky song that scraped through with a five-point lead over a three-way-tie second place.

This is perhaps the weirdest overall set of results I've had in any NF since joining WV ā€“ not because I thought the winner was chanceless or anything, but because the way in which all the votes came together was rather odd. I look forward to the reveal, as well as to discussing the full results.

Thanks again to all eleven lovely voters - :en::br:::mida:li:sb:gr::au::ru::no::west::cali:::sask - who helped make this NF happen!

EDIT: Fun fact I forgot to mention: every single song in this NF had at least one point at which it looked like the most probable winner. You guys really kept me on my toes as it all developed :lol:


Han Hazretleri
Staff member
March 12, 2012
Re: Canada | WV90: "Zobo vs. The Suggestions" NF, and some catchup

[MENTION=11243]ZoboCamel[/MENTION] would be interesting to see the voting grid of NF (if you want to reveal ofc)


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Re: Canada | WV90: "Zobo vs. The Suggestions" NF, and some catchup

Is it time to make a green room post on my WV90 entry almost four days after said entry NQed? I think it is xheat

So, um, yes, Tomato/Tomato won my WV90 NF. I'm sure this comes as a huge surprise to you all at this point. Anyways, before a bit of a write-up on the entry, let's finally see those NF results!


In general, every one of the six songs on offer ended up being someone's favourite, which I thought was pretty cool. Nice to see the diversity paying off a little. Anyway, I mentioned before that every one of these six songs seemed like the most likely winner at some point, so I figure I may as well go through how things went down from my perspective.

Before the first set of votes came in, I was expecting this to go to Complicated: while I knew it'd be a divisive song, it was obviously the best-known of the six, and I figured it'd have its fair share of fans. Clearly, though, the first set of votes didn't go Avril's way, with Lupus putting her dead last in his rankings.

Instead, the top score was taken by Zodiac. Perhaps the instrumental song would take things in what I had originally thought would be a surprise win? Instrumentals do, after all, tend to win my NFs whenever I include them; the song stands out against the rest of the field; and I usually get a lot of voters from the later pots voting in my NFs. But the tides quickly changed, as you can see, with the quirky electronic piece following up its 10 with a slew of low points and never again reaching the top two in anyone's votes. Sorry about that, [MENTION=14505]Lupus[/MENTION]!

The next couple of voters then made things look like Artificial Nocturne would take out the win. By that point, all three of the first voters had put the song in their top three; perhaps, I thought, the strong production values and cross-pot appeal would see the song take the win as a bit of a consensus pick. Some disagreement started popping up around the song over the next few sets of votes, though, and while it gained further support, it had a few too many low scores to push it back into contention.

Around here, I also thought Complicated might still stand a chance: it was going strong apart from that first set of votes, and had gotten some unexpected points. Looking at you here, [MENTION=9441]RainyWoods[/MENTION]... I think seeing you praise Avril with high points while giving only a 3 to Leonard Cohen must be the most unexpected moment of any NF I've ever held, and I imagine it will be difficult to top. Low points to one of your beloved idols, second place to Avril Lavigne and top points to a foot-tappy folk pop song complete with "whoa-oh-oh"s... I had to check quite a few times to make sure I was reading your username correctly :lol:

Regardless, as we went on with another few sets of voters, and Toss It All Away took the lead for the first time - it had only gotten a single 10 (and wouldn't get another for the rest of the NF), but was getting through by virtue of becoming the consensus leader that I originally thought Artificial Nocturne would be, as it wasn't in the bottom two of any single voter (and again, would keep this trend going until the end).

My focus at this mid point, though, was more on Leonard Cohen's alternative You Want It Darker. Having initially seen the song get low points from those who I thought might support it, I figured its chances were dead and it was in for an uber-flop, but to my surprise it shot up the scoreboards with an incredibly strong run of 10-10-5-10. The momentum was there, it took first for a brief period, and a couple of my usual late-pot voters hadn't turned up; perhaps Leonard would win after all!

Those predictions were dashed with the next few voters, who pushed the song back down to a lower spot and instead raised up a new candidate: The Lucky Ones. With nine sets of votes in, the song had climbed to the first place on the scoreboard through a solid mix of 10s, 7s and 5s, hadn't done particularly badly with any pot, and most tellingly, was the only remaining suggestion for which the player who suggested the song (@esc87fan) was yet to vote. She never did manage to make it, though - a fact which, combined with a couple of 3s from the last two voters, left the song a little short of the finish line.

Coming towards the end, my attention shifted again to Avril, who managed an almost-perfect run across the last three sets of votes... but as we reached the deadline, Toss It All Away remained the consensus winner, and so I had my WV90 entry. What a ride!

I wish I could take the credit for being the one to discover this fun little folk number, but I actually kind of stole it: my first experience with the song was in [MENTION=5527]Charly[/MENTION]'s magnificent NF for New Brunswick some 25 editions prior. And truth be told, this isn't even the first Canadian song I took from that NF - my internally selected WV88 entry Cold Water was also a runner-up there. Having now flopped with both of those entries, perhaps I should stay away from sourcing any more songs from that particular thread :lol:

I never quite knew what to expect in sending this song to WV - I wouldn't have been surprised with either a flop in the semi or a top-10 finish - and so when the song's journey ended with an NQ, I wasn't particularly shocked. I'd have loved to see it go further, of course, but you can't win 'em all. Regardless, thanks to those who voted for the song in the semi, and once again to everyone who made my NF for the edition so much fun to run!

And so we move on to WV91, and I've still got a few exciting things up my Canadian sleeve. Setting aside another general + suggestions NF (which I wouldn't want to put right after this one) and a second-chance NF (which I'll leave for last, if I want to do one), two options are springing to mind. The first is to hold an entirely instrumental NF, which would probably take me a little back to my Japan-Zobo roots (though still with a different feel, of course); the second is to internally select an obscure rock/metal entry with vague ties to a runner-up from an old Japanese NF of mine, in a move that I imagine would please [MENTION=15013]Ringdalen[/MENTION] and then be met with an "ugh" from virtually everyone else in WV xheat

I'm entirely open to suggestions of songs, thoughts on the above plans or anything else, but otherwise I'll get down to thinking over the next few days. Looking forward to whatever it is!


Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
Re: Canada | Looking back at WV90; undecided on my WV91 entry

Nice to know I was all alone there xlove WV don't know the best music when it gets it xslap


February 9, 2012
Re: Canada | Looking back at WV90; undecided on my WV91 entry

NF results followed by large breakdown post. Yaaaaaaaasssxheat

Well to be fair on me there, "Toss It All Away" was my clear favourite (I adore it) followed by three songs I felt I wanted to support about the same, so it was difficult. I may have publicly expressed my disdain for Avril's music in the past, but I try not to hold grudges. "Complicated" is full of nostalgia for me, and I genuinely loved it on release back in 2002. Brings back memories of my bless fail skater years. When push came to shove, it was the song I enjoyed second best in the NF. If you'd let us choose our numbers I would have gone 10-8-7-6. It wasn't fun giving Leonard only 3 points but "Artificial Nocturne" was something I found very interesting, and I guess the song choice for Cohen could have been something a bit more appealing to me personally. That could have pushed him up. I would have supported each of my top 4 this edition with pretty healthy points.

Further fun fact: Avril would be fighting with another song for my 10 points in this current final:rolleyes:


Well-known member
April 21, 2013
Re: Canada | Looking back at WV90; undecided on my WV91 entry


The Duchess returns in WV93!


Well-known member
May 22, 2016
Mamanuca Islands, Fiji
Re: Canada | Looking back at WV90; undecided on my WV91 entry

The one and only original Canadian Duchess returns to her homeland! Good luck mon amie, from your Asian friend the Crown Princess of Singapore xlove xcheer


Well-known member
April 21, 2013
Re: Canada šŸ WV93 - The Duchess Returns!


It is so great to be back! It took me a bit of time to think about it, but I just felt that even after 40 editions (and a largely unsuccessful stint with Japan) I had a bit more to give from my "home and native land".

For my comeback entry, I have chosen an instrumental that meant a great deal to this country and still does today. I hope you enjoy it!


Well-known member
April 21, 2013
Re: Canada šŸ WV93 - David Foster: Winter Games

WORLDVISION 93 :ca::paci:

David Foster - Winter Games


Story Behind the Song


30 years ago this year, the world came to Calgary for the 1988 Winter Olympics, the first time the event was held in Canada (12 years after Montreal hosted the Summer Games). This was the theme music for the event, and is still used today by some Canadian broadcasters for daily recaps of Olympic coverage. This piece has a special place in our history!



Well-known member
April 21, 2013
Re: Canada šŸ WV94: Celine Dion ft. Andrea Bocelli - The Prayer

WORLDVISION 94 :ca:::losn

Celine Dion ft. Andrea Bocelli - The Prayer


(Italian lyrics are translated in italics)

I pray you'll be our eyes
And watch us where we go
And help us to be wise
In times when we don't know
Let this be our prayer
When we lose our way

Lead us to a place
Guide us with your grace
To a place where we'll be safe

La luce che tu hai
The light that you have
(I pray we'll find your light)
Nel cuore resterĆ 
Will stay in the heart
(And hold it in our hearts)
A ricordarci che
Will remind us
(When stars go out each night)
Eterna stella sei
You are an eternal star
Nella mia preghiera
In my prayer
(Let this be our prayer)
Quanta fede c'ĆØ
How much faith there is
(When shadows fill our day)

Lead us to a place
(Guide us with your grace)
Give us faith so we'll be safe

Sogniamo un mondo senza piĆ¹ violenza
We dream of a world without violence
Un mondo di giustizia e di speranza
A world of justice and hope
Ognuno dia la mano al suo vicino
Everyone gives his hand to his neighbor
Simbolo di pace, di fraternitĆ 
A symbol of peace, of brotherhood

La forza che ci dĆ 
The strength that we give
(We ask that life be kind)
ƈ il desiderio che
And the desire that
(And watch us from above)
Ognuno trovi amor
Everyone will find love
(We hope each soul will find)
Intorno e dentro sƩ
Around and in themselves
(Another soul to love)

Let this be our prayer
(Let this be our prayer)
Just like every child
(Just like every child)

Need to find a place
Guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe

ƈ la fede che
And the faith that
Hai acceso in noi
You lit in us
Sento che ci salvera
I feel will save us



Well-known member
April 21, 2013
Re: Canada šŸ WV95: Loreena McKennitt - Ballad of the Fox Hunter

WORLDVISION 95 :ca:::lein

Loreena McKennitt - Ballad of the Fox Hunter


Lay me in a cushioned chair
Carry me, ye four
With cushions here and cushions there
To see the world once more

To stable and to kennel go
Bring what there is to bring
Lead my Lollard to and fro
Or gently in a ring

Put the chair upon the grass
Bring Rody and his hounds
That I may contented pass
From these earthly bounds

His eyelids drop, his head falls low
His old eyes cloud with dreams
The sun falls on all things that grow
Falls in sleepy streams

Brown Lollard treads upon the lawn
And to the armchair goes
There the old man's dreams are gone
He smoothes the long, brown nose

And now moves many a [?] tongue
Upon his wasted hands
Leading aged hounds and young
The huntsman near him stands

The servants round his cushioned place
Are with new new sorrow wrung
The hounds are gazing on his face
The aged hounds and young

The fire is in the old man's eyes
His fingers move and sway
When the wandering music dies
They hear him feebly say:

"Oh huntsman, Rody, blow the horn
Make the hills reply
I cannot blow upon my horn
I can't but weep and sigh"

One blind hound lies apart
On the sun-smitten grass
He holds commune with his heart
The moments pass and pass

The blind hound with a mournful wail
He lifts his wintry head
The servants bear the body in
The hounds wail for the dead

Huntsman, Rody, blow the horn
Make the hills reply
Huntsman, Rody, blow the horn
Make the hills reply
Huntsman, Rody, blow the horn
Make the hills reply
The huntsman loosens on the morn
A gay and mournful cry



Well-known member
April 21, 2013
Re: Canada šŸ WV96: Logan Staats - The Lucky Ones

WORLDVISION 96 :ca::lond:

Logan Staats - The Lucky Ones


Lightning strikes once in your life
If this is love Iā€™m rolling the dice
Let it rain cause weā€™re on fire and I know you know it
I never wanna see your heart happy, with another
Iā€™m never gonna let you go ever, cause youā€™re mine
I never wanna see your heart happy, with another
Iā€™m never gonna let you go so hold me close tonight

We are, we are, we are the lucky ones
The stars could fall but weā€™re young and weā€™re burning bright
We are, we are, we are the lucky ones
Close your eyes and hold me close tonight

You and I wrapped in my bed
Lost in time as good as it gets
Close your eyes and make a wish like you know weā€™re golden
I never wanna see your heart happy, with another
Iā€™m never gonna let you go so hold me close tonight

We are, we are, we are the lucky ones
The stars could fall but weā€™re young and weā€™re burning bright
We are, we are, we are the lucky ones
Close your eyes and hold me close tonight

Ohhh woah woahhh, ohhh woah woahhhh
Ohhh woah woahhh, ohhh woah woahhhh

I never wanna see your heart happy, with another
Iā€™m never gonna let you go ever, cause youā€™re mine
I never wanna see your heart happy, with another
Iā€™m never gonna let you go so hold me close tonight

We are, we are, we are the lucky ones
The stars could fall but weā€™re young and weā€™re burning bright
We are, we are, we are the lucky ones
Close your eyes and hold me close tonight

Ohhh woah woahhh, ohhh woah woahhhh
Ohhh woah woahhh, ohhh woah woahhhh

We are, we are, we are the lucky ones
Close your eyes and hold me close tonight

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