I cannot understand, for the life of me, why the jury hates Bulgaria every year.
2009, the jury only judged the final, but I could see how people didn't like Bulgaria that year. He was also competing against Malena...
2010 and 2011, Bulgaria was in the tough semi, so I guess, it's understandable. 2010 wasn't their best effort either, but 2011 was fantastic.
2012 and 2013 is just NOT ON.
The highest rank the jury has given them, overall, is a mere 12th, which was in 2011 with Poli (who was great).
Besides that, the jury have always put them close to the bottom. Why 'Alcohol is Free' is ranked 3rd (it did have some ethnic Greek sounds), whilst 'Samo Shampioni' ranks last is beyond me. I guess the jury just hates Bulgaria...I hope they choke on their dinner tonight. :twisted: