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Best / Worst Lyrics ESC 2021

Ana Raquel

OM Mod
Staff member
March 3, 2018
I don't think there is a set of song as iconically bad as Cleopatra last year.

I'm not fond of ~deep~ and ~profound~ lyrics so the ~conceptual poetry~ is not really pleasant for me as it is for a lot of you (and I don't really like poetry anyway :p). I'm more into in-your-face lyrics. Because of that, I also second :is: as the best one as well. it's in-your-face and it captures the essence of the music and dadi's personality + feelings pretty well. it's freaking adorable.

I'll choose :cy: as the worst as well because I don't enjoy random words in spanish thrown on the song without no sense or ontest.

what's your mood?

oh i'm feeling





Ana Raquel

OM Mod
Staff member
March 3, 2018
Also, a mention for :ru: second verse because i found it iconic with her performance xheat

What's going on over there? You beautiful girl
Are you waiting for your knight in shining armor? You poor thing
You are over 30 already, hello, where are your kids?
All in all, you are beautiful, but it would be nice to lose weight
Dress up in something longer, dress up in something shorter
You grew up without a father, do what (you don't want)
And are you sure you don't want to? (You don't, but you should)
Listen up, it's the truth, you and I are not a herd
Ravens, scoot, please go away


August 29, 2011
Áth Cliath
These three instantly come to mind:
[Verse 1]
What can I say?
I can't make her stay
When I know that she's so far above
How could she ever love someone like me?
She's out of reach

Here in the dark
Inside the hole in my heart
I'm fighting all of my demons tryna tear me apart
And I'm still not sure what you ever saw in me

These really hit close to home for many reasons as someone with huge inferiority complex issues.

Zoti nuk ma fal
T’thirra por sot nuk kam
Lotët mbledhur në dorë
Të ndryshkur janë
God does not forgive me
I called but today I do not have
Tears collected in my hand
They are rusty

I will glow, I will burn
Bring the passion inside
Let me touch your fate
I will lead, I will guide you
On your way
I am here to remind
You're in the right place
Playing dirty, not my case
Giving up hopes, not my case
Being envious, not my case
You got something to say
Say it to my face
My rules, your rules

Very empowering and self-pride/dignity reinforcing
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Active member
March 27, 2021
Best: Norway and Russia
Worst: Australia, France (not bad but the lyrics seem kinda egoistic to me not gonna lie)
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