I can't take him seriously. He sounds like a young boy who has listened to his favourite warbling diva's a few too many times, and has morphed into one. You'd be forgiven for thinking he's an amateur singer covering someone else's song. The accent is really off putting and the whole thing sounds like a youtube fan cover, until you get to the chorus where it actually comes together a bit better. His voice is androgynous which I quite like. Listening to it three times now, I genuinely have mixed feelings about it. I think it's awful, but at the same time, it's something that is quite unusual. It's got a smidgen of dissonance to it in the chorus (and I live for dissonance) but i'm not in love with it as a whole. The composition is different though and it sticks out in such a dull year. I think this is gonna be the "Birds" of 2015 for me. Love/hate relationship with the song. It's not quite the epic car crash I was thinking it would be, more like a drag queen on a unicycle, wobbling down some steps. It's ok. It deserves my 6 points because it's actually challenging me, rather than just causing that dreadful feeling of indifference many of us know far too well this year.