Among the coaches, Nazar made the best impression on me, yet the guys from The BossHoss kept talking all the time. :roll: Whenever Nazar is critical of something, he expresses constructive criticism and he is able to justify his opinions. I would have appreciated more coaches like him.
As far as the songs are concerned, overall I think they made the right choice. In the case of Folkshilfe, it doesn't really matter anyway, what specific flavor of crap is chosen. Nevertheless, I have to agree with Nazar that the guys from Folkshilfe are more likely to become a commercial success in Austria than the other acts because they (unfortunately) represent the kind of music many Austrians like.
JSB are not as good as they could have been but I'm still in favor of them because of their concept and I enjoy their style of music. Otherwise I favor Dawa. They are interesting because they offer something different but I think they might generally be better suited for smaller stages and events. I think these two acts are also most likely not to drown among their competition in the grand final.
Folkshilfe could also draw attention, of course, the same way a floating turd does.