I enjoyed Mal in a
so bad it's good sort of way. His live vocals were a disaster. He couldn't sing a single note to save his life. It was funny. The song was catchy... but how did it win Fik? It makes zero sense. Never mind though.
I enjoyed Zemrën n'dorë on the first night. Being honest, I was feeling it less on subsequent listens. It's a very comfy Albanian entry. We know what's happening. Sneaks through to the ESC final and ends up 17th-22nd with points from the same countries as usual. Melodically I can't ever dislike this entry. It's just carries too much Albanian charm and heart. My one bigger complaint with the entry (and I hate to say it) is Besa herself. She's giving it her all but the vocals get incredibly strained at times. It needs to be worked on. This isn't the immediate slam dunk of a powerhouse vocal we're used to from Albania but the passion as always is there, 110%.
I can't argue myself below

points for this. I feel sad though we didn't get Elsa Lila or Shpat Deda. Both would have taken easy 12s from me and I believe could have been risks worth taking, especially the latter. S'mund t'fitoj pa ty was being slept on like crazy. If Albania want to experience the highs of Suus or even Mall again, they need to step out of this particular mid-tempo diva ballad zone occasionally whilst still staying true to themselves.