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  • Hey Reggie. You can start it anytime you want actually, after the finals, but maybe a good suggestion would be to start it exactly the week after the final evening (21st May, that is). It is much, much better to have a poll. It is different in the ranking game I am holding as I get a lot of votes and there are a lot of songs, plus it would be difficult to be done by voting in the polls, but it is the best option for making sure people vote objectively. When you are creating a poll for the topic make sure to have the option (not exactly sure how it's called) where people won't be able to see the outcome during voting procedure checked on. Only the admins and the mods of the forum will be able to see it, but the other members won't. I also think it should be stickied on the main forum :)
    Thanks! :D

    If you had a similar experience with one girl, then you will probably think I'm a horrible person after I tell you something :( He ("my friend" :lol:) asked me today to go for a walk with him, but I said that I don't have time :oops: Actually, I went out with my friend to hear her opinion about everything. I know it's really evil from me, but to be honest I lack the courage at the moment :oops: I really don't wanna hurt him, cause he's been so nice with me. If someone, who I wanna be with, would ever tell me this, I would be really hurt and maybe even cry :lol: I'm trying to put myself in his position.
    Forget it, I always complicate things. My friend thinks I should continue hanging out with him so her advice definitely doesn't help :lol:

    Yep, that's me. The real Andrea Demirović is here. Schhhhhh just don't tell anyone, I'm hiding behind the name "Isabella" xafro :lol:
    We are still friends, but I think it's not possible anymore. After his love messages, it became even more clear that we have a weird "friendship" :lol: I'm really sad since he is really a nice person, but I need to get strength and tell him that this whole friendship idea was a big mistake. I feel unpleasant and bitchy at the moment :(

    I got results of my colloquium today and all my answers were correct so I got maximum mark 5 :D I should be really happy, but other things are bothering me :confused:
    Reggie, I think you are in love xromance I'm really happy to hear you are having great time with that girl :D
    And if she looks tensed when she is around you, I think she likes you too. Aww, that's so sympathic :D

    I wish I like someone so much :cool:
    I always thought Americans are more fun :lol: I remember when we played beach volleyball with some Americans in Split and they were really funny guys. They also said to us how we are much more fun :lol:

    How are you doing with the girl you like? The one you mentioned in "How do you feel" thread? :mrgreen:
    Hahahaha, that's a good idea :lol: The atmosphere would surely be different :D Yes, Stevan Faddy won Montevizija (the Montenegrin semi-final), and "Ludi Letnji Ples" won Beovizija (the Serbian semi), but in the end No Name won with "Moja Ljubavi" in the way I told you :lol: They won in 2005 in the same way, the Serbian favorite got all 0s from the Montenegrin jury, while the Serbian jury gave points to No Name. Not to prejudice anything, but I think we would've got a better result if this went instead of No Name in 2005
    Haha, thanks :lol: Actually, the lyrics are mine but the song is (obviously) a cover :D This is how the original song sounds like This should have been a Serbian ESC entry in 2006 (actually, Serbo-Montenegrin entry, but the group is Serbian). The song never came to ESC, because we withdrew (political reasons, Montenegrin jury gave all 0s to this song as it was no.1 favorite in Serbia to win, and gave 12s to the Montenegrin favorite forcing their entrants to win (it was No Name again). That was the second time they did so, as No Name won in the same way in 2005. The audience reacted and booed No Name, not letting them perform the winning entry.)

    I don't sound too terrible? :lol: I should apply for ESC next year :lol: :lol: :lol: The guy singing "Me And My Guitar" was the winner :D
    Thanks a lot :D Well, in case you change your mind, you can always apply, consider yourself invited :p :D I entered a karaoke contest recently, I thought I will be last, but I ended up on third position :D I did use the gimmick in the lyrics a bit though :lol: But I guess I don't have such a bad vocal either :lol: :D
    Actually, I am helping "the" Milos, so I am involved in the contest as well, but this is the other Milos who is collecting the songs :D I have to see with him if we will post all entries on the website yet, or we will internally pick the best one :) In case you are interested, here are more details, and a link to the topic on our forum
    Oh, you too with Andrea Demirović thing? :o :lol: Well, she is really pretty girl, so thanks for the complement :lol: :D
    Yeah, some people on this forum say that as well. But nobody ever told me that in Croatia. Here I have a new nickname "Seherezat", because of one Turkish actress. They say I look like her, but I disagree :lol: Though, we have similar eyes I would say. Here she is ---->
    Anyway, I really don't look like Andrea or "Seherezat" :lol: Me is me :D

    Of course, I will tell you when I come to L.A. That would be awesome, we would have so much fun :D
    Dunno about Estonian women :lol: I know they are really pretty and everyone says that. I've never met them, but I'm sure you would love it :mrgreen: :lol:
    I also thought you probably have less than 20 years :lol: But you look great on your avatar :D
    I remember few months ago, they didn't want to let me in one club, because I forgot my ID and security guard told me "girl no way you have more than 21 years" :mad: :lol:

    I believe you. Everyone who I know and live in America love it there. I would really like to spend at least few months in America. Hope it will happen :)
    I'm soooooooo tired of Croatia, but I really love my dear Zagreb :D
    Is your name Reggie? I remember someone on this forum called you like that :oops: Cool name :D

    Hahah I'm 22 years old, but will be 23 soon and I really feel old. I'm really worried how will I feel in about 10 years :lol:
    Let's drink for oldness xcheers :lol:

    Indeed, seems like it would be better to study law in America. Laws are different and I would probably need to pass some extra exams in Croatia or stay in America :lol: But it's really a good idea :D
    International business law is amazing choice :mrgreen:
    I would go for criminal law at the 5th year. But after I finish law school, if I wanna be lawyer in Croatia, I have to go through 3 years internship in a law firm. Only after the internship you can pass the bar exam :( :lol:
    As you see, it's a very long way :lol: That's why, I'm not sure about law faculty, but it's my dream :mrgreen:

    Good luck with your studying and hope you catch some time for fun ;)
    Yeah, I understand you :( Same is with me. Lately, I really don't have time for fun. That makes me feel like I'm really old :lol:
    I went out last Friday in one club and I felt so tired after :oops: I used to live for crazy Fridays and Saturdays, but not anymore :lol:

    Really?! There is no semiotics in American uni? I had no idea.
    I've never been to Estonia, but I hope to visit one day. I heard it's really a beautiful country with beautiful people. You would enjoy there, I'm sure. Plus Estonian girls are really pretty and that's another good reason for you to study there :twisted: :lol:
    I also had to divide my message :lol:

    OMG it's a great idea with Estonia and Semiotics school sounds so interesting. Estonia is beautiful country, I'm sure you would love it there :)
    In Croatia it takes 5 years to finish law faculty (it's master's degree, cause at Croatian law faculty bachelor's degree doesn't exist :lol:) but people say it's so hard that most students study it for 8 years :lol: I hope it won't be the case with me. My brother had no problems with law school :D
    Really?! You also have interests in Law school :D If you choose law, what would you like to be? Lawyer, notary public, prosecutor,...? :mrgreen:
    Yeah, Dubrovnik and Split are stunning. Zadar is great too. I go almost every year to Zadar during the summer. I will go this summer as well. I only hate when it's overcrowded during the tourist season. You are welcome here :D

    You are 45 minutes away from L.A., so you can have great time there if your town has not many stuff to do. Trust me, Zagreb is dead at night :lol: Only Saturday's nights are awesome. I would say Zagreb is capital of culture. It's great for tourists to visit it on 1 or 2 days, but usually they don't stay too long here, because you have nothing to do (this refers to the younger population) ;) Also, I was so surprised yesterday, cause I noticed first store in Zagreb which works 24 hours.
    Oh I'm sure L.A. has tons of fun things to do (especially comparing to Zagreb :lol:) and that's why I'm a bit disappointed. I really wanted to go outside of Europe for a change, so I thought it would be great to see L.A. and study there as well. But I'll get over it :lol:
    Yep, there are so many forms to fill out. My friend went studying to Spain and she lost her nerves with all paper businesses she had to do. She almost gave up from everything, but she is in Zaragoza now :D

    I think France is amazing choice and you are studying French as you said. I will cross my fingers for you and I'm sure you'll be in France soon :)
    I have no idea if I'll go to study outside Croatia now :lol: I'm 4th year student now and I should enter master next year, so it's kinda complicated at the moment, cause 4th year is the best for studying abroad. Dunno, we will see. I'm even thinking of entering law faculty this year, so perhaps I get one more chance for studying abroad :lol:
    I just checked "Your home town" thread and have no idea how I missed pics of Redlands. It's really beautiful :D

    No, I haven't visited my uncle in Santa Monica :( I have many pictures and postcards though :lol: I should have been studying in L.A. now, but my plans were cancelled, because my faculty in Zagreb is stupid :( I'm so sad. I've done so many things to apply for visa, but in the end I didn't even bother to ask for it in U.S. embassy :lol: Dean told me to study 1 year in some European country, cause they won't recognize exams from USA :? It really sucks! It's really hard to understand anything in Croatian education system :lol: Well, it won't stop me to go to Santa Monica one day. Maybe very soon :D
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