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  • Hellouuu zis is Lend of Faya callinG!!! hahaha :mrgreen:

    thx thx, I would have wanted a victory for my lovely Angel and Demon (2008) than this, but I'm not complaining. How are u btw? You have a life I think, because I rarely see you post on this forum. I will be having my life back too in few days :mrgreen:
    nastavak 2 :cool:

    Čestitke Partizanu xcheers Jadan Robi :lol: Kod nas nije tako veliko rivalstvo ove godine. Prije je znalo biti tako kao kod vas između Zvezde i Partizana. Ali Dinamo je već šesti put zaredom osvojio HNL i Hajduk izgleda jadno :lol: Nije uopće zanimljivo, Dinamo nema konkurencije.

    Btw super ti je bio ranking game :D Lavovi su odlični :lol:
    Nastavak :mrgreen:

    Nadam se da ćeš ipak na kraju otići u Španjolsku ;) Znam kako je to s novcima. Teško je odvojiti sad za vrijeme krize, zato sam i ja odlučila da ove godine ne idem nigdje van Hrvatske. Mislim nije da je kod nas jeftin odmor :lol: Ja sam prije držala instrukcije iz engleskog i matematike ovima iz osnovne i srednje škole. Pazi ja i matematika :rolleyes: :lol: Onda sam skupila nešto love, ali sam potrošila :( :lol: Ali stari i stara mi svaki mjesec odvoje koliko mogu i tako se skupilo. I baka isto :mrgreen: I brat xrollinglol
    Ja samo žicam lovu :oops: Ali da bilo bi puno lakše kad bih i ja radila nešto. Mislim da ću si sigurno naći neki posao kad se vratim s mora. Barem na 2 mjeseca, ako ga uspijem naći.
    Fingers crossed for Spain ;) :D Ali nemoj biti tužan ako ne možeš ove godine. Onda počni štediti za sljedeću godinu i možda uspiješ skupiti novce za Španjolsku :)
    Heeeej Miloše :D

    Prvo da čestitam Srbiji, jer ste u finalu Eurosonga :D Nina je imala odličan nastup tako da sam na kraju ipak i glasovala za vas i za Mađarsku, iako Kati je imala katastrofa nastup :lol: Mi smo isto imali loš nastup, Darija je loše otpjevala. Sad se nadam da će moja draga Ukrajina proći u četvrtak da mogu glasovati u subotu za njih, jer su moj broj 1 ove godine :cool:

    Jesi položio one ispite? Meni tek sad slijedi još mučenja :( :lol: Onaj kolokvij sam položila, a to sam ti već rekla. Ali sad u ovaj petak i sljedeći tjedan imam još kolokvija. Nadam se da ću nešto položiti tako da mogu na more, jer onda moram ostati u Zg-u učiti ako mi ostane puno ispita :lol:
    Jel vi to plaćate prijavu ispita? :eek:
    Sounds like my kinda holiday :mrgreen: :oops: I'm now more than convinced that Serbia is the country I have to spend time in, I mean the epic swearwords and holidays dedicated to lazy people :mrgreen: I'm not sure if we have such a holiday here in NL, maybe in Aze not sure, I don't watch Aze tv :p

    Happy lazy people day to you too! Enjoy it to the fullest!!! xcheers
    Congraaaaaaaaaaats! :D You won!!! Naturally, after I blessed you with my good wishes :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: just kidding :p That's indeed a very fortunate Easter for you!!! :cool:

    krc :mrgreen:
    Oh Miloosiii!!! Well then I wish you the best of luck possible :D You can do it! :p

    I will cheer for you all the way from here xcheer xcheer xcheer (sorry this forum doesnt have cheers with mustaches .... conspiracy :?)

    good luckio and happy Easter! xfruits:
    Sabsi is doing okaaay, Sabsi is a bit bored as well :mrgreen: I'm busy lately *trying to sound important and stuff* :? As you may know ( or not know muhahahaha) having a life is not so easy :twisted:

    krc :D
    Alright! I'll do that then :) Also, I wanted to make 2 or 3 threads, so that each NF that I do each week will have a separate page, so it will be cleaner and easier to look at. That would be alright too right?

    Hvala Milos :D
    Miloš, when should I start the thread for the Idealvision game if I wanted to start the game 1 week after the finals.
    I have a question, would a poll or voting on thread work best for getting votes? Which one would work better in cases where I would have 2 or 3 NF's in 1 week?
    Also, Matt suggested that the thread to be stickied on the main forum.
    Imam zvaku :mrgreen: al te ne dam, aa ne DAM xsnooty

    Where have u been Milosiiii? I missed you :p and our deep profound conversations about science, world politics, philosophy, quantum physics and all that other stuff that intellectual people like us talk about, you know on a daily basis :mrgreen: (Milosi is thinking : '' Huhhh when did that happen?'' :?) Chilllaaaax, I'm juss messing with you hehehehe :mrgreen: Couldn't reply to you in the shoutbox, Matty wanted us to speak in Engrish :cry:
    Gotcha! Oh politics :lol: ! Was that the year when Steffan Faddy was supposed to represent Serbia and Montenegro too?

    BTW, If I were to do a cover of Caroban, I would wear a Lordi mask, and I will make it into a hard rock version! :D just an idea to throw out :lol: :mrgreen:
    I'm more than half way done with the video, you guys seem to have so much fun singing! Did you make the lyrics? "Crazy Forum Dance... Stop" :lol:

    The guy who sang Me and My Guitar sounds like he's from the 80's, it reminded me of 80's ballad songs!

    Sounds so fun :)
    Congrats Milos! If I were to enter, I would probably get nul point and be burned at stake :lol: According to my friends (I love how honest they are) I sound pretty terrible :lol: :lol: xrofl3xrollinglol
    That's awesome! My voice isn't so magical so I won't be entering :lol: But it's a really fun idea, it would be great to see see/hear the winner. Good luck with that contest Milos, and to the other Milos too :mrgreen: :)
    Are you the Milos in OGAE Serbia who's collecting the songs for the contest? Sounds so much fun :) Will the entries be posted on OGAE Serbia website?
    nastavak 3 :mrgreen:
    Joj da i meni se opet pojavljuje database error. A baš sam se ponadala da je nestalo :lol:
    Baš mi je drago da ti je sad dobra naša pjesma. Me is happy :D Stvarno ćeš glasovati za nas? :eek: Tenx! :D I ja sam isto razmišljala da glasujem za vas, jer smo u istom polufinalu pa da onako u dobrosusjedskim odnosima prođemo zajedno u finale, a onda što bude hehe. Ionako mi ostale pjesme nisu nešto. I za Mađarsku bih glasovala. A u finalu najvjerojatnije za Ukrajinu, jer je trenutno moj broj 1. Naravno držim fige za Ninu i Dariju :D
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