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  • Miloše drago mi je da si tu i da si dobro :D Samo ja nisam imala vremena da odgovorim, ali sad sam free tjedan dana tako da mogu tipkati :lol:

    Ma sve je ok. Neću ništa više pričati, jer htjela bih sve to ostaviti iza sebe. Nije da ne želim reći nego mislim da nema potrebe ;)
    Oh hvala na čestitkama :D A koliko se ti još moraš mučit? :lol: Mislim koliko još imaš do kraja faksa? A nikad ne znaš, možda ja još nešto upišem sljedeće godine ako mi ne uspije magisterij. Onda ćemo opet moći plakati zajedno :mrgreen:

    Joj takvi su mi profesori poznati. Dobro je da ti svi drugi predmeti idu, to mi je drago čuti, a budeš riješio i tog profesora. Ako sve naučiš valjda te mora pustiti. Samo takvima se nemoj ništa zamjeriti, jer onda će biti problema. Uglavnom puno sreće s tim Hitlerom :twisted: :lol:
    Heeeeeeeej Miloše =))
    Sad tebe nema. Valjda sam dobro, ni sama ne znam kako se osjećam. Preminula mi je ona frendica (ako se sjećaš kad sam ti pričala da ima rak). Onda sam ja skroz pala u depresiju. Bilo mi je jako loše, čak sam napravila par gluposti i učinila stanje još gorim. Ali neću o tome ovako preko vidljivih poruka. Ej ali nije sve tako crno uspjela sam završit faks, iako za magisterij još nisam ništa napravila. Nemam volje, nekako mi se ništa neda. I da idem na praksu za asistenta voditelja prodaje (preko veze naravno :lol:). Posao me uopće ne zanima, nisam studirala za takvo nešto, ali na kraju koje su uopće moje stečene vještine osim silne teorije i štrebanja :oops: :lol:

    Kako si ti? Kako faks, ljubav? :mrgreen:
    Are you planning on moving away from Serbia? I know you really like Germany, perhaps get a university professor career there? For me, I'm trying to get a career in Foreign service as an ambassador or as a consul in American embassies in Europe. My plan is to live either in France or an Ex-Yu country where pace of life is slower than it is in USA. I like working but I also want a relaxing life.

    I'm quite glad I discovered this forum! It lets me connect to people in Europe who's going through similar situation like me :). It's one of the things I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving. I'm so excited to celebrate it with my family. I'm going to be cooking tomorrow and we're gonna be eating a great dinner :D. Makes me super happy :D
    The same situation is happening in USA where people with bachelors degree are not getting the jobs that they are qualified to do because 1) there are not enough jobs 2) the people with connections to the company/government already got the job before the other ones. This one of the reasons that the Occupy Wallstreet movement started. Though it is true that our system is more merit based, connections still make a good part of why a person gets hired over another person.

    For me, I think students in American universities do not learn enough to be capable of actually doing work. For me, if I didn't do the research that I'm doing and the other activities that I do, I don't feel like I'm qualified to work with my degree, I just feel like it is not enough.
    Wow, only 5% have bachelor's diploma? that's surprising, here it's about 30% who have a bachelor's diploma. I expected about the same level in ex-Yugo countries. However, having a high percentage of people having bachelors degree is difficult on us as well, because it raises the level of expectations that the employers have. Now, to have a job that allows for a "middle-class" lifestyle one must have a masters degree or a professional degree.
    You want to be a university professor? What is going to be your master's concentration? If I'm not mistaken you're studying Economics right?. See, you're a really hard worker, you study quite a lot :D. I'm sure you're going to succeed in your masters and your doctoral studies :). Just don't forget to relax and have fun once in a while because that is important too. Sometimes, I forget that I'm still a young person, and I forget to relax and just spend time as a young person would :lol:. But, even though studies is stressful, we have to try to have fun once in a while :D
    Late reply is late :lol: (sorry :oops:)

    Right now I'm barely learning the grammar, and the basics! I don't really know how to say any phrases, I just know the trends in the Croatian and Serbian grammars, but that's about it. I really do wish that I speak the language because it is a very cool sounding language! I love how there are a lot of consonants and a lot of hard to pronounce words, at least for me :)

    Well, when that happens it's totally unfair for you and the students who get a high mark just because they like the professor and the professor likes them is unfair and unjust as well. But in alll honesty, that's very hard to prevent, even here in USA, I notice sometimes that professors favor one student over another just because they like them more. Don't be discouraged though, I know that you're smart and you'll get what you want, and you're gonna prove them wrong :)
    WHAT!?!?!?!?! Street cleaners only make $10 a month!?!? How are they supposed to survive with only that much money!

    I hope your teeth are better now! Also, did the dentist did the "repair" for free because it was his fault that the infection happened?

    Learning new things is always fun for me! I'm a nerd deep inside :lol:. When I have free time, I read random things. I've always had an interest in North Korea, so I read a graphic novel by a French novelist, Guy Deslisles, it was one of the funniest novels that I've ever read! I also learn a lot about life from my friends, and from people in our forum :)
    Miiiillloooooššššššššššš I finally installed the Croatian keyboard program, so I can now do Serbo-Croatian accent marks!!

    I am sorry to hear about the situation between you and your professor. I hate it when professors only look at their favorites and only care about their faves. I have been through a similar situation last year when I took an American Civil Religion class, the lecture class has about 300 students in them, and the class is divided into discussion sections with 20 people each. The students in the discussion sections held by the professor got higher grades than the students who were in discussion sections held by graduate students (I was one of those unlucky ones :lol:) How is it like studying in Serbia? Hele talked to me about her university experience in Croatia, I am wondering if it is similar.
    I don't remember how I found Euroensiklopedia page on youtube, but I was just surfing through the internet looking for ESC videos from the 90's, and I found that one! Most of the time, I subscribe to a lot of ESC related uploaders, and also Ex-Yu singers/bands like Lidija Bacic, Jelena Rozga and Magazin :D :mrgreen:
    Hey Milos! It took me a long while to reply because of things happening in life. I've been quite busy with studies, work and other things in general. I went to a sexual assault training last Saturday because it's a requirement for me if I wanted to handle cases in Student Conduct Committee involving sexual assault (i.e. student rape, etc.). It was the longest seminar that I've ever been to :lol: :lol:. As for other things in life, things are good, I was just a little stressed this morning because I was hurrying to finish a book for my 3PM class (It's 1PM right now), and luckily I finished with 2 hours to spare :D.

    I hope you're feeling better and that your teeth don't hurt anymore!

    Euro to Dollar conversion is really really crazy!!! :lol:
    Oh yeah, upto 2006 Serbia and Montenegro were 1 country! Plus during Yugoslav times all SFR's were part of 1 big country (right?).
    I really love how it's the entire show in 1 video instead of breaking it up in multiple parts. I was so surprised to see it. I've been subscribed to his channel for a while now, but I don't know how I ended up subscribing to him xrofl3. The uploader started uploading ESC stuff about 3 weeks ago, all that was there initially were the 50's and 60's show, but I didn't wanna watch it. Then 80's 90's and early 2000's came out. Then I was overwhelmed with joy :lol:. I could imagine that they're really expensive! Here even just getting the newer, late 2000's DVD's cost somewhere from $30 to $40, but the 2011 is cheaper and costs as much as a DVD copy of a show or concert
    He's of Montenegrin roots, on his poster it said that he was born in Podgorica, lived in Leipzig as a child, and is now living in California!
    Duuuude, I love whoever is uploading those videos. I watched the 1998 ESC and the Kvalifikacija za Millstreer for 1993 on his/her channel. More power to that uploader :D
    There's a guitarist named Milos Karadaglic who played in my university yesterday, I didn't go, but when I saw his name on the boards it reminded me of you :lol:
    Ej, što je sa skrivenim online statusima na Esctoday forumu? :/ Vidim da mi je nestao skriveni status, a imala sam ga
    Will Belvist soon return to NSC?
    i know the WL is enormous atm but it would be nice to see Belvist back.
    Thanks Milos!

    Thanks for choosing me! I'll do my best :D I'm more than sure we'll have the best cooperation with Matt :)
    Thank you so much for helping me on the polls. You and Matt are such great mod/admins :)
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