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HUNGARY 2013 - ByeAlex - Kedvesem

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    31 13.8%

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December 28, 2009
Not really, Russia received no love from the juries in 2011 and it still qualified.

Actually, when you say it that's correct, but I'd say it's very tough though to qualify if one parts hates you and the other loves you... maybe there are some lucky exceptions, I mean Russia 2011 was 9th... so had it been just a bit more "unlucky" it wouldn't have qualified.


February 9, 2012
ByeAlex hasn't been the most pleasant person to talk to but it's in my Top 10. Hopefully he is going to warm up to Eurovision as he isn't a big fan of the contest. I wonder if it was the juries or the televoters putting him through (or both?!!?!?)

And now through learning this piece of information this has instantly become one of my least favourites (although tonight helped him achieve that anyway). What is he doing there? When I first heard this song I thought "awww sweet", was absolutely nothing special though. Seeing him tonight however, he looked absolutely bored stiff. You could have put a lemon on the stage and I would have got more warmth and character from it. The cheerful woman behind the guy just made him look even more miserable. And the song is absolutely nothing special, i'd say it's probably below average. I don't know what genre you'd put this into but I have this feeling this guys thinks he's some kind of Eurovision saviour of music (just a hunch, could be wrong). It's just a pleasant little song with absolutely no substance or drive to it. No idea how it qualified. So much stuff with minimal effort is qualifying. Some could say thats good as it should be about the song. A shame these songs are boring though. I have warmed slightly to Lithuania though. That guy has charisma. This, leaves me cold.


Well-known member
March 6, 2011
And now through learning this piece of information this has instantly become one of my least favourites (although tonight helped him achieve that anyway). What is he doing there? When I first heard this song I thought "awww sweet", was absolutely nothing special though. Seeing him tonight however, he looked absolutely bored stiff. You could have put a lemon on the stage and I would have got more warmth and character from it. The cheerful woman behind the guy just made him look even more miserable. And the song is absolutely nothing special, i'd say it's probably below average. I don't know what genre you'd put this into but I have this feeling this guys thinks he's some kind of Eurovision saviour of music (just a hunch, could be wrong). It's just a pleasant little song with absolutely no substance or drive to it. No idea how it qualified. So much stuff with minimal effort is qualifying. Some could say thats good as it should be about the song. A shame these songs are boring though. I have warmed slightly to Lithuania though. That guy has charisma. This, leaves me cold.

I thought it was the song contest... not personality contest... but erm okej.


December 28, 2009
I see the same people praising Anouk's lack of commitment, but then diss ByeAlex for the same? xshrug


February 9, 2012
I thought it was the song contest... not personality contest... but erm okej.

Yes it is the song contest and the song was boring and was probably one of the least enjoyable for me. Sometimes a persons personality can put you off something as well or the opposite, warm you to something. I think Gianluco of Malta's song is just ok but he's the most lovely, charming guy.. he's loving every minute of this experience and has a smile on his face the entire time. I was delighted he passed as so much effort and heart went into his song even though i'm not exactly a fan of it. I think Bye Alex's song is just ok as well. He was coming across as very distant and uninterested in interviews i've seen with him. Matt just said he wasn't pleasant to talk to. Thats not great at all. He could have said maybe he was difficult but for a person not to be pleasant.. And his whole disinterest showed tonight in his performance, add together with pretty yet placid, rather dull song and you've got yourself a real mystery qualifier here. It wasn't like this was even good alternative music or anything. Just a little pop song performed by a guy in casual clothing.


February 9, 2012
I see the same people praising Anouk's lack of commitment, but then diss ByeAlex for the same? xshrug

Hope you're not referring to me as I also wasn't keen on Anouk's lack of commitment and actually brought it up in her topic.


December 28, 2009
Hope you're not referring to me as I also wasn't keen on Anouk's lack of commitment and actually brought it up in her topic.

I don't know who I referred to, just a general thought...


Admin Schmadmin
Staff member
June 1, 2009
Los Angeles, USA
And now through learning this piece of information this has instantly become one of my least favourites (although tonight helped him achieve that anyway). What is he doing there? When I first heard this song I thought "awww sweet", was absolutely nothing special though. Seeing him tonight however, he looked absolutely bored stiff. You could have put a lemon on the stage and I would have got more warmth and character from it. The cheerful woman behind the guy just made him look even more miserable. And the song is absolutely nothing special, i'd say it's probably below average. I don't know what genre you'd put this into but I have this feeling this guys thinks he's some kind of Eurovision saviour of music (just a hunch, could be wrong). It's just a pleasant little song with absolutely no substance or drive to it. No idea how it qualified. So much stuff with minimal effort is qualifying. Some could say thats good as it should be about the song. A shame these songs are boring though. I have warmed slightly to Lithuania though. That guy has charisma. This, leaves me cold.

I didn't mean to "bash" him. He just didn't really want to be there and was rather cold towards the fans and press not even willing to answer questions. I'm sure he's a nice guy and maybe out of his comfort zone but I just felt he made the experience a bit more uncomfortable. But it seemed he started to warm up over the last few days so that's something.


February 9, 2012
I don't know who I referred to, just a general thought...

You obviously were referring to someone otherwise you wouldn't have said it. Go on, admit it. You thought it was me:lol:

"I see the same people praising Anouk's lack of commitment"

What people?:rolleyes:


December 28, 2009
You obviously were referring to someone otherwise you wouldn't have said it. Go on, admit it. You thought it was me:lol:

"I see the same people praising Anouk's lack of commitment"

What people?:rolleyes:

Oh plz :lol:


February 9, 2012
I didn't mean to "bash" him. He just didn't really want to be there and was rather cold towards the fans and press not even willing to answer questions. I'm sure he's a nice guy and maybe out of his comfort zone but I just felt he made the experience a bit more uncomfortable. But it seemed he started to warm up over the last few days so that's something.

This is obviously not his kind of place. I hope he at least managed to crack a smile. I just think this is a really undeserved qualifier especially since they remixed the song. It came across awful on the tv. Couldn't have got anyone to look more disinterested with the whole occasion.. and it's not like he has a moody song or anything that might excuse that. He has a simple, chirpy little pop song.


December 28, 2009
This is obviously not his kind of place. I hope he at least managed to crack a smile. I just think this is a really undeserved qualifier especially since they remixed the song. It came across awful on the tv. Couldn't have got anyone to look more disinterested with the whole occasion.. and it's not like he has a moody song or anything that might excuse that. He has a simple, chirpy little pop song.

Well, I prefer the performance style of ByeAlex over the overly fake smiles and tooth-brush commercial by Malta though :lol: (they're the closest in terms of genre and style I guess... although not really).


Well-known member
March 6, 2011
Well, I prefer the performance style of ByeAlex over the overly fake smiles and tooth-brush commercial by Malta though :lol: (they're the closest in terms of genre and style I guess... although not really).

Yeah that, it was kinda painful to watch...


February 9, 2012
Well, I prefer the performance style of ByeAlex over the overly fake smiles and tooth-brush commercial by Malta though :lol: (they're the closest in terms of genre and style I guess... although not really).

To be honest neither appeal to me but I could tell that at least Gianluca is a lovely guy who i'd like to be friends with. ByeAlex is like the hipster who turned up at Eurovision by accident and he's doing everything he can to not look like he cares about the whole darn thing he actually entered himself in for.


December 28, 2009
To be honest neither appeal to me but I could tell that at least Gianluca is a lovely guy who i'd like to be friends with. ByeAlex is like the hipster who turned up at Eurovision by accident and he's doing everything he can to not look like he cares about the whole darn thing he actually entered himself in for.

While I do agree with your description of ByeAlex (same can be said about Anouk though), the Maltese performance style with the overly-fake smiles was just ridiculous (although it fit the cheesy entry).
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