Thank you Ole, Kris (two 8's
), lavie, rev and Ashley for Dead or Alive's points. Second last
I could kick a table and cause a scene but look at poor Ringdalen there. That's not fair. He deserved way more than 2 points. Gosh.. at least i'm invited to the DX after party!
Well done to aigars. Classic song. As soon as I saw it there I thought to myself... "that will win", no question about it. I'm not crazy for Kate Bush as a whole but i'm incredibly fond of that song. It's magical.
Big thank you of course to our fabulous duo, lavieenrose and Lupus
Two wondrous stars who have put on a fantabulous spin-off show for us. I enjoyed the commentary before each persons points were revealed.
Hopefully next spin-off I can learn of some more new songs because I must admit this one was pretty heavy on the big, well known hits. I do regret going the kitsch route this edition. I could have and should have gone with a beautiful song from Lou Reed & John Cale's album "Songs For Drella", but at least five of you got some enjoyment from this hidden little Dead or Alive single that was released only in Japan.