Bienvenue à Paris!
I'm honored to welcome you to the City of Lights for the 92nd WorldVision Spin-Off! The theme is Year Randomizer 4, and it will require a lot of research and creative thinking.
The edition will be conducted in 3 phases:
Phase 1: Year Suggestions
All those who would like to participate will suggest a year. After the suggestion phase closes, the names of the participants will be randomized as will the years suggested
To keep things simple, the earliest year you can suggest is 1945, and the latest is 2018
Phase 1 Window: 9 - 13 May (deadline 13 May @ 23:59 CET) (Completed)
Phase 2: Song Submisison
When you get your year, you must select a song released in that year in the country/region you've chosen to represent. Be sure to look at the previous three editions of the Year Randomizer theme to get an idea of how it's done. Once you've chosen your song, send a PM to me with the country/region you've picked, the year you've received, and the video link to the song
Phase 2 Window: 13 - 20 May (deadline 23 May @ 23:59 CET) (Completed)
Confirmed Countries:
Phase 3: The Show/Voting
The show will be posted after the phase 2 deadline is closed, and voting will take place then. Scoring is in the traditional ESC format. After the voting period closes, the date of the results show will be made known soon after
Phase 3 Window: 21 - 28 May (deadline 28 May @ 23:59 CET)