Stargazer - A delicate voice with a unique vibrato. I love the way it just quivers so naturally. I told you this at the LL but listening to you sing, I feel like we're experiencing something that was supposed to be kept hidden. So elegant and haunting. An aural delight. I think this cover was one of your best to date.
Seok-Jin - YESSSSS what a hit!!! In the previous spin-off you were a little dark horse, fighting through a thick smog of reverb. This time you tamed the reverb and were full on throwing down the gauntlet for this. You have a lovely tone, timing is on point and it's all just good jelly and ice cream here. well done, king!
Yoni - Oh my goodness. Such a beautifully rich, deep voice. Could go for a swim in it and then not want to come out. Along with Anna I think you're the most professional of us here. It's easy to tell you love and are no stranger to doing this, as you made it feel so effortless. That's called talent. Thank you for treating us, Yoni.
ZoboCamel -
The biggest shock of this spin-off. Where did this all come from? I couldn't believe my ears. If there was an award for best played character we do
not hand it over to you as this wasn't an act.. no way. You truly want us all to burn in the hellfire. This was a devilish delight indeed and I welcome our new overlord.
Iowacorn - Like Uto purring Say Na Na Na in a shameless attempt to win my 12 at the last karaoke spin-off (which worked), you Brian were my soft spot this time. You had me at "to my twist party". Might sound random but you gave off some gnarly, carefree garage rock vibes with your vocals on this doo-whop classic. At times Shannon Shaw, other parts King Tuff. If you hone it all in (not too much as I love the rawness) you could be an absolute force. I admire how you just
went for it. I wish I could do that. I'll need an empty house first though and for someone to squeeze away the
Marianne Faithfull on a whiskey binge from my voice.
Uto & Mirashadowman - Once again we travel to the underworld and praise the dark powers that be. Avant-garde for certain and some perhaps would call your cover an acquired taste. One thing though we can all agree on is that you made perhaps the most puzzling ESC winner of the 10s so much more interesting.
Hawadharma - You gave us again a charming performance, full of emotion. You held nothing back. I can just imagine you standing on a dimly lit stage crooning this to a crowd swaying from side to side in wonderment.
CypriotGirl - Gorgeously rich and forward voice you've got, Fofo. A very solid, tuneful performance and you've got a lovely tone that feels the right fit for the kind of song you picked. Very nicely done.
empo21 - A rather sultry, quite mysterious performance of your robbed Serbian queen's NF hit. Your voice is very clear and soothing on the ears. We've got to give you our best ASMR entry award, hands down.
Arion - Lil ol' charming slice of kpop from our Ari. My fave bit was when rapper Ari arrived to tell us all what was hip and happening. Keep bossing it!
SwedishFailurez - Your performance put the biggest smile on my face, SF. Place of real winners (although an honour in these parts) feels a bit unjust. I'm glad you got a nice chunky 48 points with it though. I think the voting system was a big success here. Best part of your performance was the
YEAH. It gets me every time.
Ana Raquel & Looren - Two angels. If there was an award for angels.. well, we'd give it to Zobo as technically Satan is an angel. That's why we award you both instead with best sister duo and most creative cover award. A spicy, self aware collaboration and that's what made it a whole lot of fun.
I had the trophy melted down and turned into twelve mini trophies. Everyone deserves one.
Plus a special one for Zobo
I hope our lord enjoys golf.