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WV Spin-Off 144 | Karaoke! - THE SHOW | RESULTS SHOW: 26TH 20:00 CET


Well-known member
September 28, 2009
Oh dear, my modem died 2 hours before the show so I had to get a backup solution and I am catching up now :lol:

Wow, thank you so much for all the votes for "Be prepared". I had no idea what to expect at all :D :lol: Shared 5th place with the amazing @Stargazer.....or 6th place if we apply the tie-breaker rule is an outstanding result, I am more than satisfied.

I am glad you managed to connect to this performance as much as you did. I apologize once again to everyone who didn't get points from me, it feels horrible having to blank a great performance, and you all did a great job.

I will thank everyone for the points and write some closing notes about each entry in a separate post tomorrow most likely, to show appreciation for everything you all did now that the show is over.

Congratulations @RainyWoods deserved victory. From me "only" 3 points, but in reality, I enjoyed it much more. You deserve to celebrate this success.

Also congratulations @Auseken for hosting such an iconic spin-off. You already know my opinion about everything xrunhug It was such a joy to be a part of this show.

Even if I ended last with 0 points, I would still not regret joining the contest, but really, this spin-off and everything that happened on will always have a special place in my heart. And thank you, everyone, for making it so special xheart

Closing remarks from me most likely tomorrow.


WorldVision Mod 🍁
Staff member
August 9, 2011
Birmingham, UK
Woaaaah 3rd place xfaint I'm gagged!!!! Thank you so much to everyone who voted for me, especially to Hawa, Ari and Gary for those incredible 12s! xrose I'm really happy and pretty bowled over that you guys enjoyed my performance. 'One Touch' is such a bop and was so criminally underrated so I'm glad I managed to get a little bit of justice for queen Kadiatou 🔥


Rainy and Niko & Hiji as the top 2 is so hot, congratulations ladies xheart Such a beautiful performance from Kai and pure fire from the Zadik Zadik sisters xheat I want to see a collaboration between the 3 of you for next time please xheat Congratulations to everyone else on your fabulous performances as well, and thank you again for sharing your voices with us all. This has been so much fun and I can't wait to do it again whenever the time next comes!

...and finally, thank you Olga for being such an amazing host, you've done an incredible job xheart


February 9, 2012
Rainy and Niko & Hiji as the top 2 is so hot, congratulations ladies xheart Such a beautiful performance from Kai and pure fire from the Zadik Zadik sisters xheat I want to see a collaboration between the 3 of you for next time please xheat

That would basically be what happened when Ariana Grande and Miley Cyrus for some reason dragged Lana Del Rey into the studio with them so she could slur the low and sultry bridge section of their bop. I'm game for it.



February 7, 2010
Scotland & Moisantia
Kai!!! Omg, congratulations buddy - what a win, snatching it on that last scoreboard. Definitely deserved with those buttery smooth vocals - I was transfixed on your beautiful performance xlove

To Ausesken, our amazing host with the graphics so beautiful they have forever spoiled my eyes with their style - very few shows will live up to this one in terms of visual treats xclap

But even more importantly, this whole show was a triumph for our dear little community! A community that has always made people feel included, has given them a sense of home and belonging and has shown an infinite degree of love and support to all members - we have created a very special moment in this forum's history, and to all 21 of you absolute legends, I am so very grateful to have shared this experience with you all!

For me, this spin-off was just everything! After the joy and absolute thrill of hosting the NSC ESC Karaoke spin-off this year, I am so overjoyed to grab 4th place here with points from 19 of my fellow competitors. You've made an old married man feel very humble and proud - thank you legends... (Vote of thanks below after a candid pap-shot of myself and my new husband rocking the "slate" carpet outside the arena xheya)


:12: Ringdalen, Genesis xheart
:10: Ausesken xheart
:8: esc87fan xheart
:7: Uto, Rainywoods, theCONWEL, Mike xheart
:6: Journalist, empo21 xheart
:4: Milos-BC xheart
:3: Stargazer, anaraqueen xheart
:2: Niko & Hiji, CypriotGirl xheart
:1: Eulaliya, Morocco2021, Hawadharma, Arion xheart
Last edited:


Well-known member
September 28, 2009
I've promised some closing remarks yesterday and some comments that will hopefully motivate all of you to record more stuff in the future for the end. Now is an ideal time to do so xcheer

First of all, I want to thank individually each and every one of you for supporting this cover of mine.

12 - anaraqueen xheart
10 - Ringdalen xheart
8 - Journalist, empo21, hawadharma, CypriotGirl, Auseken xheart
7 - Eulaliya xheart
6 - SwedishFailurez xheart
5 - Stargazer xheart
4 - Uto, Mike xheart
3 - esc87fan xheart
1 - Rainywoods xheart

6th place sure is amazing, but as I said earlier, for me the best thing about this spinoff is the pleasure of sharing this unique and amazing experience with all of you as well as all the fun we've had during the show. The rest is secondary. I have never experienced such an atmosphere in these 15 years of my presence on the forum (I am counting the pre-2009 period as well) and this is yet another reason why this will always be the best spin-off I've participated in xheart

Unfortunately, the one thing I didn't enjoy is the voting itself. Giving 0s was quite stressful and I think nobody deserved them. Unfortunately, we all had to make a ranking for the purpose of the show, but I felt bad for 10 people I was forced to blank because those were great performances as well, and in a different scenario, I would wholeheartedly support all of these performances as well.

And now for the very end, a couple of words of appreciation for each of your entries. I couldn't vote for all 20 songs, sadly, but I can at least show appreciation for what you did and you certainly deserved that...

Rainywoods - There's not much to say here, you did an outstanding job with this cover and the voice was very fitting. You performed the song perfectly and it was a pleasure to listen to. The video was awesome as well. Keep on singing and recording! This victory will hopefully motivate you to do so.

Genesis - For me, it was a great performance. A huge plus for choosing a Silent Hill theme. I never completed any of these games but I really love them. You performed the song with great passion and keep the spirit up in the future as well.

hawadharma - This one point doesn't really reflect my actual enjoyment here, but I really loved your performance. Once again, it was performed with great passion and I also like your voice a lot. I have listened to the Malai rap that you've posted as well - it kicks ass quite literally xmetal Next time it would be awesome to hear something as hot and epic as this xheat

esc87fan - I think you did a great job with this cover Steph, and singing in another language is extremely difficult because it is very hard to focus on both the vocal part and the actual pronunciation. In any case, one could hear your passion for this particular anime and you should be proud of this cover regardless of what the scoreboard has.

Arion - I think it was a perfect choice for your voice and I had :is: 2021 vibes while listening to it. The video was also fitting and creative. Good job.

SwedishFailurez - I think one of the most important things when it comes to performing is to make the person listening entertained, and you've definitely succeeded there. I always had a smile on my face when listening to your cover, and that's what matters the most in the end xheart

Ringdalen - For me Ole, after this performance, you are an absolute king xmetal:love: You deserve not 12 but 120 points for putting this video up. It was unique and it stood out in that regard a lot. I want you to know that I have the video on my mobile and I intend to keep there. I would gladly play Fortnite with you, but a friendly warning, I am a complete noob in that game and I am very easy to kill :ROFLMAO: If you can cope with that....great, we can have a go sometimes :lol:

theditz83 - Not much to say, yet another great performance Gary. The song also suited your style perfectly.

CypriotGirl - I always have a soft spot for emotional Greek ballads, but you did an outstanding job here Fotiana xheart The song is indeed difficult to perform, but you did a great job anyway. Hope for yet another amazing cover of the same/similar style in the future xmetal:love:

Morocco2021 - One could hear that you really love Arilena Ara. You've shown great passion when recording this cover and this fun factor is what matters the most.

Uto - I think it was a perfect choice for your voice and the performance was great. Back in 2019, I didn't like the song at first, but then it grew on me. In general, this is the style you should stick to, just keep recording.

Auseken - I had suspicions when you said you don't sing well. I had a feeling deep inside that the reality is very different, and when I heard you for the first time....well, I am very glad that my intuition was more than right xlove Not only did you choose a song from a band that I really admire, but you performed it lovely as well. And I still stand by what I said in the LL, I like it more than the original xheart I am really glad others heard what I heard as well and I'm looking forward to your future covers as well xcheer Thank you for hosting the best spin-off ever once again xheart

Journalist - What else to say that I didn't say already - iconic performance, and if Lepa Brena heard you, she would've loved it as well. You sing really well and you have great thrillers for these Balkan ethno BOPs. After this great result, next station: Zvezde Granda xdance2 :cool:

Anaraqueen - I genuinely enjoyed your performance Ana. It made me look up the original as well, because I also found the song interesting. Don't be disappointed by the standings on the scoreboard. I know it is hard to swallow because we all gave our best when recording our pieces, and sadly we could only formally support 10 people, but in the end, it is irrelevant. I think all 21 of us are winners here and the results don't matter that much. The most important thing is that we had amazing fun together and this is what I will remember from this spinoff, everything else (for me) is secondary. You've shown great passion when recording this entry, don't let the end result discourage you from singing and recording more stuff in the future xrunhug Also thank you for 12 points, really appreciate it xrunhug xheart To add some football flavor, real Brazilians have shown support for "European Brazilians" (though these European Brazilians didn't play on EURO for 21 years and they can't pass the group stage for 23 years, but it is what it is :lol: ) :cool: Now I hope the real Brazilians will keep performing because European Brazilians are sending them love and support to keep doing it.

Eulaliya - I have apologized multiple times for having to leave out people when doing this formal part, and in this case, I was really sad because it was not deserved at all. I apologize once again. In reality, it was a great performance and you did such a good job dear Eulaliya. I know how passionate you are about singing and you did a great job here. I'm also glad other people loved it. I hope you've got a nice injection boost now and I am really interested in hearing more covers from you. Keep on singing dear Eulaliya, you are awesome xrunhug xheart

Mike - I already said it, but I have to repeat - that was amazing Mike xdance2xheat You gave it all and it was awesome. Your Serbian was perfect, and overall, the performance was on fire. Literally. You didn't win the trophy you were hoping for, but you've got new fans in :rs: and that is certainly a great achievement xcheer

empo21 - It was entertaining and I personally had a lot of fun listening to you. Doing this for the first time is always tricky, but now that you have some experience, next time it would be awesome to hear a :bg: ethno BOP xheat

theCONWEL - This is definitely your best cover so far. It suits your musical style as well. Not to repeat myself on the voting part really, but you deserved the appreciation you got. Great job!

Stargazer - Of course, when it comes to Anna's voice, an essay could be written.......but as I am already writing one right now, we better leave it for some other time :lol: Yet another brilliant performance Anna, and of course Nightwish......I don't need to say more xmetal I hope we will see you on ESC at some point. :se: could use another victory, and as other people said in the LL, with your amazing performance, nobody would say that :se: is overrated. Until then, it is a pleasure to share this 5th place with you xmetal:cool: With Ole, I could play some Fortnite, but for the two of us, I think a fantasy MMO would be perfect.

Niko & Hiji - I think others have already described it perfectly, but everything about this cover is iconic and it will go down in history as such xheat Well done to both of you for doing this, it's certainly one of the most memorable things that have happened to this forum. And that's quite an achievement. You got the glory you deserved, now you can enjoy it!


And there it is, I wrote the longest post in a while, maybe even the longest post ever, but this spin-off and all of you certainly deserved it. Sure, we will have more karaoke spin-offs in the future, but this particular one is and will remain special. It set the standards for what comes later, and on a personal note, it has given me the will and motivation to keep recording other things as well (when I have the time, that is :lol: ). Thank you everyone for being a part of this event, I will never forget this spin-off. As I said before - keep on rocking and singing xheart


Well-known member
April 21, 2013
Thank you for the lovely compliment, Milos! Listening to songs in other languages has been a great learning tool for me
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