I've finally added all the Christmas special editions on the wiki. Please let me know if there's any error of translation or anything like that. You can, of course, edit the tables yourself if you wish so. You can check them all here: https://worldvision.fandom.com/wiki/Christmas_Special
I'm a little busy until Sunday, so I'll extend the DDL,
and you can still send entries.
(I'll confirm all songs sent by Sunday as well, so don't worry if you don't see your country on the list)
I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's entries, I hope you'll like what I chose. To be honest, I had another song in mind, but then I heard the one I ended up choosing and fell in love with it
The show will be posted this evening.
Unfortunately I don't have the capacities to host an LL,
but if anyone is willing to do so, I can send him/her the entries and post the show after the LL :>