Hey everybody,
I plan to create a huge WV playlist on spotify with the biggest hits of all jurors (former jurors are also welcome to involve). If you like this idea, pls send me
up to 10 of your favorite WV entries, can be only 3 or 4 too, it is up to you. Don't (necessarily) have to be your most successful entries but those which means the most to you. Legendary winner songs deserve a place in the list as much as iconic flops do.
Some people liked this idea in the LL so maybe this can become a big thing. I would obviously update this list regularly, but only after 5 editions each, because otherwise I might get PMs every week with user wishes to replce a song as hey are currently hyped by their latest entry. However, you should choose the songs wisely anyway
Hang on... there is the option to make a playlist collaborative, so I guess I could send the link to each user and they can edit the list theirselves. Or do I have to be friend with somebody on Spotify to include him oder her in a collaborative playlist?