Re: WLSC 46 in Oussouland ^_^ SUMMER IS UPON US! - THE SHOW! - RESULTS NOW!!
Thanks Biflovatia for
Thanks Biflovatia for
Thought this wonderful song from Imogen Heap would do better than this. 1
Thank you! Your wonderful entry deserved much higher as well.Thank you Foti for hosting and great show.
Thanks to everyone who enjoyed and voted for Vylkuzeme's entry.
I can't be satisfied with the result, but well...
I'm happy for you Trash, congrats on winning again.
This was one of few songs I really enjoyed in this edition.
So pity for Trollheimr's result, it was wonderful song and deserved much higher result. 1
thanks to everyone who voted this wonderful song to the top (I think it was everyone )