I've just realised I get to host next WLSC
I apologise in advance because it won't look near as good as Anna's
Just be yourself and I'm sure you will do awesome as a host!
Aww thank you so much, Luis!Wonderful show, Anna, in every single way!! And one of your best entries in this contest! I'm happy it reached the top 5!
Thank youu!!Oh and thanks Anna for the wonderful show, everything was perfect
Thank you Adel! Good luck in NSC.Congrats, Celia!
To be perfectly honest, I expected more than 10th place as I thought Norah Jones is that kind of singer most would like in general, but oh well... Thanks for all the points
And great hosting, Stargazer
As far as WLSC is concerned, it's been fun for these 22 editions, but now I'm officially outta here
Wow, thank you Zechonia for so the Trash & Zech duo liked my song never expected it