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WLSC 267 🌆 Fierraria, Las Noches 🌆 Results posted


April 20, 2015
A Bridge Too Far
Nice one. A lesson in how to send Depeche Mode without sending Depeche Mode. Congrats to ditz.

Fierro thanks for hosting. Everything looks nice and slick with a cyberpunk vibe which I like. Well done.

Thanks to everyone for voting Utopolis. Decent result. Not the best song ever, but definitely something that should work in WLSC. I expected a bit better when I sent it, but after listening to the songs I knew I was hosed on the poppy side and it wasn't going to be much more than 60 or so. But yeah, it's another nice top 10.


WorldVision Mod
Staff member
August 9, 2011
Birmingham, UK
why am i always 11th


Super Moderator
Staff member
March 1, 2013
Well I did a bit better than expected so thank you to the points, especially that elite 12 from Moisantia, 10 from Tamausia&Deltannor & Waiting Iist. xbow

Congrats ::moi Gary on your victory! I was going to skip next edition but i'll have to take part now


February 7, 2010
Scotland & Moisantia
Okay now I've caught my breath a little, I can talk a little more and I thought why not share the story behind this entry becoming part of Moisantian history and now our latest winner xlove...

It's a bit lengthy, but bear with me...

Nice one. A lesson in how to send Depeche Mode without sending Depeche Mode. Congrats to ditz.

So weird you say this, as the story begins back on a cold Tuesday (9th Jan) on a train from Amsterdam Schiphol to Rotterdam where I was visiting our largest Dutch trade partner for a day of strategy meetings prior to accompanying them to the annual Travel Trade Expo in Utrecht. After the now customary 35-minute wait in a passport control queue with other tired Brits (Cheers Brexit!) I made it to the train station to see the next train to Rotterdam Centraal left in just over 2 minutes.

Quick Gary - purchase the ticket and run! - I made it on the train with 30 seconds to spare, good job! But then, the silly tourist routine had to begin. In my haste, I had purchased the "indirect" fare to Rotterdam without the compulsory surcharge for rapid trains, and of course - as the stony faced ticket inspector informed me - this was the rapid train. Therefore, I now owes the Dutch rail company a €10 penalty fee for my vile illegal action.

I beat myself up for such stupid errors, because travel is my profession, I should be able to understand how to purchase the right fare - what an idiot. But all good - some music will calm the anxiety and stress and get me back in a better mood for arrival into Rotterdam.

I popped a random Spotify playlist on, and the new Depeche Mode song played. 'Twas decent, and while probably not quite as upbeat and cheery as I'd have liked (don't worry - I switched to my KEiiNO playlist straight after!) I thought maybe I need to check out more tracks like that.

Scrolling from my social media, clearly Meta reckoned I should check out more songs like that too, as sponsored ads on both FB and Insta played excepts of "Iconic" by Ghost Love - for all fans of Depeche Mode apparently. I was instantly mesmerised! Never had a song sounded more suited to the NSC community and with a seemingly wide pot appeal, but I knew if I didn't send it now (Elizabeth Taylor was already my NSC entry in my head for next edition), I'd likely forget to send it like the other "almost" 150 songs on my playlist!

So fast forward 3 days, I'm back in Scotland - Iconic had not left my brain, and I knew it had to be my WLSC entry. To know that soany of you connected with this song as well as I did is so special - and I feel quite honoured to have shared this track with only 1.6k views on the official vid with you all. Share it far and wide, as those guys need to be big! xheart

Thank you to all our voters below - you are legends! Thank you also to Fierro for a fab hosting - such a great aesthetic and so well organised!

And yes - I will host next edition, so welcome one and all back to Moisantia! Give me a couple of days to get a thread together, but anyone super-eager can PM me their entry from now if you want ;)

Vote of thanks xlove
:12: Konthena, Belvist
:10: Grand Duchy of Strenci
:8: Marcobia
:7: Utopolis
:6: Öösingimäed, Rahasia-Diati, Lo'Paia
:5: Tamausia & Deltannor
:4: xshrug
:3: L, New Bander State
:2: Meridia
:1: Balearica Island, SHB


Well-known member
January 24, 2010
Congrats on that hot win Gary!!!

Also the theme you chose Vlad and the songs aligned so well. How'd you do that, wizard? Amazing hosting.

Thanks for 3rd... what a massive shock. I thought Mira not entering would have screwed the chances of this tune being out of the bottom 5, but apparently not.

Thanks for voting ::oos, see you in 268 xheart


April 20, 2015
A Bridge Too Far
Scrolling from my social media, clearly Meta reckoned I should check out more songs like that too, as sponsored ads on both FB and Insta played excepts of "Iconic" by Ghost Love - for all fans of Depeche Mode apparently. I was instantly mesmerised! Never had a song sounded more suited to the NSC community and with a seemingly wide pot appeal, but I knew if I didn't send it now (Elizabeth Taylor was already my NSC entry in my head for next edition), I'd likely forget to send it like the other "almost" 150 songs on my playlist!

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