point difference, wtf? Thank you for
Conny - I kinda sussed Ash would secure your
tbh, so honoured my
scorewhoring still helped me secure the win
Thank you sooooooo much, and that truly was a grandstand finish!!! Nicely done on the hosting from Conny, text shows need more love tbh
And thank you everyone that supported Klara and Rasmus Gozzi with this bop - I had considered it for NSC, but I wanted to make #wlscpopagain and this is stage 1 successfully achieved
Full thanks to the taste legends...
o wait...
Lo'Paia, Central Bottoman Guinea, Tamausia & Deltannor
Balearica Island
Akatsuki, Endöré, Emsfrynt
Bigicia, Belvist
SHB, Oussou Empire
Nauthinia Vallis
P.S. Justice for Morty and Brian - waaaaay too low
P.P.S. We'll welcome you back to Moisantia next edition, but don't expect uber-hosting. I'll be in Netherlands on business this coming week (not stalking Uto) and plenty of rl deadlines coming up, but I wanna honour your support for Klara soooo... You'll all be invited to Moisantifestival