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WLSC 238 | Soùm Miralh, Pyreica | Welcome to the Star Festival 🌠 Results 05/04 @21:00 CEST

April 14, 2012
The only thing I'm f***ing, is stupid
Sorry for being late, but congrats Ewig for your fabulous and colorful victory!
This was a pretty strong edition once again, and giving you :6: is indeed a good sign. Good luck with the cute Thai hosting. xheart

@Edweis the hosting here has been incredible, as always! The attention to detail has been 👌
Thank you for doing this! xbowxbowxbow

Getting 15th place with this piece of dog-barking is nothing but awesome! Thank you for these sexy 56 points! xheartxheartxheart
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