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WLSC 217 in Hermýn, Griffin Empire


Well-known member
December 27, 2014
xrose omg what???

My autocorrect appears to disagree, but lemme just correct that now... Joseyeon Joseyeon Joseyeon, three times oughta do it xblush
Alrighty then! We're erasing ::moi from our enemy list. So it's just you all alone now G. Empire xqueenbitch


WorldVision Mod 🍁
Staff member
August 9, 2011
Birmingham, UK
AAAAAAAA THANK YOU EVERYONE xfaint xcheer xrunhug


I can’t believe it finally happened xfaint ::tad’s FIRST EVER WIN xcheer And it couldn’t have happened at a better time as this edition has been quite a landmark edition for me - this Tamausia & Deltannor’s 50th edition in WLSC and also this is the 200th ‘anniversary’ of my only win with my old nation Tanadia (rip) way back in 2011. It almost seems kinda poetic :mrgreen: I first heard ‘Little Bit of Love’ on the radio at work and fell in love with it straight away. It’s grown to become one of my favourite songs and I’m so glad you guys enjoyed it too xheart

Now, regarding next edition: I’ve had a theme planned for my next hosting for quite a while now just waiting for the moment to come, but now that I’ve got the opportunity to welcome you all back to T&D my laptop has decided to die on me :lol: I’m hoping to sort something out in the next couple of days so hopefully I’ll be able to host after all, but if I can’t find a solution then I’ll have to pass on the honour unfortunately. I’ll let you guys know!

Speaking of hosts, thanks so much to Griffin for an amazing edition, @randajad you never fail to amaze xlove and hey, this is the second time I’ve won in an edition you’ve hosted (after Congrats) so maybe you should do me a favour and host more :lol:


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
omggggg same day results. xheat Shame I missed it but wow, what a great winner. Congratulations @theCONWEL !!! Can't believe after all them conversations about your flop with Dans and constantly missing out on that elusive win and then you go and do it with on your anniversary edition! AND YOU VOTED!! Super happy for you, I hope you get your computer issues sorted as we really do need an edition in Tamausia & Deltannor!

Thank you for 3rd. xbow I expected a mid to bottom top 10 result tops with this, and after listening I was even more conservative in my thoughts. 3rd is waay beyond, thank you - and our third podium in a row. xheart Especially the super elite 12s from ::moi ::tuz ::ems xkiss All the points were appreciated.

randajadddd you did an amazing job as host, super thrilled I didn't hog another edition and handed it over to someone who would do it proud. Loved every moment of it. :D


Well-known member
March 8, 2015
Kharkiv, Ukraine
Our China was not Chinese enough for the connoisseurs of China... Okay, but we knew it. xcoffee
Congratulations to ::tad & @theCONWEL! :cool: Thank you for the comfort of home and hosting @randajad, but it did not help us.:lol::lol:
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