And here some scientific stuff about grapefruits. They can kill you. (And I start to be scared to death that I might win again, so stop voting Banan please, I don't have time for this again.)
Rachael and Dr. Mehmet Oz sat down and tasted dragon fruit, along with the members of our audience. The verdict? Rach described it as “a weak kiwi” while Dr....
Top three halfway, everything to play for. Roseland is in first place right now, with host Banan shouting for more points(except for me obviously...) And third place is for Dotter, who finally can win something now(Or just ends second...)
Fruits are dangerous, people, first the grapefruit, now the avocado. Don't cut your hands!! Belvist gives a lot of points to Dotter, is she going to win?
Mister Canistel, or mister Uto is there, what do I know about the Canistel, right exactly nothing. What do I know about Uto. Exactly... Everything, we are one. though I expected at least 12 points. Dotter takes the big lead again. though Endórë's voters are next!