I just tried to revote on this, only to find you can no longer vote...
Because this poll was made for random predictions which aren't based on the songs.
I just tried to revote on this, only to find you can no longer vote...
Because this poll was made for random predictions which aren't based on the songs.
Lilka, there is no way mans will win, no one knows him and he has cheap song.. staging wont save him.
Lilka, there is no way mans will win, no one knows him and he has cheap song.. staging wont save him.
Not boring and cheap as the overrated Estonian song.
How many people knows the Estonian singers??? Yeah right.
Lilka, there is no way mans will win, no one knows him and he has cheap song.. staging wont save him.
Of the ones we know it will probably be between Italy and Estonia. I really want to add Latvia but I think it will be too underground, but if the juries like it I think it will be a dark horse. Of the ones we don't know I think Sweden and Norway will be in the game as well, if they choose Måns and A Monster Like Me
No chances at all. Won't appeal to the so-called "average European viewer". I personally have it in my top 10, but I'm sure it won't win.
I think you have right. But shouldn't be said about Italy's song too?? Do people really think a opera song will win?