well, AFAIR, the guessing game is a game where we guess:
1. The country
2. The player
3. sometimes the title and singer
so, yeah, there will info about #1 and #3 in the banner, what we will guess then? only the player? (which is not that interesting if compare to the info #1 and #3)
I'd say this is not Blind Spin Off, but "Pseudo Blind Spin Off" because it's clearly not blind spin off, and only a little info about who sending the song that still be the secret.
And I am afraid that, a lot of people have chosen "Blind Spin Off" because they had lot of fun from the last Blind Spin Off, while in the end they will get "Pseudo Blind Spin Off"
Imagining, you and your friends are going to camping, but ended camping in someone's backyard, it is still camping tho. but less excitement and fun.
this all just my opinion about the upcoming "Blind Spin Off" (or I'd say Pseudo Blind Spin Off)