Again, no Mother but I did watch it with some friends (all casual first time listeners and my significant other, who I had terrorized prior to the contest) but their comments and excitement were also very entertaining and worthy to share them with you.
All of them, with the exception of my bf don't like ballads as much as I do, thinking they are boring and not really exciting. Couldn't convince them of my love for some of them.

bf: Still just a pretty girl.
flatmate 1: Those post-its were lame. (referring to the postcard)
flatmate 2: This is how men should power up my computer. (the hamster wheel of course)
friend who mysteriously liked Anouk last year, despite it being a rather slow song: Nothing special.
her bf: That's kinda cool.

bf: Crap.
1: Very thin voice.
2: Ditto.
fwmlalydibarss: Is he called Cheesecake or the song?
her bf: (laughing while I explained the google maps part) That reminds me of that facebook song.

bf: I know you like it but it's boring.
all the others: Snoozefest!
me: *sad*

all of them loved it and thought it was the perfect follow-up to the previous song.

Sadly I couldn't convince them of my love for this song. But at least they all liked it better than Sweden or some of the other ballads.
bf: Too depressing but still a very good song. Not sure that it will get many votes.
Well... It got my vote at least. ;D

They like the piano, the song not so much. Although flatmate 2 was very impressed by the way their voices harmonized on some notes ('miracle' especially)

The overall favorite. They didn't even mind some of his shaky notes (with the exception of my bf, who knows the studio version quite well at this point) and they were cheering every time he got some votes. My flatmate was stunned speechless when she heard the dubstep part kick in and her face was priceless.

This was the song that completely went by without someone commenting whether they liked it or not. The fascination lay entirely with the skater and the amazing floor.
bf still liked the musical score more than the vocals.

They didn't care for the boobs, not one bit (notable exception the males of course). But some liked the song, while others liked the postcard better.
flatmate 2: They really did send THAT to Eurovision?

Nobody in particular liked this song (it's simply not our genre) but at least they didn't hate it, like I do. (That song was my smoking break btw)

bf: The song is stunningly good but is the whole drama surrounding it really needed?
flatmate 1: Hey, this is like a James Bond theme.
flatmate 2: She's gonna win.
fwmlalydibarss: I like it but where would they play this song? The radio?
her bf:

. There are even some wings in the background. (only saw this during the winner's reprise)

Everybody was more or less annoyed since the song was overplayed on the radio and I have to agree it gets tedious after a while. Still the performance was quite good and we all thought Ela did a good job.

After I told them that Sweden is one of the favorites this year, they went nuts. My BF doesn't like the song, my flatmates were a little bored and my friend who liked Anouk was very mad every time Sweden got some points. She truly hated the song and thought it was the worst ballad of the year. Ouch.

They didn't like it, although they loved the outfits. I told them the studio version is much better and that they could easily believe.
bf: You can barely hear them or make out what they are saying.
flatmate 1: Poor France. (She didn't particularly care for the song but she cheered when they got some points and was always first to notice.)
flatmate 2: It's hard to sing this live I imagine.
fymlalydibarss: (Laughing very hard during the interview portion where they were given some food.)
her bf: I would definitely like this if it was more polished. (Hence the studio version.)

My bf still really likes the song and one of my flatmates was amazed how good their voices sound knowing the girls' ages.

They all thought her outfit was ridiculous.
bf: Ouch, that doesn't sound too good.
flatmate 1 and 2: Nothing special but okay.
fwmlalydibarss: Oh no. Not a flute. I hate that instrument.
her bf: it's not THAT bad.

They all liked it for obvious reasons. ('At least it's not a ballad.') My bf wasn't as impressed.

My friend (you know the one who likes Anouk) and her boyfriend thought it was funny and appropriate for the weather. ('The perfect song to walk back home at the end of the evening.') Well, it was, of course, raining during the night. But otherwise no excitement for Ruth and especially not for the postcard ('so lame')

They all liked it. And it was the favorite of the other boyfriend (not mine). 'Look at him go. He can whistle, play the fiddle and the drums. He's just that awesome. Go Switzerland Go!' Every time Switzerland scored some points, he was ecstatic.

They all liked it. The overall Number 3 in the favorite list.

Only the instruments caught their attention. Otherwise they clearly stated that they didn't like it.

This was faced with utter loathing for both the song and the stage performance. Only the hair from one of the guys (you know which one I'm talking about) was met with positive comments.

bf: This is so mesmerizing and beautiful.
1: A little boring but okay.
2: (liked it a lot)
fwmlalydibarss: Strange, I should not like it. But I do. A little. It's slow. But I do. Like it that is. (her reaction was very funny. She was very amazed with her own taste I guess.)
her bf: I would have never thought they send stuff like this to Eurovision.

We were all laughing so hard during the performance, mostly because it sounds so dated and so much like 'Him'. The pearl was also a big point for the unexpected humor the song presented. Though we all agreed Ralph should probably retire some time in the near future.
Sorry Valentina fans.

This started a discussion about tattoos and we somehow got really side-tracked. The song itself was lost under all of that. (Though they thought my dislike for it was quite funny.)
So that's it. Overall favs were

(flatmate 1 and 2 and the friend that - you now know- really liked Anouk)

(her bf)

(my bf)


and surprisingly

and the list is complete.