^^ Absolutely correct. Every sitcom they are broadcasting has much better ratings than ESC, and will always have even when they rerun them for 465th time ("Bolji zivot", "Srecni ljudi" etc....). It's ironical but that is how things are standing here. We may send great and talented singers like Nina, but it is "the system" that's not right here. RTS is the only guilty factor, as they are ruining everything that we achieved in this short time of taking part in ESC which started with "Lane Moje" ( I don't count Yugoslavia here, our last participation was nearly 20 years ago, ESC standards were different, our own country standards as well.....). Their marketing is simply "zero". If I was in the delegation I would be very worried with the trend we are in, but they like to....how to say it in English "zamazu drugima oci", that everything is great, we are noticed, we have the most original performance, our ESC in Belgrade was the best ever, we have the best act, etc.....while the reality is something else. For me personally 14th place is not a bad result but I AM worried what will it look like next year, as we got a lower result than in 2010 and we didn't even have our "standard" support we had all these years. Everything smells on a fall and not on a rise.
I can also say that if, say tomorrow RTS announces that Serbia is withdrawing, nobody would give a damn except the fans. Many would actually be like "FINALLY! Enough of this s**t, we don't need it". And if Kosovo would join the contest, Serbia is then out forever, that is sure.