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Videogame Spinoff GOTY results | Monday 21:45 CET on YouTube


Well-known member
September 28, 2009
Congratulations Bagrovor xclap The song barely missed out on my points but it was a deserved victory nonetheless.

Thank you everyone who voted for Belvist and one of the best ever gaming soundtracks for me personally.. I am satisfied with the left side of the scoreboard. I guess this is a result that me and Jochen and proudly share :lol: xcheer

Thank you for the great show Orian, it was a pleasure to take part in this spinoff and I really enjoyed the results show as well. You did a really good job.

Looking forward to the next video game spin-off :lol: xcheer


Well-known member
May 9, 2015
Congratulations to the winning song, which also just barely missed out on my points! It's a nice track, although I have to say it was the art style that really caught my attention - it looks like a beautiful game :eek: I may have to try it out sometime!

And thank you to all the points to "Something in the Woods" from Wildermyth - esp. ::tro for the 12 and ::rum::bel::nbs for the other high scores! xheart I was hoping to appeal to the folk lovers with this song and I'm happy to see that it did happen, but the real reason I sent the song was to advertise this gem of a game. Gameplay-wise it's a medieval/fantasy tactical RPG along the lines of Final Fantasy Tactics or the Fire Emblem series, but what sets it apart is the super polished writing, beautiful artwork, deep customization, and character-driven stories where you essentially create your own little world full of adventurers, and every choice you make affects their futures and legacies. Think of it as FF Tactics meets Dungeons & Dragons meets... The Sims. Kind of. :p

If any of that sounds appealing to you, make sure you check out the trailer!


Staff member
September 28, 2009
Love the hex grid scoreboards! Hexagons are the bestagons

I am very happy with 9th place, thank you ::svo for catapulting us up there at the last second with that 12 xpray

And although it wasn't really my thing personally, congrats Bagrovor on your win!


Well-known member
September 28, 2009
Arvidsjaur, Sweden
Wow, was it just me or did this spinoff go by really fast? xcookie

Very cool to have this updated legacy after 12 years! Compared to the original I'd say this one was a lot heavier on indie games and music that's less incidental, so a very different experience overall but nonetheless pleasant.

Special shout-out to Rehi Kaita for the, in my opinion, most original choice of game, gotta love obscure wacky homoerotic shoot-'em-ups! And of course to Belvist and Ugaly's old entry of NSC 145, a proudly shared legacy indeed!
I could do plenty more shout-outs, but we'd be here all day.

Our result's not great, but not disastrous, a massive thank you to everyone who appreciated the wonder of Doo[letter redacted]liss's hauntingly beautiful organ dissonance!

Congratulations to Bagrovor and thank you Rumia for this excellent DLC! Whenever VG3 comes around, Ugaly will be there!


Well-known member
August 5, 2018
Sorta disgusteng :lol:

Okay, many thanks to following xlove
:10: Каманде
:8: Моисантия
:4: Бигичия
:3: Киммистан, Багровор
:2: Эффиленд
:1: Рехи Каита, Белвист

Anyway, this song will be in my mind forever and remind all the best times of my childhood 😎 Lenteja to everyone!

Congrats, Багровор!! That's an amazing winner! xup

And thanks @dogmeat for hosting, you managed really fast! 👏🏻🤭


Well-known member
October 3, 2009
Trondheim, Norway / Niavara, Balearica Island
Wasn't sure what to expect with my NFSU2 anthem, and it looks like people share my views on Snoop Dogg. I'm not a fan either. :p I am however a fan of the song, but would I have been if it wasn't for the memories from my days with NFSU2 and NFSUnlimited? Probably not. But do I regret my choice? Absolutely not. ;) Even tho I haven't played any Need For Speed for the past 7 years or so, it was a huge part of my life for a long time (check the Balearica Island thread for more), and it's great to have it included in my ::bal history. :D

Big thanks to Svobodnia, Rehi Kaita, Belvist and Effiland for the points, happy you liked it. :D

Congrats to Bagrovor on the win, and thanks to @dogmeat for the hosting, and especially for NOT taking 12 years to post the results. :D


Active member
February 16, 2021
Serbia / Bagrovor

WOW!!! My second win!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I'm really glad that you liked this little hidden gem!!!

When I sent "Последнее свидание" by Стереополина to WLSC 215, I was sure it was going to do well, but when I sent this song, I had some doubts. Now I’m so glad I chose "Better"!!!

Yes, this is my second win, but I'm still on the neverending WL. Poor @Marlfox and @Sabrewulf238... I can't imagine how they must feel. They’re so close, yet so far... :confused::confused::confused:


Well-known member
January 28, 2010
Thank you all for this spinoff!
Videogame results was a great meme for years, but it had to end so that we could have another edition! And I think it was worth it for the quality was fantastic. You brought amazing variety of genres, from old school blipping to epic scores and from indie pop to disney ballads. Variety of games was impressive too, including many different eras, indie games as well as AAA titles, and genres ranging from strategies to platformers to adventures to tapping-screen-in-rhythm (wtf that's an actual game)

I had clear top 6, but after that my votes were semi random, cause there were too many songs all deserving the remaining points. I'm especially sorry that I didn't manage to fit Oosingimaed and BI inside top 10.

It was an honor to host it, and I hope we'll get another videogame spinoff soon! xcheers
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