Well atleast they sing in native language unlike most of the rest
By the way, if anyone wants to play **************************************** Bingo along with Graham Norton tomorrow night I bagsie the phrases 'real chance this year', 'we have a winner' and 'the boys will do us proud'.
Fantastic! So instead of coming last we're going to be bottom ten with a song that sounds a good five to six years out of date; cliched lyrics, whiny vocals and random 'come on' shouts throughout. I again reiterate that the BBC has absolutely no clue when it comes to these contests, and strengthens calls for a complete shake-up of the selection process. I think I will be vindicated on the night when this song does not capture the hearts of Eurovision fans and the public.
The usual cheerleaders will say this song is amazing, no doubt, and probably strengthen the BBC's position of sending complete failures to the contest, which is disappointing. No way shall I be supporting the UK on this endevour and nor will I be canvassing for UK votes. Complete embarrassment.
Milos-BC said:This is the first time in the last 10 years the UK has taken the contest this seriously (one exception could be 2009 however), and I am pretty certain that both the juries and the televoters will appreciate that
Milos-BC said:In this weak year, Blue's song is one of the ones which really stands out imo, and they will be ranked very high (probably even win the competition
Milos-BC said:What do you mean by "usual cheerleaders"? UK was usually in my bottom 10 these last years (with Jade as an exception, she was in my top 10), but now it is my #1, so I appreciate the effort, and the good song, I don't mind what country it comes from