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Ukraine UKRAINE 2025 - Ziferblat - Bird of Pray

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    13 10.9%

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Well-known member
January 23, 2024
You better read a few posts first before writing stuff like "get a grip" or "begging for ESC fans to relax"? - Actually, Ziferblat generally gets mixed to very positive reviews on this forum? Many users are genuinely happy about it?

Maybe you can find the backlash posts on FB where many girl bop fans are around?
There were several negative ones, including one from yourself I believe.


Well-known member
January 23, 2024
What is that Sudden Lights slander. Aija is miles, miles, miiiiiiiiiles better than Birds of prey X__x

I watched the live Performance three times, or at least I attempted it, because it just does not hold my interest at all. The verses are much better than in the recording, and there are Single elements about it that are really, really good (like singer and background singers). But this does not come together as a song at all for me. Not sure what to rate it yet, probably ~5.

After the juries, I was actually hoping Khayat would take it, that really worked for me as a performance. Shame he kinda flopped with the audience 😕
Is being less competitive a sign of bad quality? Not in my book. Aija was less competitive, it was a harder song for casuals to grasp on to because of its unusual time signatures. The score it got was from its small diaspora and euro fans.


December 23, 2018
There were several negative ones, including one from yourself I believe.
Levelling criticism at a song based on one's taste in music is fine. "Several negative ones"? The very huge majority of this forum gave it points and the people commenting on it either loved it or wrote why they didn't.
Me saying that Ukraine probably won't be inside my Top 15 out of 37 isn't really "that negative".
The thing is... that user came into this forum twice now to just post something like "get a grip", "relax and chill" and pretending that we (fans on this forum) collectively and generally hate on all entries whilst they didn't read the posts/comments before (usually it's quite nuanced here).


Well-known member
April 6, 2017
It was without a doubt the best NF so far – in every aspect, a really high-quality job in terms of the music, diversity, camera work, angles, and presentations (even though it lasted more than four hours). It was very well done, Ukraine!

Ziferblat was only my 4th favorite of the night, and I have some doubts about the vocals… It's a bold piece, an indie rock style that sometimes leans towards folk, but this is solid, and it has quality, and I want to support that! So, take my :10: points and fight with Greece for my current 1st place.

Well done, Ukraine! Another year at the top of my ranking.

No Time to Cry would still be an incredible entry and my first 12 of the season… but I have to admit, it could have been better live.

DK Energetyk – I feel like they could have delivered a better performance (maybe it holds more meaning for a native than for the portuguese), but nonetheless, it transported me to Eastern Europe. The lead singer has a wonderful voice, which came through really well live. I'll definitely look up more about the band.


January 21, 2019
Tumblr, mostly.
The biggest robbery of the season thus far happend in Ukraine.

MOLODI were the choice here. They would have easily come top 3 with that song. Once you realize what the exact words in the chorus are, it's VERY difficult to not empathize with them, on top of the chorus already being melodically strong as well.

DK Enerhetyk also could have made some ripples in Switzerland with some staging adjustments. Excellent vocals in that one.

The jury definitely erred in pushing for Masha and Khayat who both sucked.

Ziferblat by comparison.... The best of the rest, yeah, and also an interesting Art Rock entry, but not quite approachable. I like them, but I will never be high on them, and I feel like that opinion may be shared by the General audience.

It will be a lower top 10 for Ukraine. :7: Points in the poll.

Ted Talks

Well-known member
February 7, 2024
I’ve really come to love Ukraine’s selections in recent years, but this one kind of leaves me feeling flat.

I don’t hate Bird of Prey but I don’t really like it either.

For me Masha’s song was the best to put forward for the final, but the staging was weak. So I understand it not being picked.

Ziferblat doesn’t really do it for me. Clearly it can be sung live but as a whole piece it feels a bit off to me. Staging is going to need a lot of work if you ask me as it’s very flat as is.

I’d hide the backing singers too so the bird noises and the like can give off more a magical/mystical feeling and aid the staging.

It’ll qualify no issue, but for the final I really don’t know what to make of it. A solid 6️⃣ for me - which is really low by recent Ukraine standards personally.


Well-known member
April 24, 2015
The song has been growing on me a little, little bit from yesterday to now but it’s still very complex and also rather annoying in its sound… I appreciate the artistic quality and the message of the song but I feel like there are too many layers in this song that make me kinda dizzy… and especially the rock instrumental part is totally not fitting to the rest of the song in my opinion, it’s ruining it more than doing any favour.

All in all I’m slightly upgrading to :3: points, I don’t want to be too harsh.


March 11, 2013
The day after, I want to congratulate to my FIЇNKA for surviving being my fave Vidbir entry of 2025, after the amazing interpretation she and the entire team on and behind the stage gave us yesterday! xheart

Come back again, our dear Gutsulyanka! xlove


Well-known member
March 17, 2013
My poor poor Khayat... Even with win from jury, he'd also have to win televote otherwise there would be a tie and Zifterblat would win


Well-known member
October 5, 2009
I've given Ukraine a :8: for now and it might have more room to grow. I really enjoyed the song after not really caring for it in the recap. Also congrats to Fiinka for doing pretty well overall (I think she came 5th?) Kultura was my number one.


Well-known member
January 29, 2024
I have never felt more out of touch with the general fandom than when I saw this song second last on the escscoreboard app? What's going through people's heads actually
It's not a girl bop or at least something similar. Those always do much better in the scoreboard App (but than often underperform comperatively in the actual competition).


October 1, 2009
Televoting in the Diia state app (1 vote = 1 person).

24.94% - Ziferblat - 90,390
19.56% - MOLODI - 70,885
17.23% - Masha Kondratenko - 62,439
14.59% - FIЇNKA - 52,858
12.22% - KHAYAT - 44,299
5.40% - DK Enerhetyk - 19,556
3.24% - KRYLATA - 11,726
1.54% - Abiye - 5,595
0.65% - Future Culture - 2,338
0.64% - Vlad Sheryf - 2,302

+ SMS voting.

Both live streams on YT combined: 1.247 million xbow
Last edited:


Well-known member
March 16, 2014
Ok, I am starting to enjoy it more.
They need to put a good revamp here, but there is room for a good final product.


February 1, 2014
Can’t connect with it. It‘s just not my type of music. I will give it a couple of listenings though before rating it. But I doubt that it would make it into the top 20 in my final ranking.
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