Ok, Ashley and his posters made me want to get back to storytelling yesterday, so here's an improvised addition to my Tybaltevan ramblings : no ad campaign here, but some royal drama (again) to build on my previous updates. @randajad I apologise to you in advance for the following post: you're the one who brought up the idea in this very thread. I liked it and thought it was worth developing. Let me know if I went too far, I always can shift focus and change the narrative. I probably should have sought your approval first... But I also wanted to surprise you and thank you for including Tybalteva in your own nation's history.
7pm news bulletin broadcast on TYBC 1, September 4, 2021.
"... and last but not least, in the news today: a picture showing a couple of
love letters allegedly written by the King of Tybalteva went viral on social media...
A couple of letters written by hand, laying on a wooden console table, and bearing
Archibald Aedan's seal were shared hundreds of thousands of times before being taken down by the platforms at the government's request.
The original shot was posted on Friday in the middle of the night on Tybster first, then on Tybsbook and Tybstagram. It might have been simply considered as an endearing token of the King's penchant for lyricism if the messages had not been so unequivocally directed to a recipient whose stature would unleash Internet users' passions on both sides of the
Klejiskýbæijj; as a matter of fact, the poetically-worded and carefully-handwritten missives were intended for none other than
Gustaav of Griffin Empire: nephew of the Griffinian monarch
Ana Klara I...
The posting was removed from all social media later on and - while the Crown did not publicly react - Prime minister
Edyta Toblerova opened a
formal legal investigation with the aim of determining the author of the leak, which would corroborate the authenticity of the aforesaid letters.
Why does it matter? Why is more important than a mere invasion of privacy? To answer these questions, let's reach
Jin Tanaka, our expert in royal matters, live from
"Thank you
Clemen, indeed if those documents turned out to be authentic, that would have all kinds of implications on the geopolitics of the region.
In less than one year, the King's private life has been exposed like never before on the occasion of his heavily-covered divorce with ex-consort
Tuorem this summer, and knowing the usually discreet nature of His Majesty on that subject, we can only assume it is yet another blow given to his privacy. We have talked a lot about his
shocking latest appearance during the celebrations of the year of the
Black Dragon, with his bleached platinum blonde hair, swollen face and overall corpulent silhouette... A sudden change of looks that led to rumours of health issues that were only partly dismissed by a communiqué stating he was "
still able to rule at the present time".
With those leaked letters, the population now learns of a potential love affair with
Gustaav of Griffin Empire, which raises many questions:
Firstly, it would be the first time in History that the Crown would allow a liaison with a figure that has
no national roots. The Tybaltevan dynasty has always been adamant that prohibiting "foreign elements" was key to protect their independance. While we can only imagine the King's intentions, that would set a noteworthy precedent.
Secondly, the documents allegedly dated back to
2019 when Aedan was still married... which goes against the narrative - spread by most media - that his divorce was nothing but His consort's doing. Maybe the circumstances were not as crystal clear as we thought they were.
Thirdly, if Archibald and Gustaav were to wed eventually, it would have significant repercussions in
Galea: not only would it cement an already strong bond between
Griffin Empire and
Tybalteva - fostering their economies, strengthening cooperations and increasing their influence - but it also would change the ratios of power dramatically in a region that historically rested on divergent political influences that blocked hegemonic positions. Tybalteva would not become a crushing force overnight, but it would probably carry enough weight for the King to reshape several diplomatic power struggles to His liking.
In other words, it would reignite
tensions with
Kamandé that most likely would look unfavourably on our nation getting more political leeway in Galea. Coincidence or not, Kamandéan president
Malena Ernman was to join Griffin Prime Minister
Jon Jozsefson today in
Kralingslæting for business purposes and meet the Queen afterwards, but ended up
cancelling her travel at the last minute due to "
scheduling issues"... Instead, she attended a cultural event in
Sima-Noire, broadcasted live on TV. I would like not to read too much into it, but I would not be surprised if Kamandéans tried to signal Griffins that they should reconsider their alliances. By extrapolation, it would be easy to deduce that
Rumia would side with Ernman while
Gvozdmost and
Pyreica would keep both parties sweet, as they did on several occasions in the past."
"That sure sounds like a lot would happen in the region, Jin. What can you tell us about
Gustaav of Griffin Empire, whose name is quite unknown here?"
"Yes, the fact that
Gustaav - out of all Griffin royalty - is involved in this is actually quite unexpected for lots of reasons. The truth is there is very little information about him, as he does not seem to be eager to be in the spotlight.
He is
Ana Klara I's nephew. His long light blonde hair, skin of alabaster, eyes of aquamarine and slender physique almost make him look like a character from a swashbuckling adventure story. All his appearances are related to royal ceremonies, although he seems to stay away from the power of the Monarch, unlike his relatives.
The only time he was pushed to the forefront was when famous magazine "
VOGUE" granted every Griffin royalty a cover throughout 2017. On that occasion, he gave his only interview to date. An interview that gave a glimpse of an educated yet enigmatic man, often speaking in oracle-like sibylline sentences. With the Griffin royal family having so many colourful members, his taciturnity makes him fade away in the background, but ironically that is what sets him apart from the others.
All of this contributes to arousing interest in him, although he never was destined for so much attention".
"Thank you, Jin. We will not fail to reach you again should we learn more in the coming weeks. And now the weather: the skies will remain clear tomorrow despite the temperatures remaining below the seasonal standards..."
That was a lot. If you made it there, thanks a lot for reading. You da real MVP.