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The NSC Map


Well-known member
January 28, 2010
Version (click for full resolution)










Version 2.1:

Version 2.0:

After you join the Waiting List, I highly recommend looking for a place for your country. The unoccupied areas implicitly belong to both withdrawn nations, and current WLers. With few exceptions, you can claim any territory you wish. Take into account the geography and descriptions of the geocultural regions above, to find what is most fitting to the concept of your nation. PM me and I'll reserve the area for you. I'm also more than happy to answer any of your questions and give advice.
There is no hard limit on how big or small a nation can be, as long as you're not trying hardcore imperialism.
NSC is farily liberal when it comes to worldbuilding. Current nations range from medieval fantasy, to realistic, to futuristic.
Last edited:


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Reym-L-Dneurb claims the territory of Sunoria

*more info soon*​


Well-known member
October 3, 2009
Check the first post for last map update from your truly. I guess Orian will be taking care of it after I take my leave.


-Halito attempts to launch invasion of Berceniland, United Huts of Haustor take advantage of the confusion and break away from Berceniland, claiming the northern region of it
-Rumian pirates seize the two island off the coast of Horehronieland
-Blondania is assimilated into Orangualia in order to avoid impending war
-A Kay A is re-charted
-U.E.O.H.P.& X. experiences drastic political changes and reverts back to being just Prasia
-Xhanostania reveals that they've built up significant army force in order to take over Alinta and Kingdom of Erås in order to make up for lost land during the 1950 flooding disaster
-10 Regions of Mobius whines about other NSCers not realizing it takes time to make every single change they request on the map. Is actually just very lazy



Well-known member
April 11, 2010
Subotica | Shelley+Nici
Uh oh..We will have a World Natia War I? :eek:

Eh, the NATIA WAR I ended up badly.

With pissed off Kostanovians and QuienDQ people, and crazy Zapryans shooting nuclear rockets.


Well-known member
January 28, 2010

I like this color.

Ok, i was given the responsibility of taking care of the map. Not an easy feat with the map being so aesthetically appealing as it is and me having as little as i have. But anyway, i should finally get around doing it, but instead of small updates, i really want to make a major overhaul. In short, i want to put all the withdrawn nations back on the map (possibly with a couple of exceptions, like countries that were assimilated into others - St. Lotus, for example).


To make the whole thing more logical. So far, countries have been randomly appearing and disappearing with little to no reasoning behind this. As a result, the map loses reliability as a basis for the role playing aspect of the game. I believe some stability will help make role playing a bigger part of NSC. It doesn't mean the map will become totally fixed once and for all. I'm aware that borders change in the real world and, likewise, they will be up to changes here. Just not so randomly and not without a proper in-game reason.

How i'm going to do this

There are two different approaches and i would like you to tell me which one you like most.
Redraw borders
+ It is a much simpler solution, demanding less work from me
+ The current shape of the continent remains
- Most countries lose their shape
- Most countries get significantly smaller (there are over 100 withdrawn countries, in addition to current 60)
Add a large bulk of land
+ Most current countries retain their shape and neighbors
+ It allows to mimic the first, original Norigin in place of this new land
- The continent loses its current shape
- Requires more work and will take more time

What about new countries

Like it or not, there will be a new continent. Not the whole of it, but small fragments at first. Most of the new land will be terra incognita, not visible on the map, that will be gradually getting discovered with new countries being added. This solution allows new members to be more flexible and creative in their country-making, as they are not limited by the old continent. However, if a new nation fits in one of the Norigin regions particularly well and some space for it gets opened, it can be placed in Norigin well enough.

What i need y'all to do
1. Let me know which of the two ways mentioned above to take
2. If you have access to old nsc maps, please post everything you have.
3. If you're an old-timer who knows a thing or two about old nations (pre-55 ones in particular), please try to group at least the most characteristic ones in Norigin regions, like on the first page, with additional info where necessary.
4. This will be the last major overhaul in a long long time, so if you have wishes regarding your country like moving to the opposite end of the world, speak up now.

Later i will post a quick country questionnaire for new members that will help me in placing them on the new continent. I find it a small thing to do to provide basic information of one's country, considering one is entering a game fixing around imaginary countries. Of course, it will not hurt for old players to fill it too.


Well-known member
May 15, 2011
To make the whole thing more logical. So far, countries have been randomly appearing and disappearing with little to no reasoning behind this. As a result, the map loses reliability as a basis for the role playing aspect of the game. I believe some stability will help make role playing a bigger part of NSC. It doesn't mean the map will become totally fixed once and for all. I'm aware that borders change in the real world and, likewise, they will be up to changes here. Just not so randomly and not without a proper in-game reason.

Screw logic, this is NSC :lol:
Think of it this way: countries which withdraw cease to exist, they dissolve their parliament, and just give up their territory to other nations. Less logical? Maybe. More practical? Surely.
But... if you really insist on adding 100+ countries, then I'd rather option no. 2.


WorldVision Mod 🌻
Staff member
October 16, 2011
Most of the new land will be terra incognita, not visible on the map, that will be gradually getting discovered with new countries being added

I love this idea, it reminds me somehow of this:

I choose the 2nd option too. By the way, it should be a difference between the active countries and the inactive ones. For example a wall to separate them or those countries can be in an apocalyptic background, like the 13th District of Panem.

I suggest to include the WL map too, somewhere in a corner, being a foreign and mostly unknown territory where the land is hardly disputed every day(to evidentiate the fact that WL is in complete change). And to arrive to the main roster those WLers should cross an Ocean, a dangerous one or something..anyway, something to keep them away from the main roster & withdrawed countries until their time will come. :lol: What do you think?


Well-known member
January 28, 2010
I suggest to include the WL map too, somewhere in a corner, being a foreign and mostly unknown territory where the land is hardly disputed every day(to evidentiate the fact that WL is in complete change). And to arrive to the main roster those WLers should cross an Ocean, a dangerous one or something..anyway, something to keep them away from the main roster & withdrawed countries until their time will come. :lol: What do you think?

This suggestion is more random than your entries :rolleyes:
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