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The Eurovision Memories Game


Staff member
April 1, 2018

It's officially 2025 and we are just five months away from the best time of the year ... Eurovision!!! Two more nations are set to decide their representative songs and artists during January. First, on 25th January, Luxembourg will have it's national final - the Luxembourg Song Contest. Then, on 30th January, Greece will host their national final in their capital city, Athens.

I will share my favourite Eurovision entries from these nations below and I would love to hear what your favourites are too! Also feel free to share any predictions or what you would like to see from these countries in Eurovision 2025 :)



Staff member
March 2, 2013
I wrote earlier that Albania may be my favorite country nowadays. Luxembourg may very well be my favorite in the first decades of Eurovision! So many amazing songs it's hard to choose favorites :eek:

:12: 1965 France Gall - Poupée de cire, poupée de son
:10: 1975 Géraldine - Toi
:8: 1973 Anne-Marie Davis - Tu te reconnaîtras
:7: 1966 Michèle Torr - Ce soir je t'attendais
:6: 1967 Vicky Leandros - L'amour est bleu
I find that Greece usually sends decent songs, though they're rarely among my favorites. The best decade for Greece, both when it comes to results and my opinion, must be the 00s. This is my top 5:

:12: 2006 Anna Vissi - Everything
:10: 2007 Sarbel - Yassou Maria
:8: 1987 Bang - Stop
:7: 2013 Koza Mostra feat. Agathon Iakovidis - Alcohol Is Free
:6: 1997 Marianna Zorba - Horepse​


FSC Administrator
Staff member
October 3, 2009
I have always been a huge fan of French ballads and in ESC :lu: Luxembourg was the best bet for such songs from the 1960s to the 1980s. As such, Luxembourg has always been among my favourite nations in ESC.

As I have mentioned before, my favourite ESC-song in ESC-history (of all nations' entries since the start in 1956) is the following gorgeous song:

Luxembourg going forwards in ESC: Mainly that they actually continue to take part after their many years away. But clearly with a view to what I wrote above, I would love if they enter beautiful French ballads.

:gr: Greece is a ESC-nation that has often been in my top 10 and in some ESC-years in my top 5. I enjoy Greek music which I have gotten much of from Greece and Cyprus in Forum Song Contest over the years. The following are my favourite Greek ESC-entries:

Greece going forwards in ESC: In my view their best period was 2000 to 2012 and I hope they will put more effort into sending good entries to ESC in the coming years since I feel many of their entries in the past 10 years have been kinda average. If they return to the type/style entries I mentioned above, then I would be very pleased.


Staff member
April 1, 2018

February 2025 is upon us and this is a very busy month for Eurovision song selections, so I've decided we will have to split this into 2 sections! The first nations we will cover are those that have National Finals between 1st-8th February 2025 (inclusive). There are 8 in total so feel free to select only a few countries you wish to give your top Eurovision songs for, or feel free to post your selections gradually a few nations at a time. I don't want it to be too time-consuming for people so get involved in whichever way suits you best​



Active member
August 29, 2023
My favorite songs from :al: :
:12: 2018 Eugent Bushpepa - Mall
:10: 2010 Juliana Pasha - Ii's All About You
:8: 2011 Aurela Gaçe - Feel the Passion

A good country in general they deserve to be many years in the GF

My favorite songs from :me: :
:12: 2013 Who See - Igranka
:10: 2015 Knez - Adio
:8: 2014 Sergej Ćetković - Moj svijet

My least favorite country. At least they was qualified in 2014 and 2015

My favorite songs from :lu: :
:12: 1973 Anne-Marie David - Tu te reconnaîtras
:10: 1965 France Gall - Poupée de cire, poupée de son
:8: 1980 Sophie and Magaly - Papa pingouin

They was strong. I understand why they won 5 times. Since the come back, they are good but it's not enough to try a new victory

My favorite songs from :gr: :
:12: 2001 Antique - Die for You
:10: 1991 Sophia Vossou - Anixi
:8: 1992 - Cleopatra - Olou tou kosmou i elpida

My favorite country from 1990s and 2000s. It's hard to choice only 3 songs

My favorite songs from :be: :
:12: 2015 Loïc Nottet - Rhythm Inside
:10: 2017 Blanche - City Lights
:8: 2003 Urban Trad - Sanomi

I have mixed feelings, they can be very strong or very disappointing. I really love this three entries

I will share the rest later because my message will be too long :LOL:


Active member
August 29, 2023
My favorite songs from :sl: :
:12: 2001 Nuša Derenda - Energy
:10: 2011 Maja Keuc - No One
:8: 2012 Eva Boto - Verjamem

Not a successful country but I like the fact they sing many years in slovene

My favorite songs from :es: :
:12: 1995 Anabel Conde - Vuelve conmigo
:10: 2012 Pastora Soler - Quédate conmigo
:8: 1990 Azúcar Moreno - Bandido

A country that I like since 1990s

My favorite songs from :ie: :
:12: 1994 Paul Harrington and Charlie McGettigan - Rock 'n' Roll Kids
:10: 1996 Eimear Quinn - The Voice
:8: 2011 Jedward - Lipstick

One of my least favorite countries. I hope they will send celtic songs one day

My favorite songs from :fi: :
:12: 2023 Käärijä - Cha Cha Cha
:10: 2007 Hanna Pakarinen - Leave Me Alone
:8: 2021 Blind Channel - Dark Side

They was not good in the past but this decade they are one of my favorite countries

My favorite songs from :lv: :
:12: 2015 Aminata - Love Injected
:10: 2016 Justs - Heartbeat
:8: 2005 Walters and Kazha - The War Is Not Over

I love the fact they send never a generic song

My favorite songs from :mt: :
:12: 2021 Destiny - Je me casse
:10: 2020 Destiny - All of My Love
:8: 2019 Michela - Chameleon

I really love the streak 2019-2021 three bops. The new system in SF doesn't help them

My favorite songs from :ua: :
:12: 2021 Go_A - Shum
:10: 2004 Ruslana - Wild dances
:8: 2013 Zlata Ognévitch - Gravity

One of the strongest countries. They are many years in the top in my rank


Staff member
April 1, 2018
As promised, here is the second part of February 2025's instalment of our Countdown to Eurovision 2025! There are 6 nations who are still due to host their National Final in the remainder of this month and I will share my personal favourite ESC entries from these countries below. As always, please feel free to share your favourite entries from these countries and predictions/wishes for their representatives in the upcoming ESC :)



Active member
August 29, 2023
My favorite songs from :pl: :
:12: 1994 Edyta Górniak - To nie ja
:10: 2017 Kasia Moś - Flashlight
:8: 2014 Donatan and Cleo - My Słowianie – We Are Slavic

Many songs are average in my rank but their debut entry is a masterpiece

My favorite songs from :it: :
:12: 1990 Toto Cutugno - Insieme :1992
:10: 2021 Måneskin - Zitti e buoni
:8: 2015 Il Volo - Grande amore
My favorite language. Eurovision was not the same in the 2000s without them. They send quality almost always grazie Italia

My favorite songs from :no: :
:12: 2019 Keiino - Spirit in the Sky
:10: 2013 Margaret Berger - I Feed You My Love
:8: 2009 Alexander Rybak - Fairytale

A great country many times underrated

My favorite songs from :ee: :
:12: 2018 Elina Nechayeva - La forza
:10: 2012 Ott Lepland - Kuula
:8: 2015 Elina Born and Stig Rästa - Goodbye to Yesterday

They improve the level since 2009

My favorite songs from :lt: :
:12: 2020 The Roop - On Fire
:10: 2021 The Roop - Discoteque
:8: 2024 Silvester Belt - Luktelk

One of my least favorite countries but this decade they are much better than expected

My favorite songs from :is: :
:12: 2020 Daði og Gagnamagnið - Think About Things
:10: 2019 Hatari - Hatrið mun sigra
:8: 2009 Yohanna - Is It True?

It's unequal to me. I love a lot of songs but I hate also many songs


FSC Administrator
Staff member
October 3, 2009
A deep-dive into my country :no: Norway's history in the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC).


Infamous for being the country who have ended last the most times in ESC-finals and for getting ‘nul points’ (zero points) 4 times (1963, 1978, 1981 and 1997), Norway has, however, won the contest 3 times (1985, 1995 and 2009) xup Many countries have never won the ESC, but having the distinction of ending last several times is often best remembered by people.

Music taste is personal and very varied as we know and what Europe likes and does not like is often (though not always) not easy to predict. Songs that are popular in one’s own country are not necessarily embraced in others. We shall take a closer look at the Norwegian 'nul pointers' below.

The Norwegian ‘nul pointers’

1963: Anita Thallaug.
She performed for Norway. I don’t know much about her except that she was an actress and singer. I have listened to her song and she has a good voice. To me it sounds much like many songs from that era, the 1960s, and it was performed in Norwegian, the native tongue. No stage performance in those days. I do not see any special reason why it should flop big time, but clearly it was not embraced by the European juries (there were only juries in ESC in those days).

1978: Jahn Teigen. Perhaps the most infamous Norwegian ‘nul pointer’ both because he was a larger-than-life artist but also because he turned defeat to success and subsequently over the years became Norway’s probably greatest male pop-artist. And what a career he had! His ESC-song, a decent pop-song but with a few instances where he went a bit OTT vocally, became an evergreen in Norwegian pop-history.

Teigen started as a singer in a prog.rock band in the early 70s and was known for his strong voice, then joined a comedy-music trio for some years, and also had his own solo career as a pop-artist. This included a multitude of Norwegian MGP-appearances and several in the ESC. He had much national success in the 1990s while in his later years he retired from the music business but was still loved by the Norwegian public. I think this passion came for several reasons.

That he throughout his career had dared to be himself (never taking himself seriously, being a bit comedic at times but genuine with charm and kindness and humour), that he turned his ESC-defeat into something positive, and that he toured Norway over several decades showing his appreciation for his fans and sharing his many wonderful written songs. He passed away some years ago but will always be remembered in this country.

1981: Finn Kalvik. A singer and composer who had decent though not great success with several albums in Norway in the 1970s. He released albums for several decades after this having a modest career. He is best remembered for this ESC-song which bombed at ESC but became popular in Norway and was even recorded in English. The song is a Norwegian folk melody which Europe did not embrace though I do not find it that bad myself.

1997: Tor Endresen. Another ‘nul pointer’. This is a singer who has been around for many decades and has had some success and popularity. The ESC-song was a pop-swing type song which Europe did not embrace. Again, I don’t find the song that bad, though it must be said that it probably was the poorest of his MGP-songs through the years. He took part in MGP many times and personally I think his best song was in 1992 called “Radio Luxembourg”, a very catchy pop-song in homage to that once-radio station, it came second in MGP and could have made the top 12 that year, I think. So, I am glad he got to take part in ESC at last, just a pity it was with the wrong song imo.

The Norwegian Last Places in ESC

12 times according to stats: 1963, 1969, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1981, 1990, 1997, 2001, 2004, 2012, 2024*

*(last in final, but other countries behind in semifinals)

Some of the earlier songs (1960s-mid 1970s) I don’t have much to say about, but the song “Mata Hari” by Anne-Karine Strøm gained some popularity in Norway despite the flop in ESC. Jahn’s Teigen’s song (1978) has been mentioned above, same as Finn Kalvik’s (1981). “Brandenburger Tor” by Ketil Stokkan (1990) is remembered fondly by some ESC-fans and was an homage to the Berlin Wall falling. Tor Endresen’s song in 1997 I also mentioned before. Haldor Lægreid’s ballad in 2001 was not the best, a rather weak entry which flopped in ESC.

Same happened in 2004 with Knut Anders Sørum who had a song which was not terrible I would say, just kind of uninteresting. In 2012 Tooji’s song “Stay” also flopped in ESC despite its modern dance vibes/performance etc. This was more of a surprise since many Norwegians thought it could enter the top 15. Finally 2024 and Gåte is included on official stats, but personally I think with semi finals and thereby entries not getting to the final, ending last in the final should not count as much as in the years with no semis.

Underrating of Norway in ESC

There has been underrating of Norway in ESC same as happens with all other countries. The instances in the past 20 years that especially come to mind seen through my eyes, are:

2005 Wig Wam. 9th place was decent but I think this catchy well-performed Glam-rock song deserved top 5. Wig Wam have always excelled live on stage and I thought their ESC-performance was energetic and great. Perhaps the song came a bit 'early' for ESC since Lordi conquered with a not very dissimilar music style the following year (but with masks which may have added to that song's appeal).

2006 Christine Guldbrandsen. 14th place is something I to this day can't understand. "Alvedansen" was a great song and melody, catchy and with a Norwegian vibe, and performed stylishly in beautiful white dresses by beautiful women. What was there not to like? Certainly deserved top 8 as I see it.

2011 Stella Mwangi. This song failed to qualify for the final which I think was undeserved. It was a 'fresh attempt' in MGP and ESC from Norway, something a bit different, something catchy and a bit ethnic and rhytmic, something that stood out from what Norway often sent to ESC. I thought it was a fun entry which made one want to party/dance and I think it should have been in the final.

The Norwegian ESC Victories

1985: Bobbysocks
. Norway went bananas in 1985 after the first Norwegian victory in ESC! We had never been close to winning and with the last places and ‘nul points’ fresh in memory it was a shock to actually win! The Bobbysocks ladies returned across the border from Sweden and were followed by an entourage of cars all the way back to Oslo where people celebrated in the streets as if we had won the Football World Cup! Those who experienced this say they will never forget it! A fun pop-swing song conquered Europe! Being the first ESC-victory, it was very special!

1995: Secret Garden. If the first victory in 1985 was a shock, winning in 1995 with in effect an instrumental melody was quite the huge surprise! A beautiful violin-performed melody with only a few lines of text, it was a ESC-winner very much out of the ordinary. Not everyone enjoyed it, the Swedish commentators infamously criticizing it for not being a proper song, but Europe embraced it and Norway got its second victory! I loved the song but it was a very strong ESC-year (with great songs from Croatia, Sweden and Israel among others) and I did not think it would conquer. I have loved Secret Garden ever since and they will be celebrating their 30th anniversary this year, very impressive!

2009: Alexander Rybak. Not many times I have watched a Norwegian MGP-performance and thought, this song can win ESC. But this happened when I watched Alexander Rybak in the MGP-final. The song was quality, professional, catchy, Norwegian-vibed and the performance was top notch and I thought that this could actually win ESC! And it did indeed go on to conquer in ESC becoming one of the biggest winners of all time! I think NRK understood we had a potential winner on our hands, but ESC 2009 was another great ESC-year (with great songs from Iceland, Azerbaijan and several other countries) and so nothing was taken for granted. I have always liked Aleander Rybak and have entered him several times in FSC. In recent years he has changed his music style toward more showtime-pop as I would call it which I personally think is a pity because his folk-style pop was what I liked the best, but he travels the path of music he enjoys and that is what counts.

Norwegian MGP/ESC: reflections

I think Norway has had many great songs in ESC through the years but also many average ones and some poor ones. This goes for most countries, I guess. I will list my top 10 Norwegian ESC-songs below (but I have liked many more through the years).

In general, I would say the Norwegian public votes with the heart and not tactically in MGP. In other words, we vote for what we like, not primarily what we think will be popular and do well at a certain point in time. Many ballads have won MGP over the years because many Norwegians love ballads, but in recent years more up tempo songs have succeeded. Perhaps because more younger people in Norway have tuned in to watch MGP, there is more media attention also across social networks, Youtube/Spotify etc, and with the increasing amount of participants in ESC over the past few decades a wish to at least get to the ESC-final has become stronger and influence the MGP-voting.

There is an added factor here which I think plays some part, and that is that many Norwegians like to give new faces/artists/often young singers/performers a chance "to shine", be it in pop-IDOL, X-Factor or MGP, something which I think may have aided Alessandra, KEiiNO and now Kyle in recent years.

As for voting in ESC, for other countries' songs, it is true that Norway often vote for Sweden which is partly because there are Norwegians living in Sweden who want to support their home country and because we are well acquainted with Swedish music over many decades. Interestingly enough Sweden votes far less often for Norway so although some people talk about a 'Scandinavian block' in ESC and 'exchanges of votes' things are not quite so simple. I have seen Norway give high points to many countries far outside Scandinavia in ESC and sometimes I am quite surprised by the choices. It makes things more interesting and unpredictable though.

I must add I was a fan of the MF-like semifinals and grand shows we had in MGP some years back, it was great fun and more a music festival than we get now with 9-10 songs and a single final. It think it became too expensive and that was primarily why our national broadcaster NRK decided to return to more traditional variants like we have today. It still works but is not quite the same in my eyes.

My 10 favourite Norwegian ESC-songs (chronologically):

Jahn Teigen & Anita Skorgan (1982)
Kate Guldbrandsen (1987)
Karoline Krüger (1988)
Silje Vige (1993)
Secret Garden (1995)
Christine Guldbrandsen (2006)
Maria Haukaas Mittet (2008)
Alexander Rybak (2009)
Margaret Berger (2013)
KEiiNO (2019)

ESC and Norway in the past 6 years (2019-2025)

I loved KEiiNO in 2019, I think Ulrikke could have made the top 6 in 2020 with her strong ballad, in 2021 I think KEiiNO’s ‘Monument’ should have beaten Tix, in 2022 I found Subwoolfer’s clever -and more sophisticated than many think and not joke song- fun and cool, Alessandra’s song in 2023 was great, while Gåte’s song in 2024 was average but could have been better, a very accomplished Norwegian folk-rock band after all. As for 2025, see below.

It concerns me a little that Norway recently have gotten killed by the juries in ESC. It happened in 2019 with KEiiNO and in 2023 with Alessandra. Neither of those songs were typical ‘critic favourite’ melodies but come on! The total underrating by the juries were suspect in my eyes and lost Norway a few places on the final ranking. Seeing the near-landslide KEiiNO received in the televote across Europe in 2019 was a highlight for sure and an ‘in your face’ to the juries.

I have over the years been uncertain in my view how much the juries should count in ESC. Originally I thought having a 50/50 divide between juries and televote was sensible, also to ensure some quality in entries and considerations, but in recent years I have become more doubtful and wonder if perhaps televotes should count more. Some fans want to get rid of the juries altogether; I am not quite there, but perhaps televotes should count say 60%.

Norway just had its MGP for 2025 and Kyle Alessandro will represent Norway in Switzerland in May. As I have said elsewhere, I did not think it was the best entry, best was Nataleen in my eyes, since I find Kyle’s entry average in every way: average song, average vocals, ok performance but a bit ‘superficial’ lacking identity and personality. But many of my countrymen loved it (liking the boy-ish charm and having gotten to know some of his history though media coverage beforehand, something which may have aided him seeing his mother's hard story and the lyrics of his song) and so we wish the entry the best in the ESC in May and hope it gets to the final! (and if it does, I sincerely hope it won’t be killed by the juries so we get the 'jury-bias' yet another time).


FSC Administrator
Staff member
October 3, 2009
I have now listened to many more ESC-entries for this year 2025 and I gotta admit I am not much impressed. It will always come down to personal taste both with regards to the type of Eurovision one wants and the type of songs one wants.

I have left some critical comments to certain songs and trends in the ESC-section of this site but since this Eurovision-section here in the FSC Universe also deals with this year's contest I will repeat here some of what I said.

I guess I am old school when it comes to ESC, but my impression is that the Eurovision Song Contest is becoming the Eurovision Show Contest where performance trumps melodies and where shock-factor songs ("trash"/comedic/weird entries) are used to stand out. This often in my opinion leads to good quality melodies losing out.

It has been this way for a while of course, the world has changed since the 1990s when songs and vocals were central in ESC, but I notice this trend even stronger in the past few years. Some ESC-fans don't mind this and enjoy the greater show-factor of modern contests, but I think it takes away something important from ESC and I find it a pity.

I hope a few songs yet to be selected will be to my music taste but only time will tell.


Active member
August 29, 2023
I agree with you. With only the televote in SF, many countries will send something to be memorable for the audience no matter the quality. I add that with only the televote some countries like Malta or San Marino has not many chances to be qualify (Malta doesn't deserved to be last in 2023 and 2024).
It's why we need the come back of juries in SF or the contest will be come back to 2000s with the low quality of songs.


Staff member
April 1, 2018
Wow we had quite a few unscheduled releases at the end of February 2025 which we're not on the Eurovision website calendar, so we will now include those nations in our Countdown to Eurovision 2025! We will also begin with the early March's releases, so this will be quite a big instalment looking at our favourite entries for 10 nations. The sixth and final part of our countdown will be released tomorrow evening. As always, please feel free to share your favourites from any of these nations and I look forward to hearing your opinions :)


Active member
August 29, 2023
My favorite songs from :az: :
:12: 2009 AySel & Arash - Always
:10: 2013 Farid Mammadov - Hold Me
:8: 2019 Chingiz - Truth

They was really good between 2009 and 2013. In recent years I'm disappointed to be honest

My favorite songs from :au: :
:12: 2019 Kate Miller-Heidke - Zero Gravity
:10: 2016 Dami Im - Sound of Silence
:8: 2023 Voyager - Promise

They started really strong. I'm curious to see If they will stay a long time in the contest

My favorite songs from :nl: :
:12: 1975 Teach-In - Ding-a-dong
:10: 1980 Maggie MacNeal - Amsterdam
:8: 2014 The Common Linnets - Calm After the Storm

An old country at ESC. Some masterpieces who deserved to win

My favorite songs from :rs: :
:12: 2007 Marija Šerifović - Molitva
:10: 2022 Konstrakta - In Corpore Sano
:8: 2015 Bojana Stamenov - Beauty Never Lies

I love the fact they share their culture. I hope they will continue in this way

My favorite songs from :dk: :
:12: 2013 Emmelie de Forest - Only Teardrops
:10: 2018 Rasmussen - Higher Ground
:8: 2000 Olsen Brothers - Fly on the Wings of Love

Not bad in general but they need to stop with pop songs every years it doesn't work


Staff member
April 1, 2018

Apologies it's a bit later than promised, but here is the final part of our countdown to ESC 2025. Thank you to everyone who has taken part so far and of course we still have 2 months until the beginning of the contest, so feel free to continue sharing your favourites and predictions over the coming weeks :)



Active member
August 29, 2023
My favorite songs from :de: :
:12: 1994 Mekado - Wir geben 'ne Party
:10: 1979 Dschinghis Khan - Dschinghis Khan
:8: 1975 Joy Fleming - Ein Lied kann eine Brücke sein

Underrated they deserve more many years

My favorite songs from :hr: :
:12: 2024 Baby Lasagna - Rim Tim Tagi Dim
:10: 1999 Doris - Marija Magdalena
:8: 1998 Danijela - Neka mi ne svane

Croatia is many years low in my ranking but hey send three masterpieces

My favorite songs from :at: :
:12: 2014 Conchita Wurst - Rise Like a Phoenix
:10: 1996 George Nussbaumer - Weil's dr guat got
:8: 1993 Tony Wegas - Maria Magdalena

Not a fan in general but I love few songs

My favorite songs from :cz: :
:12: 2023 Vesna - My Sister's Crown
:10: 2018 Mikolas Josef - Lie to Me
:8: 2022 We Are Domi - Lights Off

They stated bad but they send good now

My favorite songs from :uk: :
:12: 1997 Katrina and the Waves - Love Shine a Light
:10: 1996 Gina G - Ooh Aah... Just a Little Bit
:8: 1998 Imaani - Where Are You?

My favorite country in the 20th century. They was so strong


Active member
August 29, 2023
My favorite songs from :se: :
:12: 2012 Loreen - Euphoria
:10: 2022 Cornelia Jakobs - Hold Me Closer
:8: 2023 Loreen - Tattoo

My favorite country since the 2010s. I know many fans are disagree but for me they are so effective with a good production

My favorite songs from :sm: :
:12: 2008 Miodio - Complice
:10: 2019 Serhat - Say Na Na Na
:8: 2021 Senhit - Adrenalina

Not easy with a little population but sometimes they surprise me

My favorite songs from :pt: :
:12: 2008 Vânia Fernandes - Senhora do mar (negras águas)
:10: 1994 Sara - Chamar a música
:8: 1989 Da Vinci - Conquistador

I love the way they defend their culture. Proud of my Portuguese origins

My favorite songs from :il: :
:12: 1991 Duo Datz - Kan
:10: 1983 Ofra Haza - Hi
:8: 1982 Avi Toledano - Hora

They was so good in the past

My favorite songs from :ch: :
:12: 2005 Vanilla Ninja - Cool Vibes
:10: 1988 Céline Dion - Ne partez pas sans moi
:8: 2024 Nemo - The Code

Good country in general. Since 2019 they are really competitive

My favorite songs from :cy: :
:12: 2018 Eleni Foureira - Fuego
:10: 1997 Hara and Andreas Konstantinou - Mana mou
:8: 2012 Ivi Adamou - La La Love

I like many songs but they are too safe in recent years. I hope they will try something different than pop songs

My favorite songs from :fr: :
:12: 1977 Marie Myriam - L'Oiseau et l'Enfant
:10: 1991 Amina - C'est le dernier qui a parlé qui a raison
:8: 2002 Sandrine François - Il faut du temps

It's 50/50. I love many french songs but I hate many others songs.

My favorite songs from :ge: :
:12: 2011 Eldrine - One More Day
:10: 2024 Nutsa Buzaladze - Firefighter
:8: 2015 Nina Sublatti - Warrior

One of my least favorite countries. I'm curious to see what kind of songs they will send this year
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