Something that crossed my mind about something that was mentioned like "the overhype of Euphoria passed", I think it's not this the reason why it failed to reach the final. For me, "Euphoria" is a very good winner and my #1 from 2012 by far. But it's by no means among my absolute favorites of all time. And I know there are many people who feel this way. Last year we had a lot of people who were voting in TBT just to make "Euphoria" win. So, we saw it being in top 5 in the final. This year, TBT was free from this kind of biased voters, so it had a decent result, reaching the semi-final. I find TBT this year being less biased in general, although I still think that there was some kind of "bias" against songs from 21st century (not from individuals, but as a whole). What I mean is that from 20th century songs, there are many songs that have a mass appeal to most voters, many classic songs that ESC fans are crazy for. But for 21st century ones, each person has different favorites, and most of them don't overlap between one another, so in the end they kill each other and this is in favor of the classic songs. This is how I understand things in TBT.